
OvenWerksEickmeyer:  can you see much on the internet right now?19:52
EickmeyerYep, having no issues.19:52
OvenWerksI can get here but I can't even ping
EickmeyerWeird. Try
OvenWerkstracepath gets part way19:53
EickmeyerISP having issues?19:54
OvenWerksping is ok19:54
OvenWerks8.8.8.8 is google19:54
Eickmeyer1.1.1.1 is cloudflare19:55
EickmeyerI just tried seems ok19:55
EickmeyerYou might be having problems between your ISP and Google's DNS. You could temporarily switch to and (cloudflare) and see if that clears your DNS up.19:56
OvenWerksI should be able to tracepath or ping to That should not require a DNS... or if it does the problem is with routing 8 or more systems away from me20:01
OvenWerksOh well, I think I will take my Yf out for lunch. Maybe it will be fine when I get back20:05
OvenWerksWhatever was broke, where ever it was, has been fixed.22:28
EickmeyerOh good!22:30

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