=== JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC [08:50] It's Friday [08:50] Should debconf timeout after a day or even a week? [08:51] There are stuck debconf processes for weeks and the solution is always to kill them when they're spotted and the crash reports are never for the stuck process but rather for other debconf uses weeks later === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie [10:43] hi, could someone retry the build https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yade/2023.02a-2/+build/26230826 (killed after no activity, the last build takes 23 hours, so i expect it's usual) [10:45] zhsj: . [13:35] paride: hi, s390x having a bad day? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running [14:04] lvoytek: o/ the SRU team is generally happy with how we want to proceed with the bind9 updates, but we need to draft the updated proposal to ubuntu-release@. Maybe we can schedule some time to do that together? [14:04] rbasak: Sounds good to me [14:25] ahasenack, well, yes. I pointed you to a relevant thread on MM [14:25] got it [15:21] I am trying to understand how recipes work on launchpad. It is my understanding that they use something called "daily builds". Where can I find more about how that works? [15:22] And apologies if this is not the correct channel to ask this kind of question. Please let me know where I should post instead. [15:42] nicolasbock: try #launchpad. But have you read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes ? [15:52] Thanks will do rbasak [15:53] Yes I have read that. I might have a somewhat more in depth technical question though :) [15:56] I suggest you ask that in #launchpad then :) [16:08] Thanks :) [20:36] Can a core dev please retry these autopkgtests? retry-autopkgtest-regressions -s kinetic --blocks openssh | grep -E "gvfs|libcloud" [20:39] enr0n: clicking [21:21] nicolasbock: the source code for the thing that executes them is open source and somewhere on launchpad. so you can execute it. [21:22] nicolasbock: it's nothing too exciting, it just checksout all the branches, has some build-deps installed, runs clean, builds source packages and dputs into ppa. [21:22] at most it does autogenerate a changelog entry with the right matrix of version & suite. [21:23] Ok thanks xnox