
stegomonHi all! I'd like to attempt an upgrade from an up-to-date 20.04 to 22.04 on a desktop. Do I have to pay attention to anything in particular? Any risks / best-practices? Many thanks.. :)09:06
marcopolo1Hi , is there a way to enable the desktop grid on ubuntu mate? I checked the keep aligned button but icons names still overlap eachother if i move them09:11
sixwheeledbeaststegomon: firefox will become a snap package, the desktop theme will change to yaru.09:29
sixwheeledbeastkeep aligned does work but they will still overlap09:31
marcopolo1So how do i stop them from overlapping?09:59
sixwheeledbeastIf you don't care about the layout of them, organise by name doesn't overlap but will order them down the left.10:14
marcopolo1Is there no way to make it like on windows where its impossible for them to overlap?10:41
sixwheeledbeastthe desktop was never really designed to be a storage area, so it's low priority for most users.10:51
sixwheeledbeastYou also have to consider that unlike windows people could have variable/custom styles or sizes of icon, whereas in caja they are fixed dimensions.10:53
sixwheeledbeastIf you look at the XFCE example the font is tiny and within the profile of the icon, MATE is not my icon text is nearly twice the width of the icon for example.10:58
akikwhy are the yaru themes confiured so that the active window titlebar can't be easily recognized?11:42
akikbut if i install mate-themes package, the problem goes away11:42
akiki replied to this github issue https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/358811:43
akikalso created this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/201817711:56

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