
=== jotaxpe_ is now known as jotaxpe
XubXubXubMy HTPC running Xubuntu LTS decided to just default to a kodi-standalone session by default instead of the desktop all on it's own.  When I exit kodi it just logs out and when I log back in it starts kodi again.  I don't know what caused this to change from the default behavior but I would like to change it back to default x11 xfce4.  It's been a long time since I messed with changing default session settings and googling it 21:26
XubXubXubreturns very wide results.  Can someone remind me how to switch default desktop sessions via terminal?21:26
new-usermorning, I just swapped to Xubuntu, I was using ElementaryOS before but it wasn't doing too great in the install size side, I like Xubuntu so far and I want to stick with it, but.. the touchpad feels a little unresponsive, it was working just perfectly fine in ElementaryOS, is there any known config or update to configure touchpad responsiveness?21:52
gnrpnew-user: What do you mean with "responsiveness"?21:53
gnrpyou can set the acceleration and speed in the settings21:53
new-userwell.. sometimes I drag my finger across the touchpad and it doesn't register anything at all, I've been using my whole thumb to move the pointer around and it tracks it well, but with my previous distro it would work just fine with the tip of any finger21:54
new-userlike it ignores the input if the touch surface is way too small21:55
XubXubXubNevermind my question I found the big ole button in LightDM to change sessions.  I knew there was an easier way than going all 2011 and editing config files...21:56
gnrpnew-user: What is your notebook model?22:05
new-usergnrp it's a flashed Chromebook HP 11 G7 EE22:06
new-userI found sound synaptics documentation, there's a prop finger setting for pressure sensitivity, will look if it works22:07
gnrpnew-user: That's why I was asking, so I could look up the touchpad model. If it is a synaptic, synclient might help22:08
XubXubXubi wonder if youre using synclient or libinput22:09
new-usersynclient, gotcha, I will try and report back, thank you!22:10
XubXubXubI guess libinput has the ability to detect "pressure" or surface area..there must be some way to configure it https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/1.11.3/touchpad_pressure.html22:11
XubXubXubit sounds like synclient isnt really updated anymore and libinput is taking over22:11
XubXubXubI found this though https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/1.11.3/touchpad_pressure.html22:11
new-usersynclient FingerLow and FingerHigh did the trick22:23
new-userit now feels very very responsive22:23
new-userthank you guys!22:23
new-userit was 25 and 30 respectively, set it to 5 and 1022:24

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