[00:01] there is another odd thing [00:02] aside from windows system partition, i also have another ntfs partition on an usb drive [00:02] to that one i get read/write access [00:03] hmmm, odd indeed. [00:05] You might want to check what driver is being used there. My guess is FUSE is used by default for USB along with ntfs-3g, whereas your Windows partition is being used with the kernel ntfs3 driver, which is likely read-only by default (see /etc/fstab). [00:06] if you run 'dh' with both attached, you will probably see differences [00:06] in synaptic it looks like fuse might not be installed [00:07] actually so far i used them without fstab [00:07] If my guess is correct, you should be able to adjust /etc/fstab to use the correct drivers to gain access. [00:07] since in recent years the filemanagers display unmounted devices and allow mounting on the fly [00:07] Ah, in that case, you may be at the mercy of whatever dolphin wants to do with your disks :) [00:08] i mean i could try a ftstab workaround [00:08] Again, they may very well treat usb drives differently from nvme. [00:09] I would certainly unmount the drive and then try one of those tutorials. If it works, you can then add to fstab. [00:09] It would only take maybe 5-10 commands to check. [00:09] however i'd prefer it work like in 22.04 or other distros where mounting on the fly via dolphin (or otherfule managers) works [00:10] yeah thanks i probably tinker around with those 2 urls [00:10] One would need to trace the the execution path to see whats happening. [00:10] first i probably install the missing (?) fuse via synaptic and reboot [00:11] My first bit of research would be to run dh, compare the mounts, and then if the USB mount is different, try to replicate that on your other ntfs drive to get to rw mode. [00:11] Then I'd worry about how to get dolphin to do it for you. [00:11] i'm wondering whether 23.04 did a switch from nts +fuse to ntfs-3g oonly for some reason [00:11] what's dh doing exactly? [00:12] It may be that you installed fuse + ntfs-3g at some point and forgot about it. [00:12] sorry; df [00:12] no [00:12] df => shows mounts [00:12] i didn't nothing in 22.04 or older version, that worked out of the box [00:13] or sudo blkid [00:13] and doesn't now with 23.04 [00:13] I understand. [00:13] Well hopefully that is useful; I gotta run to some other work stuff. [00:14] best of luck to you. [00:14] i just noticed the difference that 22.04 displays fuseblk (so fuse installed) while 23.04 display ntfs-3g [00:14] ty [00:14] yw. let me know how it goes! I will just be afkb for a while. [00:47] 015 hd lteni desdoraotrnoc los oatomoc Franco [01:07] mmikowski, mounting per hand did work at least [04:03] kmh: I thought it might. So now we know that it's the mounting mechanism used by Dolphin that's connection different than you want. [04:03] So figure that one out and problem solve :) [04:07] yeah but i don't know why dolphin does nvm how to change it [04:08] and moreover why dolphin in 23.04 does something different than 22.04 which makes no sense at face value [04:09] i probably live with a workaround of either using fstab or script for mounting [04:09] i'm not much of an OS admin guy, who likes to tinkering around and fix such problems === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:01] is arraybolt3 still here? [11:23] Hi all [11:43] hi BluesKaj wb [11:44] hi morpheuz [12:35] Hey there, Dolphin offers the "Duplicate Here" option in the context menu when you're inside the program, but if you're on the desktop, that' option isn't available. Is there a way to enable it on the desktop? === mkv is now known as m4v === jcea1 is now known as jcea [15:15] kubuntu 23.04 нет звука intel icelake [17:50] When clicking "sleep" on the power menu or application launcher nothing happens. This was working a few weeks ago but suddenly stopped. How would I troubleshoot this issue? Is there a command I can run from the terminal that would report errors or a log that I can view? === deus is now known as Guest7945