
lubot[telegram] <AngryAutos> What is the start bar called in lubuntu? (re @w_of_joz: Right click on the panel I mean)02:55
lubot[telegram] <w_of_joz> https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/5/5.1/lxqt-panel.html (re @AngryAutos: What is the start bar called in lubuntu?)04:40
lubot[telegram] <AngryAutos> Thanks for that (re @w_of_joz: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/5/5.1/lxqt-panel.html)04:49
lubot[telegram] <AngryAutos> I am trying to remove a program something called cloak wallet and I did with sudo apt remove cloak-wallet and it was successful but when I reinstall the data of the wallet is still there. Any idea how to find its app data?04:52
lubot[telegram] <vanitas_77> It might be in ~/.config/ or ~/.local/share11:16
Michael_XIIIHi all! I got a problem installing new repo in Lubuntu 22.04. Please advise. Thanks!11:34
Michael_XIIIsudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-dev/backports11:34
Michael_XIIITraceback (most recent call last):11:34
Michael_XIII  File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 364, in <module>11:34
Michael_XIII    sys.exit(0 if addaptrepo.main() else 1)11:34
Michael_XIII  File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 347, in main11:34
Michael_XIIIHi all! I got a problem installing new repo in Lubuntu 22.04. Please advise. Thanks! https://dpaste.com/AFXNMXBZ411:36
wxlMichael_XIII: to be fair that seems like an issue with add-apt-repository, not with the lubuntu installer11:40
guiverc2Michael_XIII, have you changed the default python3 version?   add-apt-repository requires the default python3 to work13:17
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Michael_XIIIMakes sense, thank you. It doesn't help me indeed13:41
tewardMichael_XIII: you didnt answer guiverc's question14:29
tewarddid you alter the python in use on your system?14:30
Michael_XIIIyes, sure - I changed itfor the newest 3.10 (3.7.4 was before)14:31
tewardMichael_XIII: congratulations.  you have broken your system.14:34
tewardNEVER change the system installed python.14:34
tewardit breaks a ton of things.14:34
tewardadd-apt-repository and MUCH of the core system rely **completely** on system installed python from the repos to be the system default python14:35
tewardyou can either attempt to rollback your python changes to the system python libs or reinstall fresh and learn to install newer python independent of system python so you dont break your system14:36

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