[09:39] Hi, folks. Is "ubuntu-kernel" the right package to tag for a potential kernel issue? This was found in a CI of upstream OpenStack - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kernel-package/+bug/2018612 [09:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2018612 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Guest kernel crashes with GPF on volume attach" [Undecided, Triaged] [09:43] (There's a rough reproducer in the description. And I've added some environment details) === ben__ is now known as ben_r [11:48] kashyap: 5.3.0-26-generic is old and unsupported. [11:49] can you upgrade that machine? [11:52] Oh it's a guest kernel. Sorry, you need to upgrade your guest image. [11:52] juergh: Oh, is it? I was told that kernel (5.3.0-26-generic) from CirrOS 0.5.2 is part of Ubuntu LTS [11:52] juergh: But yeah; I think it might be possible to use a newer CirrOS image 0.6.1 (which has 5.15.0-48-generic) [11:53] juergh: Yeah, it's the guest kernel indeed. [11:53] juergh: Right; the current guest image is 0.5.2. I made a quick comparison here: https://kashyapc.fedorapeople.org/CirrOS_segfault/CirrOS-0.5.2-vs-0.6.1-kernel.txt [11:53] Presumable 5.3 was the HWE at the time the image was cut but it's no longer supported. It's 5.4 now, same as focal. [11:53] Ah-ha [11:54] Why do you say "Presumable"? :-) Isn't it confirmed that it is 5.3 in this case? [11:55] Or maybe you're saying was "5.3 was presumably the HWE at the time of image cut" [11:56] hrm. the image was built in 2021 so I'm not sure why it pulled in a 5.3 kernel. [11:56] would be good to understand how that image is built [11:57] even though it's not Ubuntu and you're on your own ;-) [11:57] juergh: I think it's just plain vanilla 0.5.1 - https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.5.1/cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img [11:59] juergh: If you have time, mind adding some of your observations on the bug? [12:01] oh yes. 0.5.1 was built in march 2020, before focal release which can explain the 5.3 kernel. [12:01] 0.5.2 didn't upgrade the kernel apparently [12:01] yes, will update the bug and mark it invalid... [12:02] btw, for future bug reports, the package to report kernel bugs for is linux [12:09] juergh: Ah, so the CirrOS 0.5.2 image should update the kernel. Thanks [12:10] juergh: Also, noted: the package name. "Qlinux" is rather cryptic pacakge name; it's impossible to discover it from the list of possible options when you type "kernel" in the launchpad [12:10] yes if that is still a supported image it should be updated to include a supported kernel [12:11] well. if you open a bug from an Ubuntu system it is smart. you're running something (cirros) that is not really Ubuntu... [12:11] but yes, LP is not easy to navigate. [12:12] juergh: I'm running neither; I'm on Fedora. And these bugs occur in a CI system, so no way file "a bug from that system". I'm just retroactively "piecing together the scene from the explosion" [12:13] (Maybe there is some ABRT-style reporting system (that Fedora uses) on Ubuntu too, to auto-report certain kinds of crashes. Haven't looked into it) [12:14] juergh: Thank you for looking. [12:17] kashyap: the bug should really be filed against cirros and not ubuntu: https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/issues [12:18] juergh: Okay ... me goes to file. So the issue in short is 0.5.2 image should update to LTS kernel 5.4 (from Focal) -- yeah? [12:18] Any other detail to add? [12:18] bug then again, that's only the build recipes. who build/owns the openstack cirros images? [12:19] juergh: I don't think the CI infra builds custom CirrOS images; just pull 'em from CirrOS upstream. (But I'll double-check) [12:22] kashyap: oh they do build images from github. ok, then ask them to update 0.5 and pull in updated packages. [12:22] juergh: "they" == CirrOS? [12:22] Or OpenStack CI? [12:22] kashyap: cirros-dev on github [12:23] Ah, right; also how do they know what _other_ packages to update? [12:23] You say "pull in updated packages" -- how do they discover it? (I know, it's "not my problem"; but I'm curious :)) [12:24] Maybe you just mean "pull in kernel and whatever dependent packages" [12:24] Thanks for your comment in the LP bug! [12:25] kashyap: don't know how they build that image but I assume they point at an Ubuntu mirror so when they rebuild the image they should get latest package versions. they should periodically refresh the images anyways... [12:26] Noted. They do have a 0.6.1 version image, though (as noted earlier). [12:26] * kashyap goes to file the issue for cirros-0.5.2. I'll quote your comment verbatim from the LP bug, with context; hope that's fine. [12:27] juergh: If you got the full 5.4 kernel version of Focal handy, can you please post it here? [12:29] kashyap: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux [12:29] all the versions of the different series [12:31] juergh: Very handy list; thank you. [12:47] juergh: Hope that reads fine to you: https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/issues/102 [12:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Issue 102 in cirros-dev/cirros "Update CirrOS 0.5.2 kernel image to a supported version (kernel-5.4; from Focal)" [Open] === halvors1 is now known as halvors [18:10] juergh: seems like Bug #2018128 package got back to linux [18:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Bug 2018128 in linux (Ubuntu) "Apport does not collect all logs when the package is HWE kernel" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2018128 === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer