
militantorcWhat does the much shorter LTS support period mean?17:24
militantorcWhat updates begin to get excluded compared to base Ubuntu after 3 years is over but the base Ubuntu lts is still supported?17:24
militantorcI installed directly from an xubuntu iso for the install thats running right now17:25
militantorcunlike the previous version lts which I did by apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on a base Ubuntu install17:25
militantorcand I just realized that Xubuntu iso only offers 3 years support17:25
militantorcwhile the base gives 5 or 1017:26
militantorcso what is the difference between installing from an Xubuntu iso vs installing xubuntu-desktop in a base Ubuntu install?17:26
militantorcie in terms of lts support what packages are kept supported and what are dropped17:26
bodicceaUpgrade from 22.10 to 23.04 does the same annoying stuff as previous upgrades: It simply breaks DNS, by modifying /etc/resolv.conf (replacing it with a link to a missing ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf, not even making a backup of previous file, even if systemd-resolved is disabled)...17:28
militantorcbodiccea, I have always had problems with distro-upgrades, even from a nearly pristine install17:28
militantorcI backup all data and do a fresh install17:28
militantorcfor upgrading my distro17:28
bodicceamilitantorc, I have also full daily backups, so it was only annoying, and not a serious issue in my case.17:35
militantorcI always backup anyways before upgrading my distro17:35
militantorcand this time I am making a record of all the changes I do after a fresh install so it will be easy to replicate the steps for my next upgrade17:36
militantorcthinking of learning 'ansible' and putting these steps into a concrete script17:36

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