[07:10] karmavil: you want to install `mir-graphics-drivers-nvidia`, or make sure you build it when building yourself [07:12] The logs you shown don't actually show the server log, which would be more helpful to see what the server thinks the GPU setup is [07:28] It may be easier to run `mir_demo_server` first, to see that the server starts up [08:16] Today: [08:16] * Wishing that my laptop with _16 GiB of RAM_ didn't enter OOM death quite so often :blobcat_angry: [08:19] More seriously: [08:19] * Testing [08:19] * Fixing up Screencopy again [08:19] And: Question: do we have a test for screencopy anywhere I can run easily? [08:20] WAYLAND_DISPLAY=… ubuntu-frame.screenshot should do [08:20] Or just grim [08:24] 👍 [08:25] I see we have an agenda on the invite, so there is a meeting this evening. [15:38] Good morning all. Is there anything in particular I should be working on today? [15:40] sophie-w: Hey, would you please write down everything Flutter you know; re: the multi-window prototype you wrote; any relevant resources; any next steps you can think of; [15:40] Will do [15:43] sophie also: an example of how to use Flutter with layer-shell would be good [15:43] Saviq: I can try, but is that known to work? IIRC there was something fucky last time I tried it, but could have changed. [15:44] You're still best equipped to try, and note down what is effed [15:44] (something along the lines of flutter creating subsurfaces that didn't get committed right with gtk layer shell, could be entirely misremembering though. Will give it a shot. [15:44] * a shot.) [16:19] Today:... (full message at ) [16:40] There hasn't been any upstream updates to the multi-window spike I can find. Updating the prototype would probably be a lot of work, and not get us anything except it running on top of the latest Flutter. [22:58] Today: [22:58] - Put notes about flutter multi-window and layer shell in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1odBc5PSwVhz1LUA5KvvxYnt_pm8JmlDPZzhvg3qPAXc/edit?usp=sharing [22:58] - Debugged problem using Flutter with gtk-layer-shell, had to dig deep into GTK [22:58] - Found a workaround (explicitly set window size, doc explains), and also made a fix to gtk-layer-shell: https://github.com/wmww/gtk-layer-shell/pull/166