
Unit193https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-pro-now-available-on-aws-graviton-instances want to try again on this link?00:13
Bashing-omUnit193: Yup ! looking !00:22
Bashing-omUnit193: 404's from several sources - Looks that Canonical pulled it - // Will check for a link before the push tomprrow - else no completions will pull.00:27
guivercBashing-om, I suspect we should drop ", with details provided of these." in the Handling reportig security bugs summary (not critical; it seems unnecessary to me in readthru & will make summary shorter)02:07
guiverc^ keep "." actually; i copied a character too much02:10
guiverci've also made a suggestion to joey/firefox/black screen02:15
Bashing-omguiverc: Loading to edit :D02:18
* guiverc has marked (suggests) on gdoc02:18
* guiverc is still reading though02:18
guivercneither of those were critial; reducing text really.. all I saw with my read thru complete 02:21
Bashing-omguiverc: 2 edits made and saved the WIKI.02:27
guivercthanks Bashing-om, looks good to me.02:28
Bashing-omguiverc: Still pending is droppong "https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-pro-now-available-on-aws-graviton-instances" as the link now 404s.02:28
guivercyeah I read ^ ... we (or really you!) can check tomorrow02:29
Bashing-omguiverc: So noted to check :)02:30
guiverc:) & Thanks02:30
=== popey7 is now known as popey
=== popey7 is now known as popey
=== popey6 is now known as popey
SwissBotfeed Planet had 14 updates, showing the latest 707:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sean Davis: Xubuntu Minimal Visual Tour @ https://blog.bluesabre.org/2023/03/04/xubuntu-minimal-visual-tour/07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Serge Hallyn: It’s like… @ https://s3hh.wordpress.com/2023/03/07/its-like/07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Aaron Rainbolt: A brief history of my experience with Linux @ https://arraybolt3.substack.com/p/a-brief-history-of-my-experience07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Andrea Corbellini: Authenticated encryption: why you need it and how it works @ https://andrea.corbellini.name/2023/03/09/authenticated-encryption/07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Aaron Rainbolt: An In-depth Review of the Kubuntu Focus XE Gen 1 @ https://arraybolt3.substack.com/p/an-in-depth-review-of-the-kubuntu07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Andrea Corbellini: On ignoring mistakes, resilience, and the hidden dangers therein @ https://andrea.corbellini.name/2023/03/18/mistakes/07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Scott Moser: Fixing the qemu serial console terminal size. @ https://smoser.github.io//2023/03/21/qemu-serial-window-size.html07:17
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jonathan Carter: MiniDebConf Germany 2023 @ https://jonathancarter.org/2023/05/29/minidebconf-germany-2023/13:06
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Alan Pope: Simple RSS Mastodon Bot @ https://popey.com/blog/2023/05/simple-rss-mastodon-bot/16:40
Bashing-omUWN: Pulling "WIP" and "Graviton (ARM) instances" - will start the push soonest.18:51
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next.18:58
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu Plans to Switch CUPS Printing Stack to Snap @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/05/cups-snap-ubuntu-23-10 (by Joey Sneddon)19:07
Bashing-omUWN: Forums post done - the Re-directs are up next on the list.19:19
Bashing-omUWN: Re-directs completed - making up the Disourse post now.19:28
Bashing-omUWN: Posted to Discourse :D19:52
Bashing-omUWN: Blogged to Mastodon - Pending now is release to the other Social Media.21:04
* guiverc corrected one link22:52
guiverctweeted 789, (posted to reddit, mewe)22:56
Bashing-omFridge: Spot check -- looks good.22:56
Bashing-omguiverc: Do the clean thing now ?22:57
guivercI don't believe I'm going to be able to login to fb... my cell.phone ain't working sorry (no 2fa used by fb)22:57
guivercyep scrub away22:57
guiverc& thanks Bashing-om 22:57
Bashing-omdoing ^ - guess FB is going to suffer as we have no second poster at this time :(22:59
* guiverc can't get telegram-desktop to be useable.. but still trying..23:00
guivercuwn 789 posted to telegram (finally)23:04
Bashing-omUWN: We bring in June with issue790 :D23:05
* guiverc prefers that issue number; 789 kept having me wonder if you just ran your fingers acrsoss the keyboard in a line (like 123 as a password)23:06
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 789 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/05/29/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-789/23:09
Bashing-omguiverc: Uh Huh - now we have to stretch the 2nd finger :P23:09
* guiverc hadn't even thought of discourse.. you've got it there already Bashing-om (just scanning for what's new... & 789 is there.. making me think of post to discourse finally!)23:54
Bashing-omguiverc: I be on the ball :P23:56
guiverc:)    (I'm barely awake i fear)23:57
Bashing-omguiverc: I did have some issues editing for Discourse - but looks to have turned out well in the end :D23:57

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