
michelhi all. uh, if my Ubuntu Discourse account somehow got unlinked from my Ubuntu One SSO, who can I ask for help?02:53
tomreynmichel: i'd say if you can still write on it, use https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/site-feedback/303:02
micheltomreyn: I can't unfortunately, if I try to log in it prompts me to create a new account :(03:05
tomreynmichel: hopefully then going through SSO support can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSO/FAQs03:10
micheltomreyn: thank you!03:29
michelI emailed them03:39
lotuspsychjetomreyn: wanna take a look at that apport bug i filed, bug #201812814:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 2018128 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport does not collect all logs when the package is HWE kernel" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201812814:06
lotuspsychjenot sure if that new comment is for me? and why is it being triaged?14:06
tomreynlotuspsychje: it's in "triaged" status for the "apport" package". which is probably actually unaffected, since, as brian murray said, apport hooks ("what files do we want included in reports?") are handled by the very packages bugs are to be reported against (so the hew kernel ones).14:10
tomreynbrian murray retargeted this bug as (also) affecting the linux package, and pointed out the kernel maintainers (#ubuntu-kernel) actually need to provide the apport hooks with their packages.14:11
tomreynthen, however, bdrung said that there's an exception to this rule (packages provide their own apport hooks and thus define what files to include in apport reports) for linux packages. their hooks are actually directly in the apport package.14:12
lotuspsychjeso nothing is wanted from my (user) side here?14:13
tomreynI guess bdrung did not really think about whom he's asking the question - it is clearly geared towards the kernel package maintainers.14:13
lotuspsychjeallrighty tnx for the elaborate tomreyn 14:14
tomreynso effectively this is now waiting for  input from the kernel team (which i assume juergh represents here) on which files / symlinks should be added to the apport team (which I assume bdrung would manage)14:16
tomreynerr, the apport *package*14:16
lotuspsychjelets hope they find the culprit14:17
tomreynlotuspsychje: what you could answer is thbdrung's first question, this might actually let him continue already.14:17
tomreynHow is the HWE kernel package named?14:17
lotuspsychjetomreyn: the case is in my description, linux-signed-hwe-5.1914:18
tomreynoh, and he may actually be asking you, i am still waking up and may not have understood that part14:18
lotuspsychjebut i filed against 'linux' like we usualy do14:18
tomreynlinux-signed-hwe-5.19 is the source package name, right14:19
tomreynis there anything like linux-signed-hwe* in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ ?14:20
tomreynis there anything like source_linux_signed*hwe* in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ ?14:20
tomreynthis rather14:20
tomreynis there anything like source_linux-signed-hwe* in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ ?14:21
tomreynactually this :)14:21
tomreynlotuspsychje: ^14:21
lotuspsychjei got a source linux and a linux-meta14:22
lotuspsychjebut i dont see HWE variant there14:22
tomreynso, after reading this again i think that bdrung is actually asking *you* to see if you can add such a symlink in this directory and see how apport behaves then when you try to file a bug against the signed hwe kernel14:23
tomreynsudo ln -s source_linux.py /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-signed-hwe.py14:24
lotuspsychjeno output tomreyn 14:25
lotuspsychjesource_linux and a source_linux-meta14:25
tomreynokay, but this command adds a symlink, after running it      ls -l /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux*      should additionally say      /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-signed-hwe.py -> source.linux.py14:26
lotuspsychjetomreyn: https://imgur.com/a/4aALd9b14:26
tomreyn2nd row, 4th icon, it's there14:27
tomreynnow try if you can run the original apport command again and whether it would now gather the right logs.14:28
tomreynif needed to test this, create a fully bug report, we can set it to "invalid" later14:29
lotuspsychjelets c14:32
lotuspsychjetomreyn: it files to linux image generic 5.1914:33
tomreynbut    cat /proc/version     says you're on the hwe currently?14:34
lotuspsychjeyeah im on jammy HWE thus 5.1914:35
lotuspsychjeshould i file the bug to see if it imports info?14:35
tomreynokay, and the report you're filing now, does it include all the files that should be included?14:35
tomreynyes please14:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2020268 in linux-signed-hwe-5.19 (Ubuntu) "test bug against HWE" [Undecided, New]14:37
lotuspsychjesame thing tomreyn 14:37
tomreynokay, thanks for trying. i suggest you report back that you ran    sudo ln -s source_linux.py /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-signed-hwe.py     and this created the symlink     /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-signed-hwe.py -> source_linux.py    and that you then used apport command ... again but the resulting bug report was again missing the expected files (add a link to that bug report).14:39
lotuspsychjeallrighty tnx tomreyn 14:39
tomreynlotuspsychje: ^   if you would like to undo the symlink, run    sudo rm /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-signed-hwe.py14:40
lotuspsychjeok done14:40
lotuspsychjeill add a new comment in a bit14:41
tomreyngreat! :)14:41
lotuspsychjeupdated bug #2018128 tomreyn 14:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 2018128 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport does not collect all logs when the package is HWE kernel" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201812814:55
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