
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
gordonjcpam I using Carla wrong? It doesn't seem to detect any DSSI plugins21:29
gordonjcpit sees LV2 plugins just fine21:29
Eickmeyergordonjcp: 90% of the time you just have to tell it what path to look for.22:30
EickmeyerIts defaults don't always line-up with where the Debian devs, in their wisdom, have decided where DSSI plugins should go.22:31
EickmeyerMoreover, DSSI is kindof a dead plugin format, so keep that in mind.22:31
gordonjcpEickmeyer: yeah, I just can't be arsed porting everything to LV223:36
OvenWerksgordonjcp: how many dssi plugins do you have? I am not sure I have any left that actually work.23:37
gordonjcpOvenWerks: some quite old ones23:42
gordonjcpI'll probably just adapt them to be standalone Jack apps tbh23:42
gordonjcpthe basic problem is I'm too lazy to figure out how to generate the pages and pages and pages of line noise that LV2 requires in that ttl thing23:43
OvenWerksI haven't made any plugins, DSP is not really my thing. But Robin seems to be able to go from nothing to plugin in a very short time. Maybe it is just that he has a lot of code bits sitting around.23:46

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