
kurkkumopo[m]Also is it normal with 22.04.2 Grub Menu doesn't list any available kernels and only has a blank screen?13:50
kurkkumopo[m]* it normal that with 22.04.213:50
kurkkumopo[m]* Also is it normal that with 22.04.2 Grub Menu's Advanced Options don't list any available kernels and only has a blank screen?13:53
Eickmeyerkukukukuku[m]: One problem at a time. The grub issue is the least of my worries as you clearly have a bootable system. Everyone's system is different so that's an extremely hard thing to reproduce. As far as the other issue, I think I know what happened.15:15
EickmeyerOne bug fix caused this to appear, so it appears as though you found a legitimate packaging bug with the Ubuntu metapackages.15:16
Eickmeyer*Ubuntu Studio metapackages.15:16
Eickmeyerkurkkumopo[m]: I'm doing an experiment with the Ubuntu Studio metapackages right now to see if I can't resolve the issue you found.15:51
Eickmeyerkurkkumopo[m]: I have it fixed. bug 2018695 if you want to follow the progress.18:05
-ubottu:#ubuntustudio- Bug 2018695 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Hard-Dependency on pipewire-pulse preventing audio config switch without packaging issues" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201869518:05
kurkkumopo[m]<Eickmeyer> "kurkkumopo: I have it fixed. bug..." <- Thank you.18:42

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