[12:49] I'm surprised we didn't push systemd reload into distro [12:49] but it's only used in cc_mounts.py [13:39] anyone alive yet? [13:39] I need some python help [13:40] meena: I'm here [13:41] falcojr: i moved some code that i had written for cc_rsyslog to distro/freebsd.py because it seems very useful… as in, I think I should use the pattern in cc_ntp as well [13:41] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4119/files#diff-fe982edf26ef805fad5785749df9d688a6afd90927e8d1771f6a68da523fed2fR40-R52 [13:41] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4119 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support" [Open] [13:42] however, when trying to call the code, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4119/files#diff-26c4aba2c01832721f68e7da42e48b3c8bb4bad90dfadca71bf482e55f6b2c70R375-R376 I'm now getting: TypeError: reload_rc() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given [13:46] your def reload_rc() has a classmethod decorator but takes no cls parameter. Looks like it can probably be a @staticmethod instead (without having fully grokked what's happening) [13:47] a [14:16] whee. it's ready. [14:16] well, except for the failing tests [14:19] cloudinit/config/cc_rsyslog.py:380: error: "Distro" has no attribute "reload_rc" [14:19] mypy is not a fan of my @staticmethod [14:30] falcojr: i have opened the flood gates with this stupid pr === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [14:30] This was supposed to be a really easy PR [14:31] a quick distraction before I get back to refactoring cloudinit.net [15:02] from what I've looked at its a good refractor though, so thanks! [15:04] falcojr: just one more lint fix, and it's ready to go [15:07] actually, i have no idea what this means: /home/meena/src/cloud/cloud-init/cloudinit/config/cc_rsyslog.py:docstring of cloudinit.config.cc_rsyslog:10:Inline literal start-string without end-string. [15:10] hmmm given how much code I've touched in that file, I might as well add my © [15:16] what's that phrase? "you broke it, you bought it" ;-) [15:20] meena: Did you start the docstring without ending it? I.e., triple quote at the start but no triple quote at the end? [15:20] falcojr: nope. i didn't start anything [15:20] that line has been there for a few decades now [15:20] * meena needs to go pick up her daughter [15:21] Do we know any contributor from DigitalOcean? It would be nice to double-check this PR from their side https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4130 . Looking at the history of that cloud, I do not see any recent / active contributor. [15:21] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4130 in canonical/cloud-init "Move DigitalOcean before ConfigDrive datasource in default list" [Open] [15:32] aciba[m]: Hi. If either of the 2 email addresses aren't valid then i'm not sure who/how to contact next [15:47] aciba[m]: or find a member of the digitalocean github repo who appears to work for DO as a starting point? [15:57] minimal: good idea, thanks! I have done so. [16:42] aciba[m]: fixed https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4129 [16:42] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4129 in canonical/cloud-init "BSD: simplify finding MBR partitions" [Open] [16:46] holmanb: what are your plans for https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2127 ? [16:46] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2127 in canonical/cloud-init "Support Ephemeral Networking for BSD" [Open] [16:47] [community notice] final packaging builds are running currently for tip of main, we'll be kicking off one more round of testing for the potential 23.2 upstream release later today. If there are any critical pull requests that we'd need in today's build, please raise them here [16:50] blackboxsw: the mbr fix should go in, cuz the last one was a half fix [16:50] meena: regardless of the 23.2 release.... I think we owe you some reviews. anything you are blocked on currently that needs more eyes? I think we probably need to round out the failing case Brett mentioned in #2127 then we can tackle your 2165 right? [16:53] the rsyslog change is now extremely well tested and can go in, except for a failing doc test [16:53] i put 2165 ti rest, until the holmanb's pr is merged [16:54] I think that's it [16:56] except for: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2157 i have no idea how to get started with tests there [16:56] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2157 in canonical/cloud-init "Added / fixed support for static routes on OpenBSD and FreeBSD" [Open] [16:58] it looks good to go, but that area of code has no tests [17:02] I think that's it now, for real [19:28] meena: thanks I force pushed a change to your https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4129 fix/fbsd-mbr branch with the desired unittest/comments [19:28] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4129 in canonical/cloud-init "BSD: simplify finding MBR partitions" [Open] [19:28] if that works I think we are good to go there [19:28] nice! [19:28] if that works **for you** [19:32] dumb, umm n/m on that unittest I completely misread. reworking it 5 mins [19:34] * meena is walking dog, then it's bedtime for kiddo, and then I'll have to do dishes or shopping. *then* I'm back to work [19:35] rock, no worries. will force push a unittest in the proper place. if you are ok with that. then I'll merge when unittest is in place [19:37] 👍 [20:01] unittest added. just awaiting CI [20:02] then, we can cut our upstream release 23.2 [20:46] would be cool to get the rsyslog change in as well, but there's anyways 23.2.1 next week ;) [20:51] I just realised: it's own-goal not self-goal: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/pull/11626 [20:51] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 11626 in lxc/lxd "lxd-agent: Allow building on freebsd" [Closed] [20:52] I think we should wait on rsyslog just because there might still be a few more days of updates/reviews [20:53] I'll get on a real computer in about half an hour [21:00] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4129 merged. And https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4142 up for review for 23.2 [21:00] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4129 in canonical/cloud-init "BSD: simplify finding MBR partitions" [Merged] [21:00] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4142 in canonical/cloud-init "Release 23.2" [Open] [21:00] integration tests on mantic looking good so far on azure/lxd/gce w/ latest pyclodlib [21:01] *pycloudlib [21:07] blackboxsw: one request on the PR that I probably should have done earlier [21:09] @falcojr great pt [21:11] falcojr: should I drop the ChangeLog 23.2 duplicated `Make user/vendor data sensitive and remove log permissions` [21:12] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4142/files#r1203018792 [21:12] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4142 in canonical/cloud-init "Release 23.2" [Open] [21:13] I think it's ok. We've left the duplicated messages in the past [21:13] WFM [22:08] * meena at real computer now [22:17] falcojr: on FreeBSD, cc_rsyslog runs long after we have a network… so package install was no issue