
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
* wxl[m]1 uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/plus.st/eTAYjDjESCaQUajtUIbSpaXx/404.png >12:58
wxl[m]1^ today's random file discovery12:59
kc2bez[m]Phabricator is much sad. I notice that other projects are still using it though.13:58
wxl[m]1kc2bez[m]: Well, if it was updated 404 days ago, I'm sure. ;) All joking aside, I assume you mean the project is sad rather than our own particular instance?13:59
kc2bez[m]Some of both. We walked away from it and left some things fallow.14:00
wxl[m]1So what are we using now?14:00
kc2bez[m]That is just it, for the wiki we never really replaced it. For git stuff we moved to gitea at git.lubuntu.me14:01
wxl[m]1kind of ironic that we've left the wiki on less-than-ideal software when that was the whole reason to switch to phab originally14:03
wxl[m]1this the solution? https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-wiki-experimental14:04
kc2bez[m]I don't think that worked out well in the experiment.14:05
wxl[m]1 heh14:14
wxl[m]1maybe we just need to expand the normal manual project to include developer related stuff and call it a day14:14
wxl[m]1because the manual is one of our crowning achievements imho14:15
wxl[m]1or rather i should say lyn's!14:15
kc2bez[m]I totally agree, that might be a good idea.14:16
kc2bez[m]Discourse has possibilities too.14:17
wxl[m]1true but i always found wikis on Discourse a little half baked14:17
wxl[m]1total afterthought 14:17
kc2bez[m]Agreed, it does have the advantage of access control though.14:18
wxl[m]1fair enough although i'm sure we could concoct reasonable solutions to the problems that would solve 14:19
wxl[m]1the Matrix connection disappeared there for a while. wonder if that was my homeserver, the bridge, or what.15:05
wxl[m]1At least it was obvious something was broken unlike the old days when it failed silently15:12
wxl[m]1hey Dan Simmons or teward or someone: could you please remove me as mod on all the mailing lists? I probably should have done that a long while ago but I didn't. My admin passwords aren't working. Well, I've tried lubuntu-users. I haven't done all the others.15:47
kc2bez[m]<wxl[m]1> "hey Dan Simmons or teward or..." <- I think we need some @teward001 help there. I am not sure I have ever logged into the admin side of the mailing lists. 16:00
wxl[m]1cleaning up this computer so i can finally (yes, i know) switch from LXDE to LXQt is such a pain. sheesh. i'm starting to become tempted to just do the half-baked LXQt on top of LXDE upgrade16:02
wxl[m]1the more i think about it the more i'm inclined towards it, ,tbh16:02
kc2bez[m]It should work out OK, you will have some duplicate applications but they can be cleaned up.16:04
wxl[m]1i have to find those old release notes for the necessary hints16:04
=== wxl is now known as wxl23
=== wxl23 is now known as wxl
kc2bez[m]I think we had that in the manual at one point too.16:22
wxl[m]1I think so too16:22
kc2bez[m]Ah, we did. https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/manual/commit/f6043271d17a684d7e8fac45d0322af98963b0a916:25
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit f604327 in Lubuntu/manual "Another crufty package to purge during update."16:25
wxlit's sad matrix reactions don't come across on irc16:26
kc2bez[m]Yeah, it is a bummer.16:27
=== nyghtmeyr is now known as wxl
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Mantic Daily] has been updated (20230514)16:57
tewardi'll do it but i thought i did :P18:16
wxl[m]1<teward> "i'll do it but i thought i did..." <- Thx. Let me know when youโ€™re done and Iโ€™ll confirm. I think you removed me as admin but not mod 19:06
tewardwxl[m]1: you're gone from the mod list.  I don't have an issue with you still being a mod on the list though if you want to be as part of recontributing.23:01
wxl[m]1<teward> "๐–œ๐–๐–‘: you're gone from the mod..." <- I think it would be better for me to be focused on other things. Also mod mail is filling up my inbox23:34

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