
tomreynThanos: for a supported LTS release, yes. 20.04 LTS (the next youngest LTS) lost support in april.00:59
IrcsomeBot<Graham> Thanos I have the latest one and I love it.01:00
IrcsomeBot<Graham> vefi01:00
tomreynoh, i guess i got the question wrong - if Thanos is asking whether to use an LTS (22.04 LTS) or standard release (23.04) - depends on personal preferences (longer support duration vs more recent software).01:02
IrcsomeBot<Graham> I feel like both are somewhat short term with KDE 6 on the way. (Just my personal opinion)01:03
tomreyni don't expect a new kde release to put any kubuntu release out of its planned support lifecycle.01:06
IrcsomeBot<Graham> True. But we can always hack it :)01:09
IrcsomeBot<Graham> "hack" lol.01:10
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> From the Kubuntu 22.04.02 LTS that i have already installed can i go to Kubuntu 23.04 or not? Is it better to stay on 22.04? I don't uses snaps on my apps i am using the native repos of Ubuntu05:34
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> And also i have put the Kubuntu backports05:35
alkisgThanos, it's better to stay on 22.04. When 24.04 comes out, you'll be able to upgrade directly from 22.04 to 24.04.05:43
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Wow i see big difference in my laptop without encryption07:13
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Its booting so fast and i can see that it response better07:14
mmikowskiThanos: That will depend on your CPU; more current ones handle the encryption almost transparently, but earlier generations can be a lot slower.07:26
mmikowskiNot sure where the cut-off line was, but by intel 9th-gen, it was pretty much transparent.07:27
mmikowskiHowever, boot times do still get dinged by FDE.07:27
mmikowskiI'm referring to the speed once everything is set up. I typically see ~10s penalty for FDE systems.07:28
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> I have 4thgen ans 6gen laptops07:42
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> On both of them i can see the difference07:42
mmikowskiThanos: That certainly sounds about right. Again, when you bump to a later processor, you might want to try again. I have benchmarks showing FDE has almost no effect on read/write on ext4 + lvm + LUKS for 10th+ gen Intel. I assume AMD is similar.07:56
mmikowskikk, peace out :)07:56
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=== Guest8426 is now known as RichieTheRich
BluesKajHi all12:41
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> When you upgrade from one LTS version to the next one we have to disable backports repo?13:16
BluesKajit's advisable to comment out the backports since they are so by default in the sources.list13:19
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> You mean to leave then enabled?13:25
BluesKajno comment them out by placing # in front13:31
BluesKajmake sure you upgrade your existing packages before upgrading to the new LTS13:39
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Some packages i saw that are provided only by backports13:53
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Iike kalendar13:53
=== david_ is now known as playscrape
user|54Use arch you Fag$18:26
* BayouGuru uses Kubuntu, by the way... :)20:54

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