[12:50] Hi [12:52] Is Audio record softer devel directly by Ubuntu or thre an third team/guy, because i posted a bug report long time ago and never moved : https://bugs.launchpad.net/audio-recorder/+bug/1998237 [12:52] -ubottu:#launchpad- Launchpad bug 1998237 in Audio Recorder "audio-recorder bad timestamp" [Undecided, New] [12:52] sorry my keyboard is distrub [13:06] surfzoid, hey, how did you install audio-recorder ? [13:06] seb128: rpm from my distro Mageia [13:07] surfzoid, why are you reporting that against the Ubuntu bug tracker? [13:07] sudo urpmi audio-recorder [13:07] seb128: because there is bug in the code not in the bild rpm? [13:08] surfzoid, I mean that channel you are on is the one of the launchpad website/service maintainers [13:08] they aren't responsible for code hosted on the platform [13:08] it's like if you were contacting microsoft support to report a bug about a project hosted on github [13:09] seb128: well, my question was, lp repo audio-recorder is a third dev or ubuntu [13:09] third party [13:09] seb128: so project seem dead [13:10] seems not really active indeed === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer