
BluesKajHi all12:22
ahoneybun[m]BluesKaj: heyo12:36
BluesKajheu ahoneybun[m]12:37
BluesKajhey even 12:37
RikMills[m]santa_: plase let me know when you are happy for ktextaddons to be uploaded to the NEW queue13:24
sheytanHi! Me again :D Updated to the newest Kubuntu and the finger print still does not work. It's getting even worse when one finds out how to get it working and after reboot they just can't get into the system. If you configure fprint to user FP authentication, once on login screen you have to type your password and get stuck. Nothing happens. 19:20
sheytanSo, to Kubuntu devs. I really love your job, but maybe it's time to get it working, since there's a UI and it does work on Ubuntu 19:20
santa_hi everyone20:06
santa_RikMills[m]: I think ktextaddons should be ready for a first upload20:07
santa_the only thing I think is missing is the upstream tarball signature, but we can add support for that later, after asking upstream20:08
santa_so please go ahead with the upload20:08
santa_RikMills[m]: another thing: I think I would need to clear the kde apps staging PPA20:10
santa_I have 2 reasons for this:20:10
santa_- they are some binary packages that don't exist anymore that are preventing me from properly testing the dist-upgrades of pim, e.g. some libkf5*-data packages20:11
santa_- I would like to rebuild everything from scratch, after the massive library renaming and the virtual ABI packages20:12
santa_(I think PIM packages should be done, or almost done by now)20:12
santa_I would like to finish the remaining bits this weekend20:13
santa_what I would like to do today, if nobody complains is clearing the PPA tonight, tomorrow in the night or sunday in the morning I would re-upload everything20:19

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