
l88lhi all ive installed a second os and now when i boot there is no grub splash screen showing to select between ubuntu and minux-what to do to fix grub(bios"no uefi required"?01:06
oerhekssee the grub manual, hit esc or an other key01:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:09
oerheksif it is not in the list, os-prober is disabled01:09
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l88lty oerheks01:47
l88lreading and experimenting now01:47
darwinin installed two Ubuntu variants and am chrooting into them from another GNU/Linux.  When I do so, it says 'groups: cannot find name for group ID 17 [and ...] group ID 215'.  I looked in /etc/group and these groups don't even exist.  What does this mean.  I am still able to chroot but just want things to work the way they should03:09
oerhekswhy chrooting into them from another GNU/Linux ??03:12
oerhekswith an ubuntu iso it should work fine03:12
darwinbecause I want to.  Does anyone know the answer?04:15
darwinsomeone always has to ask the ridiculous question04:17
FragUPlentyHello good sir05:24
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Guest9031can anyone tell me after installing jdk.deb file how to set Java home and path for all user so that i can access every binary inside jvm's bin folder from terminal 🥴07:34
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nojitronichey y'all please s1 help me a little i am running ubuntu 22.04 desktop gnome, hav been trying to get my grub2 bootloader screen to display during boot, not getting anywhere and been reading and trying all afternoon08:28
nojitronichave tried the boot rescue gui08:29
nojitronicnot working08:30
koffeinfriedhofnojitronic: Try https://askubuntu.com/a/126413008:30
nojitronicalso tried enable/disable the os prober in /etc/grub/default08:30
koffeinfriedhofThen it would help if you make a list what you already tried and how the setup looks now. That would be easier on the forums I think. Mention the hardware used and which blobs are needed to run, if it is UEFI or BIOS, etc.08:32
nojitronicfyi i am using  a mb has no UEFI. I have bios legacy to be clear.08:34
nojitronickoffeinfriedhof fair enuf will do in a second08:34
quemon 23.04. weyland has been crashing today, a few times per hour, seemingly unprovoked.08:34
nojitronicits was me man was having an argy bargy wit wayland from wayback yo08:35
AtqueDoes Ubuntu still use Mir by default?08:36
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lotuspsychje!mir | Atque08:38
ubottuAtque: Mir is a display server developed by Canonical and Ubuntu. From Ubuntu 17.04 ( Zesty Zapus ) onward, emphasis has shifted to embedded devices and applications, notably UBports as stated by Mark Shuttleworth ( https://plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/7LYubpaHUHH ). Regular Ubuntu 17.10 onwards will use GNOME.08:38
alkisgAtque, no, GNOME is using wayland by default, the rest are using xorg08:39
lotuspsychjequem: check your /var/crash to see if wayland showsup there08:39
quemlotuspsychje: yeah, quite a bit.08:40
lotuspsychje!bug | quem08:40
ubottuquem: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:40
lotuspsychjequem: you can follow the 'crash' bug procedure wich is different from filing regular bugs if you like08:41
quemall right, will do08:41
lotuspsychjequem: see also the recently added existing xwayland bugs here; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xwayland/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=008:43
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l88lhi all my goal is to be able to boot into either minux linux or ubuntu at boot time, ive installed the Ubuntu 22.04 second but i dont see any grub screen at boot time-Help me please09:11
lotuspsychjel88l: what you could try is enter recoverymode/grub and collect your grub config into a paste, so the volunteers can take a look at it to help you09:16
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alkisgl88l: you mean that ubuntu boots normally and you just don't see the grub menu?09:23
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l88lsorry got called away for trampoline time with kids09:25
l88li dont see a grub screen at all during boot how could i get what you need re infomations for a pastebin? dmesg?09:27
l88lgrep anything in particular09:27
l88lor is there another log area better suited to inform those in the channel09:28
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lotuspsychjel88l: /etc/default/grub file would be a good start to share in a paste09:28
lotuspsychje!paste | l88l09:29
ubottul88l: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:29
l88li may have changed the value to true | #GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true09:32
l88lor commented it-cant recall09:33
alkisgl88l: sudo wget https://gitlab.com/sch-scripts/sch-scripts/-/raw/main/share/sch-scripts/grub.cfg -O /etc/default/grub.d/local.cfg && sudo update-grub09:36
alkisgRun that ^, then reboot09:36
l88li only have one user account  can i just edit the file myself09:37
l88land run update-grup after then reboot09:38
alkisgIt's best to create local configuration files rather than change the distribution ones; it avoids prompts on updates09:38
l88l(goal is to see two linux distros to choose which to boot at boot up time)09:38
l88lokay will do, why is that (i dont know)09:38
alkisgIf you want to edit grub.cfg instead of create local.cfg, sure, just see the link I pasted, copy the lines, and paste them in grub.cfg09:38
alkisgMost files in /etc are called "conffiles" and if you change them, then when ubuntu is updated and a new configuration file arrives, you'll see a dialog "how to merge the changes"09:39
alkisgThat's why most packages offer .d directories like /etc/default/grub.d, where you can place your own configuration files without touching the ones shipped by packages09:39
l88li see thanks for explaining to me, am about to reboot post changes recommended. if this works i will kiss you through the screen | pining for other os to work along side 22.0409:43
alkisgHehe, ciao09:43
l88lbugger it'sa no workies09:49
l88lit sees MX-linux but nothing on boot(no grub screen is shown) just boot ubuntu09:50
alkisgl88l: do you mean that you see the grub menu, but you don't see the other OS there?09:50
l88li dont see the menu at all09:50
l88lstraight into ubuntu09:51
alkisgNo grub screen... strange... what if you keep pressing Esc?09:51
l88lnot tried but will reboot and try now, ty brb09:51
alkisgAlso try with "left shift" held down09:51
lotuspsychjealkisg: i found a more up to date grub wiki, then the one from the factoid, let me know if you like it? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup09:52
alkisglotuspsychje: it's well written but it could use an update; some things have changed since 12.04...09:54
lotuspsychjealkisg: ok tnx, i saw it was last edited on 2023-04-22 so i wondered09:55
akikcan't ubuntu just get rid of the hidden grub menu? it is causing only problems for debugging10:03
l88ldidn't make a difference man, hitting esc. here is a dmesg paste if it helps https://pastebin.com/juQ6Bsna10:05
l88ltried the left shift key also, that didnt make the grub screen show either10:05
alkisgl88l: which OS did you install last? Ubuntu or the other one?10:06
l88lmight have to format and drop back a version of lts ubuntu to get this boot loader thing sorted10:10
l88lare you out of ideas10:10
alkisgl88l: if you boot from a live usb stick, do you see grub there?10:11
bblinkyWhat's the name of the applet that's used to controll sound, battery and connectivity?10:16
lotuspsychjebblinky: do you mean the gnome indicator in the right upper corner, or conky widgets?10:17
bblinkylotuspsychje: gnome-indicator sonds likely10:18
lotuspsychjebblinky: what are you trying to do exactly?10:18
bblinkyI am experiencing the issue that every time I leave the room with my phone (which is my hotspot) and then come back, I have to go through the menu and go to select network before it rescans and finds the phone again10:18
bblinkyI am wondering if I can set it to be a tad more agressive with the scanning when it's not connected10:19
bblinky(btw, I am on popOS rn, but I was experiencing the same under ubuntu)10:20
akikbblinky: android wifi hotspot has a setting for timing-out the hotspot10:23
bblinkyakik: it's not timing out10:24
akikbblinky: did you try to change it?10:24
bblinkyNo, becasue it's not timing out... The widged is just lazy at rescanning10:25
akikbblinky: yea go change it then10:25
akikbblinky: android wifi hotspot advanced settings10:25
bblinkyWhat does it help to make the timeout interval larger if the laptop does not scan for the network until I press the find networks button?10:26
l88li see a grub from a live-boot usb of any distro10:37
l88lcooking atm so if im a while on the reply, you know why sorry man10:38
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l88lanyone hungry i have the most amazing laksa like chicken hokien noodle recipie-if you help me restore my grub menu its yours10:42
akikdcc it to me10:42
l88ltakes 45mins to cook feeds ya for two days and is hard to muck it up10:42
akikl88l: did you edit /etc/default/grub to remove the timeout and hidden values?10:43
l88lakik, should i have this is what my file looks like at present, https://pastebin.com/mUiVbCj410:51
akikl88l: looks fine, no hidden values and the timeout is 10s10:54
akikl88l: do you have another grub.cfg in the efi esp (/boot/efi) ?10:55
akikl88l: and did you run update-grub after editing /etc/default/grub ?10:56
l88lre did i run update-grub=yes, about the second question...im not sure could you walk me through how i could check this10:57
l88li have an old motherboard, no UEFI so i think that means i dont need a efi partition10:58
l88li am using gpt on the drive10:58
l88land primary partitions for the installations if that is relevent10:59
l88lno swap10:59
l88lno separate home10:59
l88ljust two debian based OS's mx linux (uses init&sysd if you make it)11:00
l88lUbuntu 22.04 and MX.linux wildflower11:00
akikl88l: check the grub.cfg file in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu11:01
akikyou are NOT using uefi boot?11:01
akikl88l: are you now in ubuntu and you're just missing the grub menu?11:02
l88lto both questions/statements11:03
akikl88l: try reinstalling grub with "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX"11:03
akikl88l: and after that "sudo update-grub"11:03
akikif you're booting in bios mode11:03
akikfor uefi the options are different and you don't specify the target device11:04
l88lsays installation finished no errors, roggie ty for explaining...will try a reboot should i run update-grub prior to reboot?11:04
akikl88l: yes11:05
l88llook alright?11:06
l88lto reboot now11:06
akikl88l: wait11:06
akikl88l: "Installing for x86_64-efi platform."11:06
akikl88l: that's for uefi boot11:06
l88lwhy does it do that when im legacy only11:06
l88li dont have uefi for sure11:06
akikl88l: do you see something with "sudo ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars" ?11:07
l88lyes i see this https://pastebin.com/iPLxJVAj11:08
akikl88l: ok so you have booted in uefi mode :)11:08
l88lhow could i boot in uefi mode (am i missing something) i have an old motherboard and it does not have UEFI (100%sure)11:09
l88lasus a8ne deluxe11:09
akikl88l: that dir wouldn't show up if you booted in bios mode11:09
l88lhang on11:09
l88lbetter check that11:10
l88lGigabyte GA-870A-UD311:12
akikl88l: you can see that grub-install found "Found MX 21.3 Wildflower (21.3) on /dev/sda3"11:13
akikl88l: now it's just a matter of making system use the correct grub config11:13
akikl88l: for uefi there's another grub.cfg in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu11:14
akikl88l: the main one lives in /boot/grub11:14
l88lokay so are you saying i have an efi file(config) for uefi:that i dont need and another file elsewhere for bios that i do need? sorry for silly question11:14
bblinkylotuspsychje: I think the "applet" I am talking about might be to the right of the gnome-indicator?11:15
akikl88l: you're 100% absolutely booting ubuntu in uefi mode11:15
l88l*legacy bios11:15
l88lhow do i stop booting into uefi mode11:15
akikl88l: the one in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu is probably a stub file referencing the main grub.cfg in /boot/grub11:16
akikl88l: i don't know if it's possible once you installed the system11:16
l88lthen what should i make sure to avoid doing in future to avoid this situation in future. I dont know how i got to installing uefi partition (during installation) or how to avoid doing so in future11:18
l88lsorry that makes no sense, let me re phrase11:18
akikl88l: when you boot the computer you have to select the non-uefi boot mode11:18
akikl88l: i mean when you start with the usb stick installer11:18
l88li am not presented with an option at boot time like that11:19
akikl88l: it could be a setting also in your computer's uefi menus11:19
l88li only see (install boot-live i mean) install oem install memtest11:20
akikl88l: uefi boot or uefi boot with csm11:20
l88lno i don't see those on my boot menus ever11:20
akikl88l: try pressing f8 when the computer boots up for a boot device menu11:20
akikl88l: that could be another key too11:20
akikmaybe f1011:21
l88lhave tried the esc and left shift11:21
l88lwill try F811:21
akikl88l: those are only for grub11:21
l88land ten11:21
bblinkylotuspsychje: https://0x0.st/HPym.png11:21
akikl88l: i mean you should try to make the computer show the boot device menu11:21
l88lgot ya man11:21
l88lback soon11:21
l88lno luck, rtfm atm hit me up if you think of anything11:36
l88lplease, and thanks for all your advice all11:37
akikl88l: go into the uefi menus of the computer, search for uefi setting (or csm) disable uefi and or enable uefi with csm11:37
d-krekhello there11:37
akikl88l: ""UEFI with CSM" usually means mixed mode in which both native (UEFI) and CSM-based (BIOS) boot is available."11:38
akikl88l: then you just need to figure out how to make the computer give you a boot device menu11:38
d-krekis there life nearby?11:38
akikl88l: from that menu you can boot the usb stick installer in non-uefi mode11:38
akikl88l: i have another thing you might be able to change11:40
akikl88l: change the grub timeout to 30s11:40
akikl88l: maybe your computer is just slow in showing the grub menu11:40
l88lkinda feeling like a stubborn stick in the mud that won't listen to reason, but i assure you i know what bios and uefi are and have seen both during boot time on various machines at labs (skool) vs home i have old skool legacy bios without the option to choose a boot mode11:41
akikl88l: another option is to uncomment "GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT=console" in grub config11:41
l88lwill try those two things man =)11:41
l88lakik, you the man you fix'd it11:54
l88lthank you very much11:54
* l88l smiles, yells hooray and backflips almost =)11:55
Catch25Hi, I run linux ubuntu on my laptop but am trying to make a windows 10 usb for a friend, i downloaded the windows 10 iso, how do i create the usb stick?11:56
akikl88l: the grub options fixed it? you're still booting in uefi mode :)11:57
l88llearn to use lsblk to list your drives or Disk's then use a command like dd to copy the windows iso to an usb11:57
akikdd doesn't work for the windows iso11:57
l88lyou need to dd if="".iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress or use etcher and dont risk deleting your main ssd drive with operating system on it in the process cuz you chose the wrong sdX (usually sdb, not always)11:59
akikCatch25: you can also create it manually if woeusb doesn't work https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2020/04/25/how-to-create-a-bootable-uefi-gpt-windows-10-usb-stick-in-ubuntu/12:00
l88letcher app image is a prettty safe option and keeps it simple AlexC12:00
akikl88l: dd won't work with the windows iso12:00
AlexCetcher didn't work for me either for win isos in the past12:00
l88letcher works for sure12:01
l88lwhy is that12:01
l88lbarely social here just tell me your problems12:02
akikl88l: you're just hyped up with that grub menu of your's :)12:03
l88llols "Ubuntu is like theropy"12:03
l88lmy oath12:03
l88li am12:03
l88li love you man12:03
akikdon't love me too much ma12:03
akikpc hardware is so diverse the the defaults just don't work for every setup12:04
BluesKajHi all12:54
ForeverNoob[m]Hello, is there a tool that converts xinpit's Synaptics commands to libinput ones? I have this script: https://paste.debian.net/1278983/ - but it's not recognizing the Synaptics commands because I have libinput drivers installed: https://paste.debian.net/1278985/13:13
TheCh0senHello everyone!13:20
TheCh0senI Recently "Distro-Hopped" to Ubuntu 23.0413:21
TheCh0senAnd it's awesome! i like it!13:21
TheCh0senI Have a problem when running any 32-Bit program, The CPU usage goes above 100%13:22
TheCh0senis this a common problem? is there a fix? Thanks in advance.13:22
alkisgTheCh0sen: you need to wait13:24
alkisgIRC isn't instant. You state your issue,then wait a few minutes for the answer (and up to days some times :))13:25
ravageNever heard of such a problem13:25
TheCh0senI See.. Thanks, But i thought my internet connection is terrible :)13:25
alkisgAlso, mention an example, which 32bit program,do you mean inside wine?13:25
TheCh0senwine or native, any 32-bit program13:25
TheCh0senCounter-strike source, regexbuddy on wine13:26
TheCh0senmany more...13:26
TheCh0senif you need my specs i can send you what you need13:26
alkisgI just downloaded https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.30.0-i686/busybox, chmod +x busybox, and ran: busybox ash13:27
alkisgNo cpu usage at all13:28
alkisgSo it sounds like application specific; unfortunately I don't have the apps you mention. Find the smallest possible way to reproduce the issue, it'll help others to see what you see13:28
alkisg(or, you try busybox too; if you do see cpu usage with it, something's wrong)13:29
TheCh0senOk I'll try...13:29
TheCh0senDammit, you were right. It's app specific13:34
jhutchinsTheCh0sen: How much CPU do these applications take on native Windows?13:35
TheCh0sendownloaded same busybox version ran same command13:35
TheCh0senReally low cpu usage on windows13:35
TheCh0sene.g. 20% Maximum for CS Source13:36
alkisgCS source runs under wine?13:37
TheCh0senI Should note that I have the native version of the game, and that didn't happen with any other distro based on ubuntu 20.0413:37
TheCh0senNo it's 32-bit native executable13:37
alkisgAre you using wayland?13:37
alkisgTry on xorg13:38
TheCh0sentried, nothing different13:38
alkisgCheck your GPU usage in "other distros" vs "23.04". If there's no GPU usage in 23.04, it'll expain things (software emulation)13:39
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Guest784accidentally discovered that the sleep function works on my macbook, but, it is very slow to start back up, is there any way to figure out whats slowing it down?14:08
Guest784(using ubuntu/bhodi obv, not macos)14:08
mortHey, so 'lsb_release -a' says I'm on Ubuntu 23.04; but `do-release-upgrade -d` says upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release. I thought I was on the latest supported release?14:10
Guest784or, does wake from sleep require a specific key maybe? I'm tapping enter/space/mousepad and power14:14
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icedwaterHi all, would it be a good idea to uninstall mysqld on Ubuntu 22.04?15:06
icedwaterWell, 20.04.6 on DigitalOcean, but I'm just not sure which system services depend on it15:06
atomsdid you install something like LAMP?15:07
jhutchinsGuest544: Most of that is a matter of hardware, and what actual "sleep" mode it's in.  Suspend-to-RAM should recover within a few seconds.  Suspend-to-disk takes more time to read the image from the drive.15:13
jhutchinsGuest544: Some systems, notably networking, rely on a response from the local router or DHCP server, which may add a delay.15:14
jhutchinsicedwater: It would be a better idea to learn why it's installed and what services might use it.15:14
jhutchinsicedwater: I would guess that Digital Ocean expects to support a CMS like wordpress or drupal or some other LAMP stack.15:15
jhutchinsicedwater: Next to web servers in general, database servers are probably the most common server role.15:16
jhutchinsicedwater: If MySQL isn't actively providing a specific service, it's probably not using much in the way of resources.15:17
icedwaterjhutchins: yes, I tried systemctl list-dependencies --all --reverse and it seems to only show multiuser/graphical mode15:26
jhutchinsicedwater: So it's probably there to support future configuration of a LAMP system.15:31
jhutchinsicedwater: What are you using this server for?15:31
Guest94How do i enable auto login on Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS arm64 running on a raspberry pi, without GUI installed15:43
icedwaterjhutchins: I used it to host a website once, but I moved that to another server. I may consider another website in future, but it's likely I'll use flat files15:43
icedwaterIt just seems to be sitting on 17% of memory, I'm trying to halve it to move to a smaller instance15:45
icedwaterhalve memory capacity, that is15:45
TheCh0senOk I'm back15:47
TheCh0senSorry I'm late15:47
TheCh0senI checked the GPU Usage on 23.04 and it is high15:48
TheCh0senI couldn't recheck on any other distros because I don't have them installed anymore15:49
TheCh0senBTW I Have an Intel Haswell GPU & The issue didn't occur before hopping to ubuntu15:50
TheCh0senall my previous distros were ubuntu 20.04 based15:51
TheCh0senthose were linux mint 20 and zorin os 1615:51
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ituin $gerät mit WLAN kann ich einstellen es unsichtbar zu machen  ([x] "Hide AP")  - ist sowas wirksam?16:10
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itusorry, wrong channel ..16:16
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CS-CodesHi, I recently downloaded Lunar-desktop-arm64.iso on a Virtual Machine - haven't seen this before with other distro's, but Lunar-desktop requires a username/password to login. I've tried a few different combo's I've found online but nothing has worked so far - any help here is appreciated:)16:50
alkisgCS-Codes: do you have the link to the download link for that .iso? It sounds strange16:57
alkisg*s/the link//16:57
CS-CodesYep - https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ It's a live build16:59
alkisgAny reason you didn't select the final iso, and you're using a daily build?17:02
alkisg(btw, try ubuntu/ubuntu)17:02
CS-Codesyep, unfortunately no ISO available with LTS release for ARM64 that I can find so stuck with the dailies - let me know if you find one however, would much prefer to use that17:04
CS-CodesAnd unfortunately ubuntu/ubuntu doesn't work:(17:06
alkisgCan you modify the command line? If so, add init=/bin/bash, and set a root password from there, and continue with exec /sbin/init17:08
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kostkonCS-Codes, I'm currently using 20.04lts arm64 on a RPi 4 so I'm not really sure what you mean17:09
CS-CodesI have an M1 Chip, ARM architecture, and am using VMWare fusion - the only setup that has LTS in this case would be to use the Ubuntu Server for ARM https://ubuntu.com/download/server/arm which I also have setup, then too download Ubuntu desktop with 'sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop' from what i've found.17:11
jhutchinsCS-Codes: Default user is "ubuntu".  Password is empty.  Easy to find on the web.17:11
CS-CodesAlso doesn't work jhutchins17:11
kostkonCS-Codes, oh M1 is a completely different story I guess17:12
jhutchinsCS-Codes: I'm not going to go through all 35,800,000 results for you.  You could add details of your build to the search, or look for info on the site you downloaded it from.17:13
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop ISO is a "Live" image, which can be run without altering existing files on your hard drive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.17:13
jhutchinsGood ol' braindead bot.17:13
CS-Codesjhutchins that's a very specific number haha - I did do my fair share of research before asking, I think adding a user via command line might be a good strategy - is there a way to do this in a virtualized env. with a desktop image already booted that you know of alkisg ?17:16
alkisgCS-Codes: if it's already booted, it's supposed to be safe so you shouldn't be able to log in if it's locked and asking for a password17:18
akikCS-Codes: i think somebody else had this problem too with arm vm17:18
alkisgWhile if you boot it with init=/bin/bash, then you can add the root user, and later on you can login as root and reset the password for any live users there are17:18
akikCS-Codes: this is all i got about it: https://gist.github.com/Simon-L/b52686269d1d9a3af7feba9eebc672ff17:19
Guest46join #russia17:19
CS-CodesAppreciate the insight here akik and alkisg , will be doing a bit more testing to see if I can find a working solution - seems Ubuntu + M1 chip don't play super nice yet17:32
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JymI want to dd to a USB hdd. How can I determine consistantly it's the correct USB HDD (no matter where it's plugged into?18:38
ravagels -l /dev/disk/by-uuid18:39
ravagebut if you dd over the whole device that will not the same afterwards anymore18:40
Jymravage Basically, I want the usb hdd bootable "duplicate" if the internal hdd. any thoughts?18:42
JymThis is for someone that has ZERO technical skills18:43
ravageand what is the purpose of that duplicate disk?18:43
JymIF the internal hdd fails, just plugin the usb hdd and boot,18:43
ravageok but you would have to do that on a regular basis then?18:45
Jyminternal hdd or even the HW fails, could still goto any PC and boot from the ext hdd18:45
ravagealso not a great idea to do on a running system18:45
JymI do realize not a good idea on a running system, but it was done on the servers when I worked at a datacenter. We would just remove the defective hdd, swap cables, and install a new hdd, it actually worked and kept things simple.18:46
Jym...surprisingly, lol18:47
JymI'd probably dd once a week18:48
ravagei guess you could use udev to detect a usb block devices added18:50
ravagemaybe you can find some additional parameters to identify that special hdd18:51
ravagehttps://serverfault.com/questions/844109/why-does-udevadm-not-provide-me-a-disk-serial-number-when-hdparm-can answer 2 maybe18:52
ravagebut you would just have to test that18:53
JymThank you, appreciate it =)18:53
Jymstuuuupid usb moving stuff around on me, lol18:54
JymHmmm, it looks like usb drives does not like reading/writing to itself at the same time, lmao18:55
jhutchinsMoving files within a storage device doesn['t usually involve any movement of data.  You just change the indexing.19:06
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solsTiCehi. when I press the meta key to get the "headsup" gui, and search for a snap, none shows up. why?19:51
kieferHi there! Quick question, is it possible to use Hibernate with SecureBoot on Ubuntu 23? I'm seeing a lot of conflicting answers online, and I haven't been able to get it to work myself yet.19:56
ravagesolsTiCe: that only shows installed applications. if you want to look for installable software there is "Ubuntu Software" or for snaps you can also use https://snapcraft.io20:10
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solsTiCeyou tell me snaps are not first class app on ubuntu? looking for a flatpak, just shows up20:13
ravagethey should show up in Ubuntu Software20:18
solsTiCeoh yes. it's my own snap that I installed with '--dangerous' from local file that does not20:26
ravageIt should20:27
ravageMine do at least20:27
solsTiCeby the way, I have that error: Can't update "snap store": (null): cannot refresh "snap-store" nspa "snap-store" has running apps(snap-store), pifs 3004" when I try to update20:27
oerheksSome problems to fix then, solsTiCe, ' it's my own snap '20:27
ravageKill that process20:28
ravageTry again20:28
ravageUpdating running desktop snaps is still not a great experience20:29
Guest27does applications on kde use ram than GNOME 😟20:29
oerheksGuest27, cannot compare, kde and gnome apps are different20:29
oerheksonly one way to find out; test yourself?20:30
solsTiCeso what's wrong with my snap, then?20:34
ravageprobably the .desktop file part?20:35
solsTiCeis it only because it is not from snapcraft.io/some snap store20:35
oerheks1. without details, how would we know what is wrong?20:36
oerheksyou might want to seek help in #snappy20:38
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BardonHello, I'm having this issue after upgrading to 23.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/201721221:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2017212 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "ASUS N56VM fails to load GUI fresh install of Ubuntu 23.04" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:37
BardonHow hard it is to downgrade back to 22.10?21:37
BardonAh, just change the repo and sudo apt dist-upgrade? Hmm but it might be unstable21:38
Bardonso, unstable vs broken..21:38
Jeremy31Fresh install of 22.10 or 22.04 would be better21:38
geniiThere is no downgrade, if you want to revert you have to install it21:38
BardonHmm, right21:38
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.21:38
BardonSo backup, format and reinstall I guess21:39
jhutchinsBardon: I suppose "restore backup" is out of the question.21:39
BardonWhat do you mean by "restore backup"? Is it a fancy feature to automatically restore data?21:40
BardonI was more thinking of something like copying /home/ and pasting it in the new install21:41
Bardonwhich should be enough21:41
jhutchinsBardon: Except for the (hidden) configuration dotfiles which may have been upgraded to new incompatible formats.21:41
jhutchinsBardon: Yes, restore backup is a fancy feature to restore data.  It requires making regular backups, particularly if you're changing/upgrading the system.21:42
BardonI'll be able to manage that :)21:42
akikBardon: for the next time you could check out btrfs and its snapshots (can snapshot the whole os installation)21:43
BardonAh right, I see a "backup" software in my software list. I wasn't aware of it21:43
Bardonakik: hmm, interesting, I'll check it out21:44
BardonThanks, bbye!21:44
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Tempterhello, I want to use Ubuntu in my Python program, but im executing my Python program on Windows is it possible?23:29
ravageUbuntu is an OS23:29
TempterI'd like to import Ubuntu so I can use everything23:29
Tempterravage: yes I know that23:29
ravageso how would you import that in python? it is not a loadable module23:29
Tempterand no, I don't want to use docker23:29
Tempterthat would defeat purpose for my use case23:30
Tempterravage: yes, that is my question23:30
TempterI couldn't find a way23:30
TempterI just want to programmatically access ubuntu functionality without running the entire OS23:31
Tempterfrom my Python program23:31
kostkonTempter, you are left with one last choice: WSL223:31
Tempterkostkon: thought about it, but don't like the 2 in the name, is a bad naming scheme23:32
Tempterand it restricts where I can run my program23:32
Tempterplus the end user may not want to go through all the steps to install that23:32
kostkonTempter, turn your appliaction into a saas service. That way you can run it in Ubuntu23:34
Tempterkostkon: that might work23:42
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