
=== root is now known as Guest680
mmikowskidx3: That does not sound like 22.04. With backports enabled, you should see the Plasma version at 5.24.x.01:07
dx3just enabled backports... there are a lot of updates. thanks for the reminder about this one. upgrading everything now01:11
mmikowskidx3: Yeah, that might help. IME backports is just about required for the best experience. What's your render stack? There are some tricks if you are running AMD (which I don't know) and some for Intel and Nvidia (which I do).01:16
dx3not sure about my render stack, where can I see that? I have a standard lenovo running intel01:17
mmikowskiwell that's Intel :)01:20
dx3 Intel Corporation CometLake-U GT201:20
mmikowskiYeah, like that. So you should be running the i915 driver.01:21
dx3indeed, I see it with lsmod01:21
mmikowskilike by default, so probably nothing to configure there (there are some boot parameters that are sometimes helpful, but you can tackle that later if needed)01:22
mmikowskiglxinfo will also give you the details.01:22
mmikowskiIn any event, once you upgrade everything you can assess if that fixes things.01:22
dx3just rebooted my main machine. also upgraded to a more recent kernel. I will see how it goes this week :)01:23
mmikowskidx3: fwiw, hwe kernel has been running good. linux-firmware just updated today, so that might help too. Best of luck!01:29
mmikowskihwe = 5.1901:30
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Good morning from Greece06:38
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Is there anyway to put the final KDE LTS on Kubuntu LTS?06:38
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Do you know if there any plans to be on the KDE backports?07:22
alkisgThanos, usually ubuntu doesn't pull in new software versions, and they rarely bother with -backports, so in such cases, PPAs are used.07:32
alkisgBut using a lot of PPAs might break do-release-upgrade, the upgrade process to the newer ubuntu versions07:32
alkisgSo after a while, ubuntu users get used to that and stick with the stock versions :)07:32
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Οκ but i suppose this will be on the official Kubuntu backports PPAs08:21
skramerWhere are KDE session information stored? Because after today's updates it starts with empty session on each reboot whereas before it remembered the open applications.08:35
skramerMoreover, how to fix columns width of Kontact apps permanently? Seems it does not remember them after this update as well...08:36
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
zztoplessEvening fellow humans. I would like to format a bunch of my keyboard shortcuts. These are the12:41
zztoplessEvening fellow humans. I would like to format a bunch of my keyboard shortcuts. These are the the 'Send Keyboard Input' type. Does anyone know how to find and replace/insert a ":" in between all characters in something like notepad++ (or with regex syntax in general)?12:43
zztoplessSorry for the half typed message, I haven't used irc in 5+ years.12:44
BluesKajHi all12:55
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
alkisgzztopless: replace ":" with what? Usually the "replace all" shortcut of editors is "Ctrl+H". And of course you can also use "sed" from a terminal if you prefer.13:50
IrcsomeBot<Thanos> Since KDE 5.27 is an LTS release should make sense also this release to be on the Kubuntu 22.04 LTS backports?20:46

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