
sophie-w- Mostly dealing with bureaucratic stuff related to departure00:03
RAOFAh! Sweet. There's the single line of code I broke.06:06
RAOFHm. It might be nice if taking a screenshot didn't dump all the Renderer debug info into the log...06:07
RAOFRight. Always it is with the threading!06:38
RAOFWe should fix the history permissions so that #mir-server works properly on the [Matrix archive](https://archive.matrix.org/?search=%23mir&homeserver=matrix.org)07:07
SaviqLemme look. I'm not admin -- appservice is.07:24
RAOFI think we'll need to get an Ubuntu IRC operator to op one of us so we get matrix-side permissions.07:25
SaviqAh that I should be able to get07:26
RAOFHm, although that might only bump you up to "moderator", which is insufficient.07:27
RAOFI guess it's worth a try. Otherwise we need to get the appservice to grant admin permissions to one of us.07:27
SaviqYeah can't see how... https://matrix-org.github.io/matrix-appservice-irc/latest/introduction.html07:28
Saviq<Saviq> "Yeah can't see how... https://..." <- > Bridged IRC rooms do not share history to Matrix users from before they have joined by default, but history visibility can be changed by users with the correct power level on Matrix.07:36
RAOFIs there a way to make Appservice promote IRC mods to admin rather than moderator role? We'd like to change the (matrix-side) history settings of #mir-server:libera.chat, but Appservice is the only admin ?07:41
RAOFHm. That was less linky than I was hoping. How about this: https://matrix.to/#/!vjOdckstTLwMkKHIgz:libera.chat/$6eB8U_3kxnlCLm9E3YNZC4SfBAGi5faamulXYeL_Asg?via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat&via=mozilla.org07:41
SaviqYou'll have to copy-paste, as that channel seems to have the same problem :P07:42
Saviq(no history for new members)07:42
RAOFIs there a way to make Appservice promote IRC mods to admin rather than moderator role? We'd like to change the (matrix-side) history settings of #mir-server:libera.chat, but Appservice is the only admin ?07:43
SaviqAh you asked. ACK, will monitor :)07:43
RAOFHm. That GL error log should really be more prominent :)07:56
RAOFHuh. Why did that work?08:05
RAOFmutable global state ?08:05
RAOFAKA: don't `foo = new_foo{}` where `new_foo` calls eglMakeCurrent(me) and `~foo()` calls eglMakeCurrent(none) :blobcat_angry: 08:07
RAOFBut with that done...... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/67f3e8ef7d627d7a296b1f63c95962ef63a8354c>)08:12
Saviq- got checkbox-mir to run on the Pi16:04
Saviq- recorded half of the demo videos for the webinar16:04
Saviq- found [an issue](https://github.com/MirServer/graphics-test-tools/pull/5) with graphics-test-tools16:04
alan_g[m]- Looking into a failure on ARM systems: #2900 (would appear to be a race, but I've not quite solved it today)16:52
alan_g[m]<alan_g[m]> "Today:..." <- Looking into a failure on ARM systems: #2900 (would appear to be a race, but I've not quite solved it today)18:02
alan_g[m]Naturally, having written that everything became clear and a fix is up for review18:02
mariogripis there a way to get set_window_geometry or *offset* as its called in mir information with miral?21:34
mariogripsince we need that to place windows on lomiri/qtmir21:34
mariogripmaybe we are doing some wrong in qtmir, but how should we place windows when buffer/texture and window size is different21:45
mariogripfor example gtk creates shadows, with this there is a missmatch between buffer/texture and window size21:46
mariogripso how do we get x/y for both the window and buffer/texture so we can place it correctly?21:47

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