[00:00] https://termbin.com/eekr [00:00] fwiw I installed github-latest versions of various xfce4 packages before the upgrade, trying to get bugs fixed in thunar. IDK if relevant. [00:00] 4.18.2 has that symbol.. [00:01] aah ok [00:01] libxfce4ui/debian/libxfce4ui-2-0.symbols: xfce_screensaver_new@Base 4.18.2 so in theory you shouldn't have that problem. Considering both packages came from the Ubuntu repos... [00:01] so potentially upgrade to 4.18.2 and it's all sunshine & rainbows? [00:01] libxfce4ui-2-0: Installed: 4.18.2-2 [00:01] oh right yeah [00:02] hmm [00:03] find /usr/local/ ? [00:03] Maybe -type f... [00:04] dpkg --verify xfce4-session libxfce4ui-2-0 ? [00:04] possibly related https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=13640 [00:05] nothing returned for journalctl | grep xfce4-screensaver, alas [00:07] ahaa, possibly related to seemingly innocucous nag message: dpkg lines returned: [00:07] warning, parsing file 'var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5519 package 'exo': missing "Maintainer' field. [00:07] could be nothing but if it's borking on that small thing & throwing connected programs out of whack....??? [00:07] You got exo from a weird place, right. [00:07] aye, github latest. [00:08] wonder if I can roll it/others back to 23.04 latest? or just purge from usr/local or elsewhere (home/me/Installers/exo IIRC) [00:08] FWIW, I'd recommend the xubuntu-dev/staging PPA, it might not be the dev releases but it'll have backports of the latest uploaded to Ubuntu dev release. [00:09] That's part of what I was asking, if maybe you installed things locally into /usr/local/ or if something overwrote files in libxfce4ui-2-0. [00:09] as a generality (so I don't have to do manual github clones in future) or now specifically from the command line in tty to fix this? [00:09] (or both) [00:09] ah right right [00:09] Generally speaking. [00:09] gotcha, will do [00:10] I mean I'm going to be biased maybe since I'm the one that maintains that PPA, but I also maintain Xfce in Xubuntu/Debian sooo.. :3 [00:10] for now do you recall the command to ask where things are? [00:10] hahaha despite your vested interests (!) I would *love* to not have to fanny about with github cloning again, so you've got my vote [00:10] Do you mean on your system (locate), in a package (dpkg -L exo) or in a directory (find /path)? [00:11] find /usr/local/ -type f would be good to check. [00:11] ah thanks, dpkg: [00:11] actually that's probably all the same... [00:12] "find /usr/local/ -type f" - add a grep in there, is possible? [00:12] ooh it is. finally learning command line :) [00:12] there's a lot of exo...! [00:13] Yeah, though by default there's nothing in that directory so it's just stuff you or some poorly crafted package made. [00:13] https://termbin.com/4d7dq [00:13] (I'm loving termbin, as you can possibly tell) [00:14] `pastebinit` is also amazing. [00:14] dpkg -l | grep -e exo -e xfce and see what's all lthere, but apt install exo/lunar will revert to repos. [00:16] https://termbin.com/4vn0 [00:16] "libexo-2-0:amd64                              4.18.0-1" [00:17] That looks to be the correct version. [00:17] "release lunar for exo was not found". package exo not available [00:17] hmm. [00:18] also not seen "sudo apt install packagename/distributionversion". very cool. [00:18] exo=4.18.0-1 for the version exo/release for the series, yeah. Pretty nice. [00:19] i'm wondering if there's a version imbalance which is messing things up? exo 4.18.0-1, ui 4.18.2-2 ? [00:20] possibly either roll ui back to repos, or upgrade exo to 2-2 (if exists)? [00:21] No that's fine, though you'll want to fix 'exo' if you haven't. I'm afraid while this may make things more tidy, you're not fixing the underlaying problem. :/ [00:22] Let's just do a quick: apt reinstall libxfce4ui-2-0 libxfce4util7 xfce4-session ? [00:22] yeah I was getting that feeling. Still, arguably best to get it sorted even if it just allows us to reveal the actual problem. Also I wonder f the screensaver might be the issue, since it's also a lockscreen and can prevent people from unlocking their systems (bug may have been fixed, just going off what I've read) [00:23] reinstalled & rebooting, gracias [00:23] Could just remove xfce4-screensaver/light-locker/xscreensaver sure, though I don't see that helping. [00:23] Bitte. [00:24] aye maybe not but I don't use a screensaver anyway, unless turning off the monitor after 30 mins counts. which it may, if it's handled by the same program... [00:24] That should be in xfce4-power-manager. [00:24] back at login screen, no change, going to tty, will look at logs [00:27] hmm, xsession-errors not found, did I type something differently? "cat ./xsession-errors | ns termbin.com 9999" [00:27] also cat ~./xession-errors [00:27] ~/.xsession-errors [00:27] ~/ means home directory, so /home/unit193/ in my case, the file is .xsession-errors [00:28] looks like I was already home. anyway: [00:28] https://termbin.com/qg0r [00:28] same issue [00:29] right let's remove xfce4-screensaver/light-locker/xscreensaver [00:29] sudo apt purge xfce4-screensaver ? [00:30] (or possibly could upgrade it to latest? maybe I'll try that after if i need it/care) [00:31] Can you also run dpkg --verify x11-common ? [00:31] same complaint about exo missing maintainer field [00:31] /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent: line 9: has_option: command not found this looks strange as that command comes from /etc/X11/Xsession [00:32] Well, apt install exo/lunar ? [00:32] should I go ahead with that screensaver purge line do you think? [00:32] Can. [00:33] doesn't look like it purged, due to exo maintainer again... [00:33] "Well,  apt install exo/lunar  ?" sorry not sure how to interpret this, did you want me to try that again, sudo apt install exo/lunar  ? [00:33] Perhaps install exo from lunar, then? [00:34] It would appear you still have exo from the external source? [00:34] "sudo apt install exo/lunar" - lunar for exo was not found [00:34] it IS just exo right, not libxfce4exo ? [00:35] The library is something else. Actually though you're right, that package doesn't exist. :P [00:35] So, safe to remove. [00:35] i.e. sudo apt purge exo ? [00:36] Yeah. Can you also pastebin ldd `which xfce4-session`? [00:36] I'm trying to remember how you uninstall from source (so to speak), i.e. /home/Installers/exo [00:37] `which xfce4-session`: /usr/bin/xfce4-session [00:37] LMK if that's not what you wanted/were expecting [00:37] right purging exo [00:38] I was looking for ldd `which xfce4-session`, 'ldd' is the command and `which xfce4-session` will give it the path. [00:38] warning while removing exo director /usr/local/bin not empty so not removed. That's fine. [00:38] ah sorry [00:39] hmm, says no such file or directory, 1 sec, try double quotes [00:39] npoe same [00:40] ldd response is  "ldd: ./which xfce4-session: no such file etc" [00:40] Erm, you needed ldd `which xfce4-session` those are backtics, not quotes. [00:41] entered it manually anyway - https://termbin.com/eq4sq [00:41] libxfce4ui-2.so.0 => /usr/local/lib/libxfce4ui-2.so.0 (0x00007f8f49369000) [00:41] libxfce4util.so.7 => /usr/local/lib/libxfce4util.so.7 (0x00007f8f49356000) [00:42] what's the takehome from those brother? Not sure what I'm looking at/for. 7 != 0 ? [00:42] I guess try dpkg -S /usr/local/lib/libxfce4ui-2.so.0 to see if anything installed that, but that's certainly the problem. [00:43] That means there's a local version that's a bit dated, and it's getting in the way of the system library. Hence when xfce4-session tried to launch it was loading that as the library which doesn't have the new symbols, then crashes. [00:43] In your paste from earlier, I only saw the exo stuff in /usr/local/lib though... [00:43] hmm. dpkg-query no path found matching pattern... [00:44] OK, so it was somehow installed another way. Try find /usr/local/lib to see what is all there? [00:44] https://termbin.com/fypf [00:46] and [00:46] and [00:46] Try sudo mv /usr/local/lib /usr/local/evillib and re-login graphically? [00:46] may be irrelevant [00:46] weird, starting with slash kills the comment [00:46] (There's also geeqie and projectM suff in there, but..) [00:47] I think your file listing there is likely cut off. [00:47] just gonna quickly reboot just in case the exo purge attempt & other stuff had any impact. long shot but will be a quick turnaround [00:47] I'm next to positive it's /usr/local/lib/libxfce4ui-2.so.0 [00:49] what I was trying to paste but got deleted wsa that there seems to be 4 versions of exo in there [00:49] usr/local/lib/libexo-2.so.0.1.0 [00:49] usr/local/lib/libexo-2.so [00:49] usr/local/lib/libexo-2.so.0 [00:49] usr/local/lib/libexo-2.la [00:49] may be irrelevant... [00:49] Nah, that's expected and fine. [00:50] test? [00:50] ok [00:50] relogin graphically: is there a way to do that other than rebooting? [00:51] Just try again with lightdm? [00:51] startx [00:51] holy shitballs [00:51] hello desktop [00:51] joyous day [00:51] Without a couple things in the env, it likely looks a little off though. [00:52] trying a restart to see what happens [00:52] re little off: possibly, seemed ok but I only gave it a few second skim, will see what happens on the restart [00:55] okey dokey, rebooted & logged in fine. amazing stuff, thank you so much! [00:56] Glad it worked out. There's still a fair bit of cruft in there, though. [00:56] aye no question. thoughts on the best way to address that? [00:57] looks like I can probably safely move some stuff back from evillib to lib? [00:57] ...Well it'll break again...but I guess if that's what you want. :P [00:58] haha well I'm thinking just the thunar & tumbler stuff, not any of the (lib)xfce4 stuff [00:59] I wouldn't mix locally installed packages and system ones, specifically if you aren't going to keep up with them. It just confuses things, as you noticed. [01:00] indeed. what was your tip about your PPA? [01:00] Basically I'd start with a fresh /usr/local/, and that's just sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/staging [01:02] nice one. And thoughts on nvidia driver install? It's working now with nouveau, but I'm kinda wondering if the nvidia driver was ever a problem in the first place (vs nomodeset). Thoughts? [01:03] Could give it a shot, nvidia drivers would likely work better. [01:05] seems to have worked, lovely stuff [01:09] thank you so so so much for your help bud. Absolute lifesaver. If you have a beer fund or whatever, LMK [01:11] Hey, glad you got it without a re-install. [01:12] oof me too. [12:19] Hi Team, My xubuntu systems are not getting updated from 18.04 to 20.04, it just hangs in middle