=== dm1 is now known as vlt | ||
Eickmeyer[m] | !fud | 22:10 |
ubottu | Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt | 22:10 |
Eickmeyer[m] | <DavidWilde[m]> "Typical NSA shit. Cleaned up the..." <- Snaps are secure by their very nature, please don't spread fud. | 22:10 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Also, watch your language here. | 22:11 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Not sure what's going on with the IRC bridge, but I didn't see any of the past few days until just now. | 22:11 |
Eickmeyer[m] | <MichaelLewis[m]> "Livestreamer CAM313 Mono is..." <- Not sure, you might try #ubuntu:libera.chat . | 22:13 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Might not be supported by the kernel. | 22:13 |
Eickmeyer[m] | David Wilde There was nothing wrong with your system before you started purging stuff. Installation from the official .iso image is good. If you got the .iso from somewhere else (such as the "rolling .iso" that someone made), we can't guarantee anything. | 22:16 |
Eickmeyer[m] | To me, it sounds like you didn't read the release notes. | 22:17 |
Eickmeyer | !morehelp | 22:22 |
ubottu | #ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack. | 22:22 |
Eickmeyer | !fud | 22:26 |
ubottu | Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt | 22:26 |
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