
idmbehello, is launchpad down ? 01:49
AnAntHello,  launchpad is down ?02:01
AnAntoh, it worked now02:01
idmbeAnAnt: Yes now work 02:17
surfzoid<sarnold> "surfzoid: my *guess* is that..." <- you are right, there isn't another way to customise the vm?05:23
surfzoidlike a script05:23
=== iomari891 is now known as isomari
sarnoldsurfzoid: you could probably configure your ppa or recipe or whatever to only build packages for the architectures that the other guy has provided?18:12
JayFGood morning o/ I'm trying to figure out something weird I'm seeing back from the API. https://gist.github.com/jayofdoom/918602acb03b15d13e8f5b3996e4b587 It looks like regardless of the query, I'm getting back what almost looks like the string representation of an object in python?19:52
JayFI suspect there's a nonzero chance I'm doing something wrong or there's something strange going on, too19:56
JayFcurl 'https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ironic?project_name=ironic&ws.op=searchTasks&ws.size=100&status=New' appears to be working; I'll go from here and figure it out19:59
cjwatsonJayF: 'https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/bugs&project_name=ironic' in your gist is a typo for 'https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/bugs?project_name=ironic'.  '&' doesn't introduce a query string in a URL, it only separates parameters in the query string20:23
JayFyeah, I realized that after the fact. And the original bug I was troubleshooting was an eventlet hang in the bug dashboard (not your api's fault)20:24
JayFso I've been barking up the wrong tree for a while :)20:24
JayFthank you20:24

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