
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
chilverscAlmost there, is there any simple way to add my own suffix to the kernel name though that shows up in both the package names and "uname -r". I find this makes it simpler to know, and check, if I'm using my custom built kernel.11:00
chilverscWhen using the standard kernel build process I'd just use LOCALVERSION, but I'm not sure that's valid for Ubuntu? I see mention of it in the Debian instructions but I get the feeling the Ubuntu build process has changed that significantly?11:02
xnoxyou can do that, or specify that adhoc to the build process too15:00
chilverscxnox: does that work when using debian/rules or dpkg-buildpackage with Ubuntu mainline though? If so what's the command as when I've tried it all the packages are just named linux-image-unsigned-6.4.0-060400rc4-generic_6.4.0-060400rc4.202305281232_amd64.deb, etc17:23
ghavilHowdy, if I wanted to test out a patch against the mainline kernel on an ubuntu node, is there a way to get the 'debian/rules' files working? I think what I'm after is the source for these deb's: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v6.4-rc4/amd64/ 19:56
ghavilgit://kernel.ubuntu.com/virgin/linux.git doesn't have them, which I think is expected, but, I wasn't sure where exactly the right source is. 19:56
xnoxchilversc:  mainline builds possibly overrides things, but you can set all the options that do_mainline_build does, and then change the flavour too, it should be possible to do such a combo via both dpkg-buildpackage or direct debian/rules21:20
xnoxghavil: there is a repo with tags of those somehwere. i don't think it's on kernel.ubuntu.com though.21:21

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