
LocutusOfBorgmdeslaur, I came here to report the same issue, they look "Disabled" in the page... and 2k jobs in queue07:09
jugmac00LocutusOfBorg: Thanks for reporting. It looks like there are only three working builders for s390x. I am not sure why so many builders are disabled and whether enabling would be the fix, or whether there is an underlying reason for that. I will consult with my colleagues once they are online.07:24
LocutusOfBorgI'm just scared about being without builders until monday :)07:29
LocutusOfBorgit would be nice if they could kick some jobs during the weekend07:30
cjwatsonmdeslaur,LocutusOfBorg: Sorry, my fault, I started an upgrade yesterday and totally forgot to finish it before I finished early for the day.  Half of them are back on now and I'll work on the rest09:08
mdeslaurthanks cjwatson 10:16
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