
=== RoelD is now known as Ryui
=== Ryui is now known as Ryuu
RyuuHi All! I had a question for a project and would like to know if someones has knowledge about this. I am seeding cloud-init files (user-data, meta-data) using the kernel (nocloud). I would like to merge user-data sections (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/merging.html). Is there a way to do that when you use the nocloud07:24
meenaryuu… is gone08:43
=== RoelD is now known as Ryuu
RyuuI am still here meena, I accidentally closed the tab. Did someone answer my question?09:57
meenaRyuu: no, sorry,okay:09:59
meenaI am not quite sure how you'd just merge user-data10:01
meenaI think you'd need vendor-data somewhere too, for this to make sense10:01
RyuuYeah, is it possible to merge the user-data and vendor-data with the merge directives?10:02
RyuuThat would be a suitable solution in my case10:02
meenaso your vendor data would provide some base-line, and your user-data could then merge or override stuff10:03
RyuuYes indeed10:04
RyuuIt would be like a base "template" that could be overwritten by the user if wanted10:05
meenaThat's what vendors often do, yes10:05
RyuuThank you meena, I will test it out :)10:06
=== esv_ is now known as esv
meenaholmanb: disabling cloud-init via kernel_options is coming in really handy12:27
minimalis ds-identify used anywhere else apart from the systemd generator?13:05
meenaready for review: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/411914:50
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4119 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support" [Open]14:50
holmanbmeena: glad to hear it :)15:52
holmanbminimal: not that I'm aware of 15:52
holmanbmeena: also just reran the tests on 2146, not sure if anyone did that for you yet15:55
minimalholmanb: ah, ok, so I'll not both raising a PR to add Alpine-specific virtualisation detection to it then ;-)15:59
holmanbminimal: good call :D16:00
meenaholmanb: thanks. I thought i had fixed all the failures on that one17:15
meenatype error?17:17
holmanbmeena: not sure, didn't check17:43
holmanbmeena: Also, I'm out the rest of today and tomorrow.18:07
meenaself-goal https://github.com/lxc/lxd/pull/11626#pullrequestreview-143725724519:32
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 11626 in lxc/lxd "lxd-agent: Allow building on freebsd" [Closed]19:32

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