[03:22] How many file managers does Lubuntu 23.04 ship with by default? Is it just the one, pcmanfm-qt, or are there more? [03:58] [telegram] No just one as its the most recommended and integrated one (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) How many file managers does Lubuntu 23.04 ship with by default? Is it just the one, pcmanfm-qt, or are there more?) [04:09] dal2, pcmanfm-qt also handles part of the LXQt desktop you view, thus is already running & using it as FM is efficient (something else wouldn't be). I don't have a pcmanfm-qt window open, but if I explore what is running using `ps` I still see "/usr/bin/pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile=lxqt" [04:17] BlackKnight987: Thanks [04:17] guiverc: Thanks for the explanation, I understand pcmanfm-qt does more by default upon boot than just file manage [04:18] Does anyone know if a FAT32 live boot thumb drive with an .iso on it and no partitions could also carry an additional file, say thunar.deb ? [04:20] you can have anything on a thumb-drive you want.. but to be bootable it must be setup to be recognized as bootable for your hardware/firmware [04:32] guiverc: Basically, I want to be able to travel with my laptop and 23.04 on a thumb drive to live boot off it, but with the pcmanfm-qt encryption bug, I wouldn't be able to get into my own files without a different file manager. So the idea is to bring the file manager along on the thumb drive [04:32] guiverc: the other thing I can try is re-learning how cryptsetup luksOpen etc works and see if I decrypt and gain permissions that way, can I then just use pcmanfm-qt as normal [04:32] guiverc: to bring *an extra working file manager along on the thumb drive [04:33] If it's not already been explored; I'd suggest exploring live with persistence.. you can add packages to your 'live' system on thumb drive, make changes etc. as if installed (to a point anyway) & its still running live.. [04:35] I used to rely on systems on thumb-drive many years ago, don't use them these days, but I'd use mkusb to create a persistence-live image.. refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb/persistent (or for mkusb itself too) [04:39] * guiverc doesn't use encryption much; some laptops use it, I just rarely use laptops. I'd use terminal to open etc.. but I can't help with how as I just don't use it often enough to feel comfortable to advice/direct [04:57] guiver: Thanks, I'll play with those solutions (mkusb persistence and CLI cryptsetup) across the next few days [04:58] guiverc: Thanks, I'll play with those solutions (mkusb persistence and CLI cryptsetup) across the next few days [04:58] ack. other tools can create persistence-live too; mkusb is the only tool I've used in the last couple of years. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [19:12] Stupid question.. how do permissions work in live lubuntu, where the user is 'lubuntu', and you insert, say, a thumbdrive a friend hands you full of MP3s. Do those MP3s get assigned to lubuntu? Does the lubuntu user gain permissions over them?