=== EugenMayer593 is now known as EugenMayer59 [07:36] i can't believe ansible is running after puppet and chef… [07:36] how are you going to bootstrap a Puppet Server if ansible is running after Puppet?? === hexa- is now known as h [13:47] meena: you have Salt join the party so it doesn't feel left out? ;-) [13:59] true [13:59] I just know to little any it to make any mean jokes [13:59] i will just have to learn it first === h is now known as hexa- [14:39] I'm trying to generate a working cloud-init file for focal. I thought I'd go the easy route and install interactively once, then use the autoinstall-user-data file from /var/log/installer. But when I attempted cloud-init from that file ( https://dpaste.org/VPgye ), the installer falls back to interactive mode instead of installing Ubuntu [14:47] ah I figured out what I did wrong: I did not put a "meta-data" file in the cloud-init directory [15:31] what's the recommended approach for c-i config modules where a particular distro doesn't support/use some config settings? Should it (a) quietly ignore the settings it doesn't use? or (b) log a warning or debug message about the module settings in user-data it ignores? [15:47] minimal: Might depend on the use case, but I'd almost always go with logging a warning. If the user set a setting expecting something to happen, we should let them know why that thing isn't happening [15:50] Please log warnings, we have a roadmap item to work on this cycle to more conspicuously represent warnings in cloud-init's CLI so they aren't lost in a sea of cloud-init.log entries [15:57] I'm adding Alpine support for cc_keyboard and Alpine only uses 2 of the 4 config settings [15:58] ok, I'll log warnings if either of the other 2 settings are specified in user-data [21:50] minimal: aciba[m] if you get a chance next week. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4153 [21:50] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4153 in canonical/cloud-init "cloud.cfg mod names: docs and rename salt_minion and set_password" [Open] [21:51] a lot of us our out Monday. But aciba[m] 's around [22:03] ah, looks like I forgot to check the docs, doh! [22:03] Sally's gonna get you minimal (our doc's person) :) [22:04] we are just making sure our integration test runners are looking green before we SRU into stable Ubuntu releases [22:04] so there was an integration test showing up as regression on our builds and wanted to sort it before we push [22:05] no rush, I won't do anything with it til Tuesday === blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: 23.2 Released 05/23 | Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug | PRs: https://git.io/JeVed | release schedule: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/2023-cloud-init-release-schedule/32244 [22:09] [community-notice] 23.2 officially released a couple days ago. We will be planning Ubuntu stable releese updates of 23.2 to 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 and 23.04 in about 2 weeks. [22:10] See: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/releases for details [22:25] falcojr: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4119 is ready. i even added unit tests [22:25] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4119 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support" [Open]