
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
guitarmana recent update seems to have borked the pulse audio bridge to jack17:52
guitarmanon my setup17:52
guitarmanubuntu studio 22.0417:52
guitarmanI have onbaord sound but use a usb audio device... 17:52
guitarmanjack works, ardour works, but i can't playback youtube for instance.17:53
guitarmanand the audio applet icons are greyed out with slashes through them in the tray17:53
Eickmeyerguitarman: Check your patching and your setup in studio-controls.17:53
guitarmanI'm in studio controls17:53
EickmeyerCheck your patching in carla.17:53
guitarmanthe extra devices  keeps resetting back to the onboard sound17:53
guitarmanlooking in carla17:54
guitarmansysteme captures go into pulse in front left.  pulse out goies to system playback17:54
EickmeyerIs JACK running?17:54
guitarmanyes jack is running17:55
EickmeyerStop JACK, restart it.17:55
guitarmandidn't rectify the situtaion17:59
EickmeyerYou might have to redo your studio-controls settings, there was a version update in the official backports channel, but it should've been seamless. Stop JACK. Open a terminal window, type 'rm -rf .config/autojack'. Reboot. Open Studio Controls and redo your config.18:01
EickmeyerFor 99% of users, it's seamless, you seem to have fallen through the cracks.18:03
guitarmanok i will try that18:10
guitarmanfingers crossed18:11
guitarmanrebooting now. back in a bit18:17
guitarmanuh oh, now all audio is pooched - no jack playback even though it's running... looking in carla for connections18:22
EickmeyerYeah, you'll have to redo your entire config and setup. Basically you're having to start from scratch.18:32
guitarmanI redid the config and i've got no audio in pulse and jack18:32
EickmeyerAre you sure pulse is set to the right place in pavucontrol?18:33
EickmeyerAnd that everything is good in qasmixer?18:34
guitarmanit keeps muting for some reason18:36
EickmeyerThat doesn't seem normal.18:36
guitarmani unmute qasmixer , then hit play and it mutes the applet again18:36
EickmeyerI wouldn't know the first step in how to fix that. (pinging OvenWerks)18:37
guitarman  it seems in the kde audio playback devices secion i unmuted jack sink and it seems to play.. i'm going to reboot to see if that sticks or if it resets every boot18:41
guitarmanI have playback on jack and pulse to jack.  rebooting18:41
guitarman reboot and no jack audio or pulse18:47
EickmeyerOk, so sounds like you've run into a very well-known ALSA bug where ALSA settings don't persist between reboots. Affects some people, doesn't affect others. No clue why.18:50
EickmeyerIt's also intermittenet.18:50
guitarmanwelll crap.  is there a workaround - is it a problem with usb audio devices in alsa?18:50
guitarmanthis used to work flawlessly a few updates ago18:51
EickmeyerStop JACK, go into pavucontrol, make sure your volumes and everything are up.18:51
guitarmanthis is a newish problem18:51
EickmeyerWhat this does is forces pulseaudio to handle it as opposed to ALSA.18:51
EickmeyerThen start JACK, make sure your routing is good, and it should work.18:52
EickmeyerBefore starting JACK, make sure your audio profiles are set the way they need to be for your particular device in pavuctonrol.18:53
guitarmanpulse was working, just started jack18:54
guitarmanhmmm that seems to work for now but i imagine it will undo itself every reboot?18:55
EickmeyerRight, I was talking purely from a device standpoint to get levels up.18:55
guitarmanthe things were muted btw18:55
EickmeyerIt shouldn't, but keep an eye on it.18:55
guitarmani'll reboot and try again... this is also the computer i use for zoom and google meet etc so i need the usb audio device to work to do audio and use my mic18:56
guitarmanneed it to be reliable. biab seeing if this fixed it or if it resets again18:56
guitarmanback in a few18:56
guitarmanbtw thank you Eickmeyer for your help, i'd never have gotten this working again without it.18:56
guitarmanEickmeyer: it works on reboot!@!!19:10
guitarmanthank you!19:10
guitarmanis this a bug that others have encountered before?19:10
Eickmeyerguitarman: You're welcome.19:10
Eickmeyerguitarman: I think so with ALSA, pulseaudio is the workaround.19:10

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