
meena0does this feel like terrible advise https://community.hetzner.com/tutorials/basic-cloud-config or is that just me?09:54
meena0it's my favourite problem, of cloud-init not recognizing it's on Hetzner10:45
meena0holmanb: tested this on Hetzner: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/216514:06
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2165 in canonical/cloud-init "Ephemeral Networking for FreeBSD" [Open]14:06
meena0i need to submit that as bug that Hetzner is correctly found by ds-identify, and then not found by cloud-init itself.14:09
meena0OTOH, the default config https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl#L60 doesn't have it14:10
minimalmeena0: as L60 doesn't include Hetzner then it won't be used14:13
minimalmeena0: also was there a specific part of that Hetzner doc that you thought was terrible advise?14:14
meena0minimal: what about the cloud.cfg ds-identify generates? is that included anywhere?14:14
meena0meena0: all the stuff that is sed14:14
minimalmeena0: isn't ds-identify only used by systemd?14:15
meena0i dunno, I'll fire up a fresh instance to see what's going on14:17
minimalre: sed, how else would you recommend for some of those settings be changed when c-i itself doesn't provide a method to change/set them?14:17
minimalmeena0: actually I asked on here about ds-identify on 22nd May as to whether it was used anywhere apart from systemd generator - answer from holmanb was no14:19
minimalyeah I was going to make an alpine-related change to it.....and then couldn't see where alpine would use it lol14:21
meena0what's systemd generator?14:22
minimalso if you add Hetzner to datasource_list (whether in cloud.cfg or if you drop an additional file into /etc/cloud.cfg.d/ directory to override it) it should work14:22
minimalits used by cloud-init running on systemd, that's all I know as I don't need to know more as I don't use cloud-init with systemd ;-)14:23
meena0i need to see if dropping that line works14:23
minimaldropping which line?14:23
minimalor override it as I mentioned14:23
minimalthat's what I do in my disk images14:24
minimale.g. create a file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/01-datasources.conf with only a single line in it: "datasource_list: ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']"14:25
meena0i'm just trying to improve the out of box experience14:26
minimaldunno why that line is there in the 1st place. If you remove it then the "builtin" list of all datasources will be used14:28
minimalwhich comes from here: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/settings.py#L2214:30
meena0also weird: docs lint failed on  me, on a document i didn't touch14:37
meena0it's from https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/213314:38
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2133 in canonical/cloud-init "Update kernel commandline docs (SC-1457)" [Merged]14:38
minimalI've been getting emails from github the past several days about "scheduled: All jobs have failed" in my *fork* of cloud-init. Is this some side-effect of the .github stuff in the cloud-init repo?15:32
minimallooking at the "Actions" tab of *my fork* of cloud-init I see info about 15 workflow runs - does this mean everyone who forks canonical/cloud-init is having actions run also?15:34
falcojrI believe so...but also we need to fix what's failing (it fails upstream too)15:37
minimalso there's no way for me to have a fork of cloud-init without any actions being run?15:37
falcojrI believe you can disable repo actions in the settings15:38
minimalok, I'll check. It seems a bit strange, and perhaps a bit of a security-type issue, that anyone forking a github repo with actions also has actions run in their fork by default15:39
dbungertI wonder if some actions can run.  On a different repo it's kind of nice to run the CI on my branch directly, pre PR.  The scheduled jobs may not make sense in that case though.15:39
meena0i thought i had fixed all the tests on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/214616:55
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2146 in canonical/cloud-init "FreeBSD fix parsing of mount and mount options" [Open]16:55
holmanbmeena0: hrm, doesn't look like it20:15
meenathat pr keeps slipping away from me20:19
meena0another easy one, i hope: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/415922:42
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4159 in canonical/cloud-init "BSD: remove datasource_list from cloud.cfg template" [Open]22:42
hyperrealHi. Is it possible to enable suites for Debian, similar to how there is a disable_suites option for the APT module? https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/examples.html#additional-apt-configuration-and-repositories23:09
hyperrealI'd like to enable the backports repo23:09
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