
=== JanC is now known as Guest6023
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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wouterginggs: you marked #2019852 as ftbfs, but it seems to build just fine for me? Am I missing something?14:11
=== ernstp_ is now known as ernstp
=== orndorffgrant7 is now known as orndorffgrant
ginggswouter: 1:3.24-1.1 FTBFS in lunar14:15
ginggs1:3.24-1.1ubuntu0.1 including the fix, builds fine14:16
wouterginggs: oh, yes -- that's expected, because the build time test fails because of the bug14:18
wouterso you just added that as an extra reason to update this, I take it?14:18
ginggsi tagged it expecting it to appear on our FTBFS report https://people.canonical.com/~ginggs/ftbfs-report/test-rebuild-20230524-lunar-lunar.html#ubuntu-server-team14:19
ginggsbut I think it doesn't because that bug is now 'fix released'14:21
wouterright, okay, that makes sense then. I was just wondering if it was something I needed to be worrying about, but I guess not :)14:46
danilogondolfoMay I ask someone to run this test for me please? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=mantic&arch=amd64&package=network-manager&ppa=danilogondolfo/network-manager&trigger=network-manager/1.42.4-1ubuntu516:12
jbichadanilogondolfo: done16:14
danilogondolfojbicha, thank you!16:14
vpa1977Hi, I am looking for a review and sponsorship of https://code.launchpad.net/~vpa1977/ubuntu/+source/jtreg7/+git/jtreg7/+merge/443388. This is a new upstream release of jtreg 7 required to build openjdk-21 for the early access release in mantic.  Thank you!!!!20:31

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