
lubot[telegram] <profetik777> mx linux has tools to do this well. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <HusTler> I have a question about Lubuntu running off a USB stick)01:48
dragon_Is anyone good with digital signations ?20:47
Guest2087Anyone Here?21:18
tewarddragon_: perhaps you need to ask your actual question21:48
tewardrather than ask if anyone is good with something.21:48
tewardalso waht do you mean by 'signations'21:48
dragon_I have tired that21:48
dragon_I am trying to sign pdfs, but it is tricky to make it work21:49
dragon_It is something about tokenizing and some kind of authentication electronically, and I don`t understand it completely. I think it is suppose to be done in Lubuntu, one option is libre office 21:50
dragon_I think it involved  my signature as in my name, written down on a pad, and some kind of authentication like a GPG key.21:54
dragon_reading explanations of it, sound a bit like those tokenised artworks21:55
dragon_In theory it is a simple function in libre, under "save as", but it always haults and go no where in lubuntu21:56
dragon_Is anyone using this featuer?21:56
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tomreyndragon_: i doubt it is used much. i used it once out of interest (not on lubuntu, but on ubuntu, i think, but this should not matter)23:12
tomreynmost people don't have a gpg key, and that's a pre-condition for *this* type of pdf signing (there are others, and more common ones)23:13

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