=== militantorc is now known as WilhelmII | ||
=== WilhelmII is now known as militantorc | ||
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xsisec_ | Hi Guys what is the difference from install cuda from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=Ubuntu&target_version=22.04&target_type=deb_local or sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc? | 14:57 |
xubuntu2d | Did anyone noticed that slack system tray no longer works in xubuntu 23.04? | 17:02 |
xubuntu2d | Is there a place i can start debugging this? | 17:02 |
sharky | hi folks, hoping someone can help. I upgraded from 22.10 to 23.04 and clicking "login" prompted a loop which blanks the screen briefly then pops the login screen back. sing recovery mode I've removed all autologin stuff from lightdm and commented out nopasswdlogin from /etc/group, which at least gives me a full password prompt, but when I enter my | 18:31 |
sharky | correct password, it says it's incorrect. I've changed/confirmed it's correct using recovery mode, but it still doesn't work. Baffled, stumped, frustrated. Full thread here [https://askubuntu.com/questions/1467818/upgrade-to-xubuntu-23-04-cant-login-popup-loop-tty-login-info-doesnt-work]; any ideas really gratefully received. Thanks all. | 18:31 |
sharky | *Using recovery mode. | 18:31 |
sharky | I've not yet tried the "drastic measures" approach answer here [https://askubuntu.com/a/84697/68396] but I'm not 100% convinced it would do much anyway. Maybe it would... | 18:34 |
diogenes_Vx15 | sharky, try to create a new user and login as a new user. | 18:34 |
sharky | ooh ok, good idea | 18:34 |
sharky | presumably in recovery mode also? | 18:34 |
diogenes_Vx15 | try normal mode. | 18:35 |
sharky | can you do that in the normal login prompt? | 18:35 |
sharky | options at login are my username or "Other...". If I enter a new user "user2" and a password, it says "password incorrect" still | 18:36 |
diogenes_Vx15 | just hit Ctrl+Alt+f1/2/3... and there you do sudo adduser or sudo useradd | 18:36 |
diogenes_Vx15 | then you login there as a new user and run: startxfce4 | 18:37 |
sharky | at tty1/2/3 the first prompt is "Computername login: _" | 18:38 |
sharky | per the GUI issue, if I enter my existing user & pw, it says incorrect | 18:39 |
sharky | also doesn't work for user=root | 18:39 |
sharky | but feasibly I can do this in recovery: | 18:40 |
sharky | useradd username -m -s /bin/bash | 18:40 |
sharky | passwd username | 18:40 |
sharky | adduser username sudo | 18:40 |
sharky | ?? | 18:40 |
sharky | (thanks for the ideas btw) | 18:40 |
diogenes_Vx15 | the man page says thay it's recommended to use adduser. | 18:41 |
diogenes_Vx15 | that^ | 18:41 |
sharky | https://askubuntu.com/questions/161074/i-accidentally-deleted-administrator-account-and-the-other-accounts-are-asking-r#161075 per this I'm getting "the user 'user2' does not exist", so I'll try useradd now | 18:44 |
sharky | ok done, rebooting | 18:45 |
sharky | password incorrect. | 18:45 |
sharky | something's seriously screwy with the password manager it seems... looks like it works normally in recovery mode, "mount -o rw,remount /" seems to work fine, everything confirms it's working, user2 was added to home and then to sudo. | 18:46 |
sharky | is there any difference between tty1, 2, 3? I've never really known what the point of multiple tty's is. Anyway, original user & user2 passwords both don't work in tty nor login GUI | 18:47 |
diogenes_Vx15 | sharky, no difference but i think it woild be a good idea for you to backup your data. | 18:48 |
diogenes_Vx15 | eventually you might want to reinstall. | 18:49 |
diogenes_Vx15 | thay being said, i'm out, good luck. | 18:49 |
sharky65 | to remove my root password in recovery mode (set errantly), do I just follow this [https://askubuntu.com/a/84697/68396] i.e. nano -B /etc/shadow and delete the encrypted password between the first & second colons? | 18:57 |
sharky65 | I'm about to do this for my main and recently-created (likely not needed) second user, but just wondering if there will be any bad outcomes for doing it to the root account? | 18:58 |
sharky65 | Just removed passwords in shadow for main accounts, GUI login says "Failed to authenticate", password box greyed out, so that is having some effect. | 19:03 |
sharky65 | went back into recovery, set passwords for both users, save, exit, resume boot, login GUI, password incorrect. GAH. | 19:03 |
sharky65 | Anyone know if I can use an xubuntu 23.04 live USB to repair an install, is that a thing? | 19:06 |
sharky65 | possible progress, writing as much for myself as anything else: ages ago I tried to have my yubikey usable as a 1 touch login which never worked but evidently left deadly cruft in the system. Guide here [https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016649099-Ubuntu-Linux-Login-Guide-U2F]. Have removed "auth required pam_u2f.so" | 19:17 |
sharky65 | from /etc/pam.d/sudo and it no longer says password incorrect, I've plugged in the yubikey, enter the password, tap the yubikey, and it does the screen blank loop. So. Progress, somewhat. | 19:17 |
sharky65 | ok, amazing, I can now login to tty but not to GUI still, it does the blank loop. So conceptually this is/was yubikey interfering with password PLUS possibly a display issue. | 19:30 |
sharky65 | following this [https://askubuntu.com/questions/1465176/login-screen-does-not-appear-after-upgrade-to-23-04] I already have nvidia and xserver-xorg-video-nouveau AND video-nvidia-470 installed so ostensibly no need to remove the nvidia drivers just yet, maybe just need to select the noubveau drivers while in tty... | 19:37 |
sharky65 | which is proving hard to do. lspci -vnnn says kernel driver in use: nvidia. I feel like I shouldn't need to purse nvidia drivers, just select the nouveau one... | 19:54 |
lessiyana | I want to lead a lesbian in KDE #kde-lgbtq | 20:00 |
lessiyana | I want to lead a lesbian in KDE #kde-lgbtq | 20:06 |
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sharky | I presume I didn't miss anything while I was offline again but please re-paste it if I did | 21:23 |
Unit193 | sharky: I'd be interested in what happened, fwiw. Also, what pam modules do you have installed? | 23:00 |
sharky | pam was indeed the login issue, related to yubikey | 23:01 |
sharky | https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016649099-Ubuntu-Linux-Login-Guide-U2F I commented out everything to do with pam_u2f | 23:01 |
Unit193 | Gotcha, seemed like the direction you were going. | 23:02 |
sharky | but this just fixed my password issue, I'm now back at the login loop, can access & login to tty, purged nvidia driver, nouveau driver installed but not in use, seemingly no way to enable it. | 23:02 |
sharky | https://askubuntu.com/questions/1467818/upgrade-to-xubuntu-23-04-cant-login-popup-loop-tty-login-info-doesnt-work full issue here, but asking a new one since it is/was 2 separate things. | 23:03 |
Unit193 | Nothing in /var/log/lightdm/ or .xsession-errors? Did you try the ol' rm ~/.Xauthority ~/.ICEauthority trick? | 23:04 |
sharky | new question here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1468208/xubuntu-22-10-to-23-04-gui-upgrade-login-loop-nvidia-drivers-purged-no-driver | 23:04 |
sharky | I will now, one sec | 23:05 |
Unit193 | Ah, looks like the loop is before lightdm, meh. | 23:05 |
Unit193 | And just for kicks: apt list ?config-files list anything? | 23:06 |
sharky | var log lightdm: session pid=1107: exited with return value 127. seat seat0: session stopped. stopping display server, no sessions require it. | 23:08 |
sharky | (possibly cos Im | 23:08 |
sharky | I'm in tty though?) | 23:08 |
sharky | tough to tell where this loop occurs relative to the gui/tty experience. | 23:09 |
Unit193 | Right, but if it shows lightdm then it's not the drivers at least, even if you can't login to your user. | 23:10 |
sharky | "m ~/.Xauthority ~/.ICEauthority trick?" - any further intel on this, it's new to me | 23:10 |
Unit193 | !xhangs | 23:10 |
ubottu | If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 23:10 |
sharky | well I can login in tty... | 23:10 |
Unit193 | Dang, no link... :/ | 23:10 |
sharky | ok 1 sec | 23:10 |
Unit193 | Nah if lightdm isn't even showing up, then it's not that. | 23:10 |
Unit193 | Any feedback on the apt list command? | 23:10 |
sharky | I should do the rm trick at root level? | 23:11 |
sharky | haven't gotten around to apt list yet, sorry - no ability to copy & paste commands across machines ;) | 23:11 |
sharky | apt list: anything I'm looking for in particular? scrolling now | 23:12 |
Unit193 | Hopefully not much output, but look for nvidia stuff. Also, you could use termbin if you have internet. | 23:12 |
Unit193 | apt list ?config-files are removed packages with files remaining. | 23:12 |
sharky | libnvidia-compute-460/lunar 470.182.03-0ubuntu1 amd 64 | 23:13 |
sharky | libnvidia-compute-465/lunar 470.182.03-0ubuntu1 amd 64 | 23:13 |
sharky | lots more nvidia at the end also, | 23:14 |
sharky | nvidia-compute-utils | 23:14 |
sharky | nvidia-dkms | 23:14 |
sharky | nvidia-kernel-common | 23:14 |
sharky | nvidia-prime | 23:14 |
sharky | nvidia-settings | 23:14 |
Unit193 | So yeah, there's leftover files. My thinking here is that it's possible that the config that says to use nvidia is still present, but logs should say. | 23:15 |
Unit193 | If you're *sure* you can get rid of those, apt purge ?config-files also works. | 23:16 |
sharky | any concern that'll also purge all the other config-files? | 23:16 |
Unit193 | It'll absolutely purge all packages that have been removed but have files leftover, yes. | 23:17 |
Unit193 | (For packages still installed, it won't touch them.) | 23:17 |
sharky | at this stage nvidia's not doing anything for me, so i'm not averse to chucking out all it's cruft. Notwithstanding it might have been nice to keep the settings in case I can reinstall it later. | 23:17 |
Unit193 | Last nvidia driver I used was 304. :/ | 23:18 |
sharky | purging now. eeks. | 23:19 |
sharky | now wondering whether I should have tried to boot into an older linux kernel... | 23:20 |
sharky | will reboot now & if it fails: "rm .{X,ICE}authority" do I just run this at root in tty? | 23:20 |
Unit193 | That'd be as your user, they're in your own home dir. | 23:21 |
sharky | gotcha | 23:21 |
Unit193 | But that only helps if lightdm pops up, but your user throws you back to the login screen. | 23:21 |
sharky | ah. backed up & deleted now, config file purge didn't change anything, will reboot and check to see if authorities did | 23:24 |
sharky | then try oldest linux kernel | 23:24 |
sharky | it just feels like there should be a way to request the gpu uses a specific installed module | 23:25 |
sharky | no improvement, rebooting for older kernel | 23:26 |
sharky | no change there either | 23:27 |
sharky | alas | 23:27 |
sharky | var log lightdm: "session pid=1107: exited with return value 127. seat seat0: session stopped. stopping display server, no sessions require it. Process exiting with return value 0. XServer 0: X server stopped. Releasing VT 7. Removing X server authority /var/run/lightdm/root/:0. Seat seat0: display server stopped." | 23:34 |
Unit193 | Nothing specifically is jumping out at me. You could cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log | nc termbin.io 9999 and I could take a look, or you could ask in #ubuntu and hope the more exposure has better luck. | 23:34 |
sharky | This feels like the doom loop. Session ending, giving up x server, the getting dumped back to login greeter. | 23:34 |
Unit193 | Sounds like there should be a log before that, of what went wrong. Either in that, or x-0-greeter.log :P | 23:35 |
sharky | permission denied, port 9999 name or service not known. possibly have to open port on my router? | 23:35 |
Unit193 | Urgh, .com not .io. I always do that and not sure why, sorry. | 23:37 |
Unit193 | That'll pastebin your log and the link should be short enough to hand copy. | 23:38 |
sharky | haha no worries, already googled it and found it was .com, same error, will look at my eero app. after downloading the eero app... | 23:38 |
Unit193 | Permission denied pasting, or trying to read the file as non-root? | 23:39 |
sharky | ugh, silly sausage, didn't add sudo | 23:39 |
sharky | https://termbin.com/hnir | 23:39 |
sharky | what a wonderful service | 23:39 |
sharky | "vesa: Refusing to run on UEFI" aligns with someone someone else said on a previous thread with no answer | 23:41 |
sharky | https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/vesa-refusing-to-run-on-uefi-again-4175687045/ this suggests nomodeset could be the cause, potentially I can edit my grub. now to remind myself where grub lives... | 23:42 |
Unit193 | You'll want to poke at /etc/default/grub and then update-grub (as root) | 23:43 |
Unit193 | Also cat /proc/cmdline to see what you booted with. | 23:44 |
sharky | yup, there now. nomodeset present. IDK what that relates to, presumably changed it based on a bug years ago and left it. | 23:44 |
Unit193 | ...Been there, done that. "Do I still need this? *Why* do I even have it?!" | 23:45 |
sharky | booted with 5.11 kernel just to try it but removing nomodeset should apply to all kernels I select I believe. Let's find the F out! | 23:46 |
sharky | trying 6.2 again now. splash screen is NOTABLY higher res.... so is login screen. Palpable excitement. | 23:47 |
sharky | password entered. blank screen. login popup again. arsebiscuits. | 23:47 |
sharky | tty is much higher res as well. weird that nomodeset has improved the res but it still won't login/work | 23:48 |
sharky | tty login fine still | 23:48 |
sharky | ok, lspci -vnnn|less shows gpu kernel driver in use: nouveau. Hooray! But somehow I guess this wasn't the issue then...? | 23:50 |
Unit193 | Check ~/.xsession-errors? | 23:50 |
sharky | https://termbin.com/fgg3 | 23:53 |
sharky | "xfce4-session: symbol lookup error: xfce4-session: undefined symbol: xfce_screensaver_new" seems innocuous but is the last thing... | 23:54 |
Unit193 | xfce4-session: symbol lookup error: xfce4-session: undefined symbol: xfce_screensaver_new Uhh...is something not updated? | 23:54 |
Unit193 | No, that's xfce4-session crashing. | 23:54 |
Unit193 | That sounds like a new xfce4-session without an updated libxfce4util, that symbol is new. | 23:55 |
sharky | before the update, it gives the user a warning about lock screens. I wonder? | 23:55 |
Unit193 | LANG=C apt list | grep ed,loc | 23:55 |
sharky | potenially I could update libxfce4util? | 23:55 |
sharky | https://termbin.com/nxpcx | 23:57 |
Unit193 | ...Not what I was expecting, OK.. Uh, exo/now 2021.11.16 that's not a version string that ever had.. | 23:58 |
Unit193 | apt-cache policy libxfce4ui-2-0 xfce4-session ? | 23:59 |
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