
=== JanC is now known as Guest6023
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nkshirsaHello o/16:00
sil2100I don't know if we'll be able to achieve quorum today, I know a lot of people have a free day today, so they might not be at their terminals16:01
utkarsh2102we need more to be quorate16:01
utkarsh2102ah, right16:01
utkarsh2102national holiday in US and UK?16:01
utkarsh2102sil2100, kanashiro: should we call it off?16:04
sil2100US, UK and parts of Europe too16:04
sil2100nkshirsa had his application scheduled for today, should we maybe try doing it via e-mail?16:04
sil2100Since next slot has already a candidate scheduled16:05
utkarsh2102I am open to that!16:05
sil2100nkshirsa: would you be fine with us attempting an e-mail application for this? We didn't have great successes with that before, but we have a new DMB now!16:05
nkshirsaDo I send an email to devel-permissions? I've sent an email out earlier today about my application..16:08
utkarsh2102nkshirsa: nah, I'll take care of thtat!16:08
sil2100utkarsh2102: you want to do it or should I?16:08
sil2100I'd like to redeem myself for being absent the last 2-3 meetings16:09
utkarsh2102sil2100: go for it :P16:09
nkshirsathanks o/16:09
utkarsh2102alright then, see y'all over the mail :)16:09
nkshirsabye for now and thanks all o/16:10

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