[12:39] https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/tree/active/CVE-2020-27746#n32 - Its released and "code not present" - probably an error [12:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Slurm before 19.05.8 and 20.x before 20.02.6 exposes Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor because xauth for X11 magic cookies is affected by a race condition in a read operation on the /proc filesystem. [12:43] sudhackar, yep, will fix it right away, thanks for the heads up [12:50] fixed, yay! https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/commit/active/CVE-2020-27746 [12:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Slurm before 19.05.8 and 20.x before 20.02.6 exposes Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor because xauth for X11 magic cookies is affected by a race condition in a read operation on the /proc filesystem. [12:53] let us know if you find any other inconsistencies :) [13:13] ebarretto, hello :), could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2020817 [13:20] ricotz, I was just looking at it lol [13:21] ebarretto, ahh :) [13:22] ebarretto, sorry for the bug mail noise, I had to fix a typo in the changelog === JanC_ is now known as JanC