
=== MrGeneral_ is now known as MrGeneral
minimaljust noticed that PR #4119 (already merged) appears to have accidentally reverted the renaming of "ca-certs" -> "ca_certs" in cloud.cfg.tmpl14:34
meenaah shite14:42
meenathat's on me, eh?14:42
meena@minimal really sorry that I botched that rebase / conflict resolution14:43
minimalit's easy to miss, don't worry about it, it's not a major issue14:43
meena@holmanb when can we tackle https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2127 ? (I'd love to get paid this year, and this is one those things that looks like a major milestone ;)14:44
minimaljust noticed it by chance when scanning your PR to see if it had any impact on Alpine (didn't see anything but haven't tested yet)14:44
meenaif i get paid, i can afford cheap hardware to continue my quest of refactoring infiniband ?14:45
ZxSshey evereyone15:57
ZxSsi am kinda new at this point, sorry15:57
ZxSscan someone explain me a few things?15:57
ZxSsI have a stand with a VmWare Virtual Cloud Director and Terraform VCD provider. I'd like to add my public keys to vm. Where are these stored on deployed vm?15:57
minimalZxSs: I assume you're referring to SSH keys16:13
minimalnothing cloud-init specific, the public keys are stored as usual in the relevant user's authorized_keys file16:13
minimalif you mean how do they get there, you'd provide them as part of user-data when you create the VM16:14
holmanbmeena: I should circle back to that one. I got a report from someone side channel that it actually broke something on freebsd that they were testing, and haven't had time to circle back and repro.17:02
meenamaybe that's because the FreeBSD side wasn't implemented yet? 17:03
holmanbmeena: possibly, however the effect of that PR is that it should take currently incorrect calls which would cause stacktraces and replace them with no-ops, so I would expect previously failing code to now pass18:44
holmanbmeena: however I guess that throwing an exception may have previously caused init-local to end early (I would need to check), which might be the right thing to do if the command isn't implemented.18:48
meenaholmanb: which clouds use EphemeralNet? I know Hetzner and DO do, but DO is no longer used19:26
holmanbmeena: I'd have to check21:26
holmanbmeena: merged pr/212721:27
minimalmeena: from my notes: Azure, AWS, GCE, Hetzner, NWCS, Openstack, Oracle, Scaleway, UpCloud, Vultr21:37

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