[01:36] sozw [01:36] 9BYS [01:37] 7 [01:37] 2P2X [03:37] I found this bug, the bug on WhatsApp and chrome, Lately, WhatsApp has had a lot of bugs, some of which caused Chrome to crash, which eventually spread to the window in KDE itself. (re @sultonakbarr: Hello, Today i installed kubuntu version 22.04.2, but i have a problem, i use sddm window manager, when i just do something, and my computer turns off the screen automatically, when I turn it back on and log in, sometimes kubuntu randomly do [04:40] Ya I was facing kinda same problem [04:40] And the problem is still there. [04:41] But now just my machine don't shutdown on it's on.. but it hampers with my ebility to boot smoothly [04:41] Pain in the neck. [04:43] IrcsomeBot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEGGgoBfzT4&pp=ygUba3VidW50dSBudmlkaWEgZHJpdmVyIHNldHVw.. install nvidia drivers [06:14] Hi [06:15] Hello === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [09:24] can i update from 22.04 to 23.04? [09:37] Only in sequence, not directly [10:11] hi, How to run bash script when shutdown by command or kde? [10:37] I have an issue when using K3b! [10:46] how can i do that?....normally i just do a live cd install, but i dont want to do that (re @n_holo: Only in sequence, not directly) [10:50] You can upgrade to 22.10 and then from that to 23.04 [10:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KineticUpgrades/Kubuntu [11:27] i've just updated my ubuntu/kde to the latest version and now it's wildly broken. Biggest thing is that i can't load any programs from the task bar or the applications menu, i have to do alt+f2 and type it in the run window. how can i fix this? [11:34] from lsb-release this is my version DISTRIB_RELEASE=23.04 [11:40] i had to remove plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and now it works. sucks i have to redo all my settings now :| not impressed [13:08] Hi all [16:07] Hello === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu__ === kubuntu__ is now known as kubuntu === rebootl_ is now known as rebootl === kiska34 is now known as kiska3 === SamGreenwood15 is now known as SamGreenwood1 === m_ueberall is now known as ueberall [22:50] chrisgt: Do you think the trouble was the result of an upgrade from Plasma 5.24 to 5.27?