=== JanC is now known as Guest8709 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [11:06] lvoytek: the dovecot dep8 failure for mysql-8.0 should go away after the sync - there's a new version of dovecot in the mantic release pocket with the issue fixed. [11:07] But there's no point chasing it because the s390x failure will remain, and might as well wait for the Debian sync for that. [11:07] I didn't see anything else held up on a failure on the older version of dovecot's dep8 test, so there's nothing else to retry. [13:55] rbasak: Thanks for letting me know! I'll get the sync mp set up today [14:28] ogra, how do you run snapcraft to get logs? 'snapcraft --verbosity=trace --debug' gives me 'No such option: --verbosity Did you mean --verbose?' [14:29] --verbosity is an option according to the help page... [14:29] nteodosio, heh, snapcraft behaves completely different based on your "base:" ... some need --verbose, others need --verbosity= [14:30] i always forget which needs which and ususally do trial and error ... [14:31] (and the older core and core18 bases dont need anything and just make it behave like a developer tool as expected ? ) [14:33] Ah OK so it depends on the core thing... I wonder why the help section says nothing about that. Thanks for the help! [14:39] I just determined that on core22 snapcraft doesn't complain about "--verbose", but the build doesn't become verbose, so you need --verbosity; on core20, --verbosity doesn't work (as reported above), only --verbose. [14:39] This confused me to no end. [14:45] nteodosio, well, be happy you dont have to deal with customers relying to 100% on snapcraft ? i have to explain the odd behavior about twice a week ... [14:46] Ouch [14:56] jbicha: hey, did you mean to include this diff in your lunar sponsoring of gdm3? [14:56] -Uploaders: Jeremy Bicha , Marco Trevisan (Trevi?o) [14:56] +Uploaders: Jeremy Bicha [15:00] ahasenack: Seb was the sponsor, but I encourage you to ignore the Uploaders field. It is controlled by the dh_gnome_clean script & names come & go there for unimportant reasons [15:02] cool. np [16:55] juliank: I'm stealing your libraw merge [17:19] things that don't help an sru: patching two ubuntu releases with the same patch, but with a) different patch filename; b) different dep3 headers [17:20] why oh why [17:22] ahasenack, if that's gdm that's because I started doing the SRUing from email ping before noticing that the bug had patches and sponsors subscribed and I though it was not nice for the submitter to not have used those but I've enough to do that I didn't want to reject and reupload for the other series, sorry :-/ [17:32] Hi folks, may I ask someone to review/sponsor this network-manager MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~danilogondolfo/network-manager/+git/ubuntu-1/+merge/443876 [17:32] It's addressing 2 LP bugs related to the changes we've made during the netplan integration. [17:37] danilogondolfo, I can review/sponsor it, and feel free to request me as reviewer in n-m changes [17:38] thanks seb128! [17:39] np! [17:40] I just requested another one hehehe [17:42] did "optional=lto" go away in symbols files in mantic? [17:45] if it did, builds will fail [17:46] no? [17:46] enr0n: Have you looked at the halted phased update of systemd for Kinetic? [17:48] ahasenack: yeah, I'm having failing builds :) [17:48] oops [17:48] at least, locally [17:48] let me upload and see if it,s a local problem [17:48] where these using lto before? [17:49] same package builds fine in lunar [17:49] maybe it was being disabled via the lto-disabled-list package? And you don't ahve it for some reason? [17:49] uh, let me research that [17:50] it's an rdep of dpkg-dev, so unlikely, but... [17:50] nope not in that list [17:50] bdmurray: oh, yes that was lost in my mail. There is no retrace info or logs on any of the occurrences, however, so I don't think those are actionable. [17:51] ahasenack: oh wait a sec, I think I'm actually the issue ;) [17:52] the individual on the chair? [17:52] ahasenack: yeah, that's the idiot I'm talking about [17:52] it keeps us rubber ducks employed [17:52] hehe :) [17:55] enr0n: ugh - if https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/7b3d6633f7edcb113a9a8d688d970b31087ac5fe failed to retrace it shouldn't block the SRU then [18:04] enr0n: not that it matters for the SRU but https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/6ce92393c63aca4e5c471dabfba1b9e1acd8dbc2 looks similar to https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d00331a0400fe4f6d7a69d80935214be783b0fe9 [18:05] Launchpad's Debian importer is working again now, on its new deployment. [18:14] bdmurray: yeah they do look similar [18:16] For the record - I went through all the other regression crash reports blocking phased updates and only those two systemd ones failed to retrace. [18:19] Often I find that when looking at those errors for systemd, the crashes are caused by wider system failures. Maybe there were other issues that prevented proper crash data from being obtained? === orndorffgrant4 is now known as orndorffgrant