
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
sixwheeledbeastI can't stand yaru. I understand it's less to maintain but it's another step away from that traditional gnome2 feel mate was suppose to replace.12:12
akiksixwheeledbeast: do you have trouble spotting the active window?14:12
akikall yaru themes are useless to me because of that14:13
sixwheeledbeastDidn't notice due to the way I use the DE. I have a workspace for most tasks that fill the screen. Ambient-MATE gets installed ASAP and snapd gets purged and pinned.14:17
sixwheeledbeastI remember when MATE DE was perfect OOTB now the list of tweaks required from OOTB is growing...14:18
akiksixwheeledbeast: try it with two windows side by side14:20
akikthey are both light grey14:20
sixwheeledbeast:shrug: I don't care for yaru to try. Ambiant-MATE is fine in that regard. The window title is slightly darker and the title text and buttons are greyed. 14:22
akiki need to install oxygen color theme on plasma to fix the same issue :P14:22
akikambiant-mate comes from mate-themes?14:22
sixwheeledbeastnot sure, I think that will be the standard mate themes like Black-MATE. ambiant-mate was default for ubuntu-MATE upto 20.0414:25
akikthe search "ambiant" at ubuntu package search didn't find anything, so i guess it's been removed?20:52
akikit's in focal https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=focal&arch=any&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=ambiant20:54
akikcan i install that on 22.04 ?20:54
sixwheeledbeastthe ppa as per the instructions20:59
akiksixwheeledbeast: ok thanks21:10
marcopoloHi, i downloaded a webapp from chrome but i had problems with the launcher so i removed it and now the launcher wont install itself21:44
=== marcopolo is now known as marcopolo1

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