[00:11] every time i try to touch cloudinit/config/schemas/schema-cloud-config-v1.json it just goes incredibly wrong [00:14] jq is happy with it, but pytest is not [00:14] not even almost [09:41] yeah, okay, I have no idea how to extend a schema [10:05] did you know: YAML is a superset of JSON [10:05] but, you can't mix JSON and YAML syntax on the same line [10:05] weird, huh? [10:16] simple PR: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4143 [10:16] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4143 in canonical/cloud-init ".gitignore: extend coverage pattern" [Open] [10:26] falcojr: thanks for the review, that triggered some thinking, and I have some simplification in mind [10:48] falcojr: vastly simplified the code [12:02] aciba[m]: got why time for https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2157 — the code looks good, imo, but I'm not sure how to test it. i don't see anything else testing static route… stuff [12:02] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2157 in canonical/cloud-init "Added / fixed support for static routes on OpenBSD and FreeBSD" [Open] [12:42] meena: did you mean to ping me? [13:18] falcojr: well, yesno. aciba[m] is awake, so i pinged him [13:29] either way, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4119 is now very much ready [13:29] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4119 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support" [Open] [14:15] Hi. I think I'm hitting a race condition on almalinux 9.2 where sshd is trying to start before the host keys have been generated. I'm thinking of overriding cloud-final.service to have a WantedBy and Before for sshd.service? Has anyone experienced this and can offer a better solution? [14:21] greatgatsby_: there's some precedent for that [14:23] so that's a reasonable solution? I'm not super familiar with systemd dependencies, so I'm just hoping this will work. [14:29] greatgatsby_: i suggest looking in our git history / pull requests for a similar case and see how that was handled [14:29] ok great, thanks [15:13] meena: I found this, and it mentions revno 995 [15:13] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/2462 [15:13] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 2462 in canonical/cloud-init "sshd can start before cloud-init injects keys" [Closed] [15:14] I'm not sure how to find the changes in revno (guessing revision number) 995 [15:19] yeah, no idea what that means, tbh [15:23] greatgatsby_: oh, this was in the before time, when cloud-init was in bazaar [15:26] oh I didn't see the date, yeah, 2014. All the comments are from 2 weeks ago so I thought it was recent. [15:26] * meena isn't at the computer rn, and GitHub isn't as good as tig, sometimes [15:32] greatgatsby: Issues were moved from Launchpad to Github 2 weeks ago [16:51] just an update on some testing, I had thought this was the set-passwords module prematurely trying to start sshd, but I disabled that module and the problem persists. [16:57] greatgatsby_: the commit that introduced this was the cloud-init.service not cloud-init.final https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/commit/31621d585d183e09b3d857ef2a16bfb699b3a591 the question I have is what version of cloud-init is in your images, as this functionality was introduced in 2014. [16:57] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Commit 31621d5 in canonical/cloud-init "run before sshd-keygen.service" [16:58] systemd-analyze critical-chain ssh.service should tell you what ssh.service actually waits on. [16:58] and cloud-init.service should be in that list of things that block ssh.service. [17:01] blackboxsw: thanks for the help. It's 22.1 iirc. I can see cloud-init start first, but then sshd tries to start shortly after and fails due to missing host keys. This is the alma 9.2 qcow2 cloud image. [17:02] I do have those Wants/Before as you posted. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sshd-keygen.service doesn't even run if cloud-init is enabled due to another override, and it's cloud-init itself that generates the keys [17:06] due to this sshd-keygen drop-in: ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/multi-user.target.wants/cloud-init.target [17:07] so if cloud-init is enabled, sshd-keygen doesn't generate the keys, cloud-init does, and at some point after the first cloud-init service starts, sshd tries to start, but cloud-init hasn't created the keys yet (it just uses the ssh-keygen command iirc) [17:12] again, thanks for the help, this is just as I understand it [17:23] blackboxsw: I used systemd-analyze (thanks for that) and sshd.service is starting 105ms after cloud-init.service [18:11] falcojr: upstream snapshot for 23.1 is merged. Do you want to do the honors for the dput to ubuntu with your new per package upload rights for Ubuntu/cloud-init? [18:17] heh, sure [18:17] blackboxsw: since you already checked the sbuild, there's no need for me to that right? [18:32] falcojr: right, I ran it through all of it. just wondered if we can test out your new upload powers [18:33] ..want to make sure permissions are all setup for that and we don't find some blocker to upload rights [18:33] blackboxsw: currently getting gpg errors from build-package and trying to figure out why [18:36] falcojr: that's because top-most changelog entry is signed by alberto.... so build-package would try to sign with his key by default, which you don't have. You'll need to export GPGKEY= to debuild would use that key instead of trying to find alberto's [18:36] `gpg --list-keys` will give that to you [18:37] incidentally I also have set DEBFULLNAME='Chad Smith' and DEBEMAIL=chad.smith@canonical.com which I believe also affect deb utilities [18:37] yeah...I have all of those things alreadfy [19:01] falcojr: are you doing a --sign-key=key-id when building the source package to point to your key id? [19:03] dbungert: thanks...that particular flag also doesn't seem to work for me, but I was able to separately pass "-us -uc" to debuild followed up by a debsign, and that seemed to work [19:16] blackboxsw helped me figure out the difference in our configs. He had "DEBSIGN_KEYID=" in his ~/.devscripts so thats why he didn't need additional arguments [21:38] Hola a todos / Hi everybody [21:39] Alguien sabe como correr un script cloud-init (yaml) pero en una maquina que ya esta en ejecucion? a modo de probarlo? [21:41] Saludos: replying in English, if that's okay: [21:41] Yes [21:41] Does anyone know how to run a cloud-init (yaml) script but on a machine that is already running? how to test it? [21:42] Saludos: you can run cloud-init on a system, but it won't fully simulate what cloud-init would do [21:42] because things are different during boot [21:42] ooh, ok [21:43] I thought that if it could [21:44] i ran this [21:44] cloud-init schema --config-file a.yaml [21:44] the result is valid [21:45] root@mando:/home/usuario# cloud-init schema --config-file a.yaml [21:45] Valid cloud-config: a.yaml [21:45] that's a good start [21:45] but dont works [21:47] I don't know if you can invoke cloud-init with a config it didn't fetch from the dedicated data source. unless that data source is already mounted [21:54] Thanks [22:29] Saludos: using lxd/lxc let's you quickly iterate and test #cloud-config by launching new instances with whatever your user-data is https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/lxd.html [22:30] thanks [22:30] we typically do that locally when testing out new #cloud-config on our laptops as we are developing new features [22:31] * meena doesn't do that yet, because she'll have to port lxd-agent to FreeBSD [22:31] :) meena I can't wait for that action/support when it comes [22:31] it'll really ease integration tests for BSD [22:32] I'm not sure i knew what i was signing up for, when getting on this project [22:34] So far i have touched every corner of FreeBSD, and every corner of cloud-init few now lxd, I may have to look at wa Linux agent, and i will definitely have to get into building better FreeBSD images [22:38] maybe i should try to do something really hard next, because every time in the past months I took on something i thought was gonna be easy, it turned out i was wrong [22:44] Saludos: if lxd won't work for you, you could also use QEMU https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/qemu.html [22:46] meena: yeah maybe rewrite the kernel next.. it may only take a week [22:48] blackboxsw: i do have some kernel work planned, but: it's unrelated to this project