
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-help74whello, do you know if there is a version of xubuntu for an old pc with system 32bit?08:55
gnrpxu-help74w: Unfortunately not. The last version is from 18.04 and that is not supported anymore08:56
guivercxu-help74w, the last xubuntu i386 was 19.04 which is EOL; even 18.04 LTS is EOL.  32-bit armhf is possible08:56
Unit193At this point your best bet is to go with Debian.08:57
guivercsorry; s/19.04/18.10   (19.04 was available only in development;alpha stage)08:57
xu-help74wi already heard about debian os, i think i will read more about that, thanks a lot09:00
diogenes_Vx15xu-help74w, if it's really old hardware then i'd suggest antiX OS.09:01
* guiverc still has i386 hardware; all using debian except for one 18.04 I've not yet moved across..09:01
Unit193guiverc: Did you do in place upgrades or re-install?09:01
gnrpout of curiosity: How old is that i386 hardware?09:02
guivercfor what?  switch from ubuntu to debian09:02
guiverc2003 thru 2005... (I do have an i386 device from 2007; but rarely use it).   re-install as for switching from ubuntu to debian.09:02
Kuschelponyas a personal not to @guiverc myself is also still running x386 on two Toughbooks09:15
xu-help74wwhat is the differents between debian and antiX OS? (talking about the drivers)?09:16
* guiverc smiles09:16
* guiverc made assumption they're using a GNU/Linux, BSD or some sort of FOSS09:16
gnrpguiverc: Heh, I have to say, I got rid of everything i386. Especially at work. It wasn't even the platform I couldln't deal with, rather the fact that it's all single cores. No clue how I managed to live a single core life back in the days09:19
diogenes_Vx15xu-help74w, for once antiX is without systemd.09:19
diogenes_Vx15and it's tailored for limited resources and older hardware.09:20
* guiverc had one dual thread pentium D i386 only ... form factor kept mine alive (why newer box is unused; still has good battery, but keyboard sux)09:20
xu-help74wok, thanks for all informations09:23
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Kuschelponytest received14:48
xubuntuimpressive :D14:48
xu-help94wPlease can someone tell me in very simple terms how to change the password on the keyring. I forgot my old password to access my computer, managed to change it but am now blocked by the keyring.18:14
rfmxu-help94w, afaik not possible to change keyring password if you don't know the old one.  best you can do is delete the old keyring and reenter the passwords as needed...18:40
rfmxu-help94w, https://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password18:41
rfmxu-help94w, it says gnome-keyring but xubuntu uses same paths...18:41
rfmxu-help94w, `you disconnected right about the time I answered -- do you need a repeat?18:50
xu-help94wSorry if this is duplicate. Can someone please tell me in very simple steps how I can change the keyring password. I forgot my password and managed to change it to get past the xubuntu login screen, but can't open any files because of the keyring.18:51
xu-help94wRfm, yes please and apologies18:52
rfmxu-help94w,  afaik not possible to change keyring password if you don't know the old one.  best you can do is delete the old keyring and reenter the passwords as needed...18:52
rfmhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password   shows the file to delete (it says gnome-keyring but xubuntu uses the same path)18:53
xu-help94wOK thanks. Will that allow me access to files, or will some be completely blocked out18:53
rfmxu-help94w, it will stop prompting you for the keyring password; files should not be affectedd18:54
xu-help94wYou are a star, thank you so much for your time😀18:55
rfmI could only do this because I went through the same thing last week...18:56
Guest7hi, i am looking for xubuntu 20.04 iso download link. their release pages do not have the links as it seems.20:29
Guest7idk its always a headache to find older versions of ubuntu for some reason.20:30
Guest7anyone kindly tell me where to look or give a link if your IRC policy allows.20:31
diogenes_Vx15Guest7, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/20:32
Guest7thank you diogenes20:33
diogenes_Vx15no problem.20:33

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