[14:46] "Hi all...." <- > <@tastenheld:matrix.org> Hi all.... (full message at ) [14:47] what's autojack btw. ? [14:47] Great, the bot didn't get the message. bug 2018695 [14:47] -ubottu:#ubuntustudio- Bug 2018695 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Hard-Dependency on pipewire-pulse preventing audio config switch without packaging issues" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2018695 [14:48] akik: autojack is a component of studio controls that starts/stops jack. [14:48] Eickmeyer[m]: didn't it earlier start via dbus? [14:48] jackdbus [14:49] akik: It uses jackdbus, but autojack does boot-on-login magic. [14:50] It also does some other things with zita-ajbridge. [14:50] i don't use my audio pc for a year, and things look so differen .9 [14:50] You'd have to talk to OvenWerks about the specifics. [14:51] i even tried to change from jack2 to jack1 but couldn't make it work [14:51] Yeah, don't use jack1, it'll just be a headache. jack2 is fully backwards compatible. [14:53] this is a long-lasting thing i've been wondering about; how does one disable dbus services? [14:54] That part is over my head. I don't know and I wouldn't want to. [15:11] Hi Erich. [15:11] I read about the bug already. [15:11] I'll try to remove autojack and see, if that works [15:11] Thank [18:57] Okay, removed autojack. [18:57] No change. Jack doesn't start on bootup. 🤔 [19:56] tastenheld[m]: Did you reconfigure studio controls and start jack? [20:12] Eickmeyer @Eickmeyer:libera.chat: yes, then closed studiocontrols. Raysession still showed the correct configuration. [20:12] Then rebooted. Status undetermined after reboot. [20:21] tastenheld[m]: Can you make sure /etc/xdg/autostart/autojack.desktop exists? [20:23] (the status undetermined might be a false report and jack might still be running) [21:28] "tastenheld: Can you make sure /..." <- Sorry, but no jack running, checked with ps ax|grep jack [21:28] /etc/xdg/autostart/autojack.desktop exists. [21:28] Thanks so far. As I will be on vacation for a few days I will not be able do do further testing in that time. [21:28] Maybe it has to do with the dependency problems and will be solved after my holidays.