[05:39] For those keeping up with the saga of my pcmanfm-qt bug report, I decrypted the drive with CLI cryptsetup successfully, tried to mkdir /media/test and mount/map it there, and got a permissions error and when I looked the /media/test was owned by systemd-journal, which idk if that's normal or weird [05:39] I remember in 22.10 it was /media/lubuntu/test, did 23.04 revert to /media/test ? [05:40] test being whatever mount point (please excuse my perhaps inexact language) [08:29] I don't believe there were any changes by Lubuntu there.. but some changes occur between releases in the ubuntu base.. (i only test that they don't create problems for users, not as much as per changes, but don't cause crashes..) [11:06] guiverc: I remember for a long time, it was just /media/whatever, and then it switched to /media/lubuntu/whatever, and now maybe it's switched back. Is there a term for whether the media directory has or does not have the username like that? [11:10] I don't know what decide the mount location, but I suspect it's the kernel or Ubuntu base that decides that.. I've noted that changed too in other distributions (I use opensuse, fedora often too & esp. debian) so I don't believe it's Ubuntu specific (opinion only though - given I don't know) [11:15] I am fairly certain the automount behavior is a product of systemd. [11:16] that sure sounds right to me... (close to kernel & ubuntu base for us; also explains why I see it on other non-ubuntu systems too)