=== nomicon_ is now known as nomicon === JanC_ is now known as JanC [15:01] I've never used netplan set before and it's not doing what I'm hoping it to, looking for assistance. I am using the following document. https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/stable/netplan-set/ [15:01] My first question is - is it a typo where it shows [network.] ? Should that be [network]. instead? [15:03] radix0, the [network.] part is optional. You can do just this for example: netplan set ethernets.eth0.dhcp4=true [15:04] Second question, I'm running this command as root `netplan set "[network].ethernets.ens4.addresses=[]"` (exact address redacted to protect the innocent). I get a huge traceback error, lots of python exceptions regardless of using [network.] or [network]. , is there an obvious product with my syntax? [15:04] danilogondolfo, oh I see that's why the brackets are there, doh [15:05] I'd recommend whoever maintains documentation to clarify what is optional in that parameter example vs what is an array, because it's very confusing in its current state. [15:05] yeah the traceback shouldn't happen =/ (it's fixed upstream though) [15:06] radix0, yeah looking at your example I totally agree with you, it can be misleading [15:08] Yeah this environment is probably out of date, not totally operational yet. Thanks though for the quick reply, looks like it's working. [20:29] Is there a way of pointing a default out of a specific interface in a VRF, if I configure the route under the interface I get "Problem encountered while validating default route consistency.Please set up multiple routing tables and use `routing-policy` instead." [20:30] But when I configure a default route under the VRF it does not seem to be attached to that interface [20:30] It does not seem to work at least :) [20:34] this is the config I am trying out https://gist.github.com/monrad/ab86ca917f94628bc820258ff0031063 === bdrung_ is now known as bdrung === JanC is now known as Guest503 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [21:31] never mind it seems it's because I forgot to add the table to route :)