
floownlaunch systemsettings5 and enter energy as a filter00:00
floownor screen00:01
mybalzitchok I set it to a minute for "screen energy saving" everything else besides button events handling is off00:02
mybalzitchokay well I sat and did some testing. despite me changing nothing, whatever problem I perceived to have seems to be corrected. Thank you floown00:08
KnightvaleHas anybody here tried using Kubuntu on a Framework laptop?01:54
BluesKajHi all12:39
BayouGuruBluesKaj: Hi.12:56
BluesKajhi BayouGuru12:58
shan_hi @BayouGuru @BluesKaj13:08
BluesKajhi shan_13:12
=== james_ is now known as jdash
=== johnkizer is now known as johnandmegh
user|90Hi, I want to install Dirac Live. How to?16:27
jerry__This is a test20:38
jerry__IDENTIFY GreyGeek secondLaw220:44
valoriejerry__: irc commands begin with a /20:48
valorieon a new line20:49
valorieif you want to leave a chan, just type /part20:49
valorielots of tuts online with various commands20:49
valorieand do your test in your server tab so you don't accidentally expose passwords, etc.20:50

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