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Guest37Hi guys, I'm considering between Ubuntu and Lubuntu, want maximum light-weightness. Does anybody here know modern measurements on the resources usage between stock Ubuntu and Lubuntu? And, Does Ubuntu have any advantage over Lubuntu , such as better security, or similar that would be a good reason to use it?03:36
al1r4d> unrelated: is there a way to get an official non-snap package for chromium?03:36
al1r4d? There is non-snap one, but not an official03:36
al1r4dGuest37: lubuntu = lxde + ubuntu03:37
rboxGuest37: ubuntu is ubuntu... its just what packages you have installed03:37
al1r4dThe memory usage lower than ubuntu gnome03:37
Guest37So basically theres no advantage to Ubuntu vs Lubuntu03:38
Guest37Lubuntu is simply lighter03:38
al1r4dYes, you are smart, Guest3703:38
Guest37is Lubuntu the best Light buntu distro? Xubuntu tends to be rougher03:39
Guest37Xubuntu doesnt automatically unzip zip files with GUI, etc03:40
Guest37So Lubuntu is the best OS of all time, ok03:40
rboxlubuntu is just uinsg lxqt instead of gnome03:40
rboxyou can install wahtever gui programs you want in xubuntu to unzip whatver zip files yo uwant03:41
Guest37good, good03:41
Guest37lubuntu does it out of the box03:41
Guest37How much lighter is Lubuntu than Ubuntu?03:43
rboxabout 10 feathers lighter03:44
Guest37I need real answers here03:45
Guest37Is the only different mainly between Ubuntu and Lubuntu DE?03:46
rboxthat is the differnece03:46
Guest37So basically, is there any reason to use Ubuntu over Lubuntu03:46
rboxgnome vs lxqt03:46
rboxif you want gnome instead of lxqt03:46
Guest37I dont want gnome but I like the official Ubuntu OS *tm*03:48
Guest37Gnome is one of the most slow and bloated DEs around Oh my good-golly03:48
Guest37From what Ive seen03:48
Guest37Gnome is one of the most bloated DEs03:49
rboxso dont use it03:49
rboxproblem solved03:49
Guest37LXDE, LXQT one of the lightest03:49
rboxso use one of those03:49
Guest37Why does Ubuntu, probably a top 3 linux desktop OS, use such a bloated DE?03:49
rboxbecause theres ntohign wrong with gnome03:49
toddcsome people like one type of desktop or the other and the same for it's program's some need the features of one or the other and some hardware will be a bit better on a lighter version03:49
Guest37Its bloated tho03:50
rboxin your opinino03:50
Guest37How does Budgie compare to LXQT03:50
rboxjust beacuse you have a garbage computer03:50
rboxdoesnt mean everyone does03:50
Guest37Statistically, Gnome used much more ram than other DEs03:50
Guest37Its not about my specs!03:50
Guest37Gnome used more ram than other DEs according to two articles Ive read03:50
toddcGuest37: Bloated as compred to ???03:50
rboxthen you woudjn't be  going ON AND ON AND ON about ZOMG I NEED THE LIGHTEST03:50
rboxOMG... MORE RAM!?03:50
rboxTHE HORROR03:50
Guest37I simply prefer efficiency03:50
rboxso then use wahtever you want03:51
Guest37Why use a DE that needs 1 gig ram, when LXQT can do the same task with 250 mb ram03:51
toddcnot every one does03:51
* rbox ignores the morons03:51
Guest37I jsut dont see the reason to use a blaoted DE03:51
Guest37they accomplish the same goals03:51
Guest37why use a slower one03:51
NickHOn some hardware the "bloat" causes no noticable slow down, and provides features that some users want.03:54
toddcI choose to use Gnome Unity and puppy linux it depands on the machine and what I need to do and how I like to do it03:56
Guest37On this one article Lubuntu used half the passive ram as Ubuntu03:58
toddcnot good to condem someone's choises and opinions03:58
Guest37seems Lubuntu is the lightest03:58
toddcuse it if it is good for you03:59
Guest37i mean, what features does budgie or mate or gnome have04:00
Guest37that lxde or xfce doesnt, for example04:00
toddcNautilus is one but you can add change or replace any04:00
alkisgGuest37: for example, last time I checked, lubuntu didn't have logout inhibitors. If you tried to exit while having unsaved work, you'd lose it without a prompt04:01
alkisgNote though that while lubuntu is lighter (and about the same as xfce, mate and kde; it's only gnome that uses a lot more ram), after you launch a few applications, the difference will be smaller04:02
alkisgThis is because the other DEs have already loaded some of the related libraries in the initial boot04:02
EickmeyerMoreover it's not a competition, and since this is a *support channel*, in other words a channel to ask for help, this discussion is ENTIRELY off-topic.04:02
Guest22I didnt consider the related libraries... I was just trying to measure the DEs performance itself, during load or not04:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:03
Guest22Now I'm thinking between Ubuntu-Mate and Lubuntu04:03
EickmeyerGuest22: Download the .iso images and find out the best solution for yourself. Opinions are all you're going to get by polling random people, which is not allowed in a HELP/SUPPORT channel.04:04
* alkisg would consider "RAM usage" a technical support question; while "which one has the best wallpaper" a non-technical one...04:05
Eickmeyeralkisg: It's still subjective because it's allocated based on ram available and what is cached.04:06
alkisgYes, but there are points to be learned that cannot be learned by testing an .iso04:06
EickmeyerThey need to test on their system. That is all.04:07
alkisgThey wouldn't know about logout inhibitors by just testing04:07
alkisgOr about shared libraries04:07
EickmeyerThat's true, but the discussion was going elsewhere and started attracting unwanted opinions (i.e. bloat, etc.). Therefore, it needed to be shut-down or moved to #ubuntu-offtopic.04:08
=== carlos is now known as Guest635
NetzahualcoyotlWhat is the name of the package mmanager in ubuntu?04:25
NetzahualcoyotlMy terminal doesn't typing.04:31
NetzahualcoyotlHave any of you used the unifying receiver for logitech?04:47
NetzahualcoyotlHave any of you used solaar?04:48
NetzahualcoyotlHello Rooker04:53
fenris[m]<Netzahualcoyotl> "Have any of you used the..." <- Yes05:01
fenris[m]<Netzahualcoyotl> "Have any of you used solaar?" <- Yes05:02
Netzahualcoyotlfenris[m], can you help me with the zypper command to get aolaar ?05:07
Netzahualcoyotlfenris[m], can you help me with the zypper command to get solaar ?05:08
tomreynNetzahualcoyotl: "zypper" is a package manager of a different distribution than ubuntu - it's most likely not what you want to use to install some software. https://pwr-solaar.github.io/Solaar/ links to two PPAs which you could use with Ubuntu.05:10
tomreynNetzahualcoyotl: which ubuntu version do you have there?05:11
tomreynsolaar and a gnome gui are available in current ubuntu releases (from the "universe" apt repository): https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=solaar05:13
NetzahualcoyotlIs there a terminal command to get my version number?05:15
tomreynlsb_release -ds05:16
NetzahualcoyotlI have Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS05:25
tomreynNetzahualcoyotl: sudo apt update && sudo apt install solaar && solaar &05:30
NetzahualcoyotlThank you, all!05:34
=== tomreyn changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 22.10, 23.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
tomreyn- "18.04, "05:35
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.05:39
fenris[m]Bashing-om: ?05:42
fenris[m]<tomreyn> "Netzahualcoyotl: sudo apt update..." <- I used solar & piper05:43
dabblerMy comp has two graphics adapters: one Intel and one Nvidia. How can I tell which one is currently being used? I see instructions online to use "lshw -c video", but that shows both with nothing to indicate which is being used.06:08
tarzeaudabbler: you're using the one that is connected to the screen. you forgot to tell the screen is built in, and it's a laptop maybe?06:13
dabblertarzeau: haha they're both connected to the screen. Yes, it's a laptop06:15
dabblerI think it's using the Intel, but I'd like to confirm06:16
tarzeaudabbler: i'm usually not dealing with mobile linux devices. but does /var/log/X*.0 say something about it?06:17
tarzeaudabbler: what does lspci |grep VGA say? which intel/nvidia hw exactly?06:17
Bashing-omdabbler: what shows ' prime-select query ' ?06:18
dabblertarzeau: ahh I should've thought of that. X log says glamor X acceleration enabled on Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2)"06:24
dabblerBashing-om: I get "on-demand"06:26
dabblerThat's the right Intel model. (The HD Graphics 4000 part, anyway. Not sure about the part after it.) The Nvidia is a GeForce GT 650M.06:29
mkayhi all i have a problem with my wineinstall-can06:50
mkaysorry will continue...06:50
mkayinstallation and has to do with the key and the repo not being able to be used as its depreciated(not safe). Im running luna lobster06:51
mkayhow could i go about fixing this06:52
mkay"sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv F987672F"?06:52
tomreynmkay: please use a pastebin to show the commands you run and the output they produce06:58
tomreynalso, if oyu are following some guide, tell us which06:58
tomreynthere is no "wineinstall-can" or "wineinstall" package in ubuntu, apparently you are trying to install from some PPA? which, how?06:59
=== sunny937 is now known as sunny93
mkaywill do, shall post soon07:03
dabblerNow I'm trying to verify that the hardware acceleration of my Intel GPU is generally working. I'm looking at intel_gpu_top while glxgears runs. It shows fluctuating IMC read and write rates, but the Render/3D, Blitter, and Video engines are all stuck at 0.00% usage.07:26
dabblerThe GPU is Intel HD Graphics 4000, built into Ivybridge. Ubuntu is using a built-in driver as I understand it07:28
preachglxinfo | grep renderer07:28
preachif it says something not GPU specific like vmware or llvmpipe, that's software rendering07:30
preachotherwise it should show the specific integrated GPU as the renderer if it's really being used07:30
preachdo you have another GPU installed?07:32
PurpleSourDieselHey guys *waves emo hair to the side*07:32
PurpleSourDieselI'm trying to figure out how to set fixed desktop icon placements, currently I can place the icons and they will stay in any place, and it activates my OCD because I want a neat GRID of icons, evenly spaced apart.07:32
preachPurpleSourDiesel: not sure I understand the issue07:33
PurpleSourDieselThe icons, on my desktop, can be anywhere on the X axis07:34
PurpleSourDieselThat means two icons can be almost touching07:34
PurpleSourDieselI want a grid of evenly spaced apart icons07:34
PurpleSourDieselLike grid apper07:34
preachwe have no idea what DE you're even using07:34
preachany potential solution would be different for each one07:35
PurpleSourDieselUbuntu Mate07:36
dabblerpreach: Yes, there's a GeForce 650M also inside the laptop, but I don't think it's being used. There's a line in X.log that says "glamor X acceleration enabled on Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2)" and another that says it's enabled on NVE7. I guess I'm back to being unsure which is actually being used07:37
preachdabbler: the one in glxinfo is being used, so nvidia07:38
preachyou failed to mention this was a laptop07:38
preachhybrid graphics works very differently07:38
preachyou would need to setup something like bumblebee or PRIME to be able to switch GPUs easily07:39
dabblerI installed prime-select at the suggestion of someone earlier. prime-select query returns on-demand. They didn't reply, so I don't know what that indicates07:40
dabblerI don't have any proprietary drivers installed at this point. It's just using the defaults07:42
dabblerOk, I used prime-select to set it to intel and it said "done", but intel-gpu-top still shows 0.00% for all engines07:44
jar-elGood morning, does anyone know how to fix my sound issue on ubuntu 20.04? 5.1 speakers are not visible in the settings at all.07:47
PurpleSourDieselOutdated Os...07:48
PurpleSourDieselHow are the speakers connected?07:48
preachtime to play 20 questions07:49
PurpleSourDieselExample answers: Aux Cable, USB, etc07:49
tarzeaudabbler: what does nvtop show?07:51
dabblerpreach: glxinfo still says renderer is NVE7 even as prime-select query says intel07:52
preachprime-run glxinfo | grep renderer07:53
preachI don't know what prime-select is.07:55
tarzeaupreach: try in a terminal: V07:55
tarzeauwhatis prime-select07:55
preachprime-select: nothing appropriate.07:55
dabblertarzeau: nvtop says "No GPU to monitor" no matter what prime-select query is made to say07:56
tarzeaudabbler: lsmod |grep nvidia? lsmod |grep nouveau?07:56
tarzeaudabbler: dkms status ?07:56
dabblerpreach: I don't have a prime-run and it's not suggesting any packages to get one07:57
dabblerlsmod output doesn't contain "nvidia" or "Nvidia"07:59
tarzeaudabbler: if so, then nvtop can't work07:59
tarzeauunless, well non-nvidia, supported gpu found07:59
preachdabbler: do you have optirun ?08:00
dabblerpreach: not yet. Currently installing08:01
=== shokohsc6 is now known as shokohsc
dabblertarzeau: "lsmod | grep nouveau" outputs about 8 lines08:02
dabblerAny particular attribute?08:03
tarzeaudepending on the exact nvidia hardware, see lspci |grep VGA. i've found nouveau to be not fit in enterprise use (unless, well latest nvidia driver not supported, outdated hardware)08:03
tarzeaudabbler: if nouveau driver modules are loaded you're using that free driver08:03
tarzeauassuming you don't do CUDA stuff. we do, thus no exit of nvidia binary drivers (and needing parallel versions installed, we go with the only option, nvidia repository)08:04
dabblerUbuntu suggests nvidia-driver-390 as the tested one. It gives ...418-server as an alternative that isn't marked tested08:07
tarzeaudabbler: i'm so glad i can just use https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/ubuntu-system-cuda non-interactively on a bunch of machines :)08:08
tarzeaudabbler: sometimes laptop ubuntu users drop in, with the exact same problem as you, and it's just in the fingerbrain, undumpable08:08
dabblerI remember trying the suggested tested driver before and something didn't work. I can try it again and actually say what happens08:09
dabblerWhat's the Ubuntu command-line tool for suggesting proprietary drivers again?08:11
PurpleSourDieselJust use the GUI like a noob08:12
dabblerPurpleSourDiesel: haha it won't install anything because it thinks there's no internet connection. It's due to me not having configured NetworkSomething yet08:13
dabblerIt's a WONTFIX08:13
dabblerDamn thing won't just try a connection08:14
PurpleSourDieselWhat OS r u on08:14
PurpleSourDieselAre u conencted to wifi?08:14
dabblerKde installed on top of ubuntu-server08:14
dabblerNo, wired08:14
dabblerSo I think the issue is that my NetworkWhatever wasn't preconfigured by the desktop installer08:16
PurpleSourDieselOk... well whas not workingt08:16
PurpleSourDieselwhats not working08:16
PurpleSourDieselterminal? Wont connect to internet?08:16
PurpleSourDieselwhat specific program wont connect/access internet08:17
dabblerInternet works fine. A couple kubuntu utilities (like the one for selecting drivers) just say that there's no connectivity because NetworkManager (?) isn't configured to control any interfaces. At least that's my understanding08:18
dabblerIt would succeed if it would just try, but nooo08:19
preachwhy should it assume it would work anyway?08:20
dabblerIt doesn't need to assume. It just needs to try.08:20
preachthat's not how things should work08:20
dabblerBasically, it's one of the KDE utils that aren't coded to handle a situation in which  NetworkManager is installed but isn't managing the interface through which the machine has connectivity08:22
dabblerThat's the wontfix08:22
preachthis is my biggest issue with linux desktop08:22
preachtoo fragmented08:23
preachso everything is just mediocre08:23
preachthere's too many choices08:23
preachit's not reasonable for one DE to cater to 6 different network daemons08:23
dabblerI'm kind of amazed the smaller DE dists can keep going08:23
jar-elPurpleSourDiesel: the speakers are connected with three mini-jacks to the motherboard08:25
jar-elI have them for years, it always worked, until I upgraded08:26
dabblerSo, anyway, at the risk of overextending my "noob" self :P ... What's the command-line tool for suggesting proprietary drivers again?08:26
dabblerBecause that one will actually work08:26
PurpleHaze420Im back08:26
PurpleHaze420Had to surf to a new mainframe08:27
gordonjcpdabbler: proprietary drivers for what?08:27
Guest30234Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu server on this computer using the CLI installer. During installation the installer is able to find my wireless NIC, but after booting into the new system, no wifi card is detected at all, and there aren't any wifi tools installed. Any help is appreciatted.08:27
dabblergordonjcp: Nvidia GPU08:28
gordonjcpdabbler: oh, just install it08:28
dabbleroh ok. Thought I'd have to enable it or something08:28
PurpleHaze420Guest30234, are you using latest verion of ubuntu Server?08:28
gordonjcpdabbler: something like "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-<TAB><TAB>" and pick from the list08:28
PurpleHaze420And what are you installing into? KVM VPS? Dedicated server?08:28
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I'm using 22.04 LTS08:28
gordonjcpdabbler: most recent is nvidia-driver-53008:29
dabblergordonjcp: the GUI suggests 390 for mine, says that's tested08:29
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: more like a dedicated server. It's just a laptop I'll leave unattended controlling a few radios.08:29
PurpleHaze420Because, most data centers use Ethernet connecetions not wifi08:29
gordonjcpdabbler: that seems... old08:29
gordonjcpdabbler: what card have you got?08:29
PurpleHaze420how old is the laptop08:29
PurpleHaze420Can U just connect the laptop to ethernet08:30
dabblergordonjcp: it's a 2012 MBP08:30
gordonjcpwell, that may be correct then08:30
gordonjcpany idea what chip it has?08:30
PurpleHaze420that is weird though, if it see's wifi during install it should see it after install too08:30
PurpleHaze420I'd try an ethernet cable, better speed etc and easier to setup into laptop08:30
gordonjcpdabbler: lspci | grep -i nvidia ought to show you something08:30
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: i'd say like 5 years or so. I can connect it to ethernet, but for the moment being, I'd like to have it working through wifi08:30
PurpleHaze420yeah it should be working08:31
PurpleHaze420if it saw the wifi during install08:31
PurpleHaze420does ur laptop have a WIFI hardware or function switch08:31
PurpleHaze420maybe WIFI is OFF at firmware level08:31
dabbler gordonjcp:  Internet connection isn't my issue, fortunately. Wired works. Just haven't installed driver for WiFi yet. Want to sort out video first08:31
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: well, it has, but only if ubuntu itself has switched it off. I do not touch this controls, and it gets detected during install, but not on soubsequent boots08:32
dabblerPurpleHaze420: lol oops08:32
PurpleHaze420yeah that is weird08:33
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: maybe I should try a HWE kernel? Is the install kernel any different from the one installed?08:33
PurpleHaze420try activating WIFI via the function keys08:33
gordonjcpdabbler: hah, two people having conversations at once :-)08:33
PurpleHaze420It should be the same08:33
gordonjcpdabbler: I guess 390 is about right for a ten year old machine08:33
PurpleHaze420Is the Ubuntu .iso a net installer or full-installer08:33
PurpleHaze420is it 22.04.2 LTS?08:33
PurpleHaze420Or just 22.04?08:33
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Its a full installer. It's 22.04.1 LTS.08:34
PurpleHaze420hmmmm yeah08:34
PurpleHaze420Get latest 22.04.208:34
PurpleHaze42022.04.2 is latest for Desktop Ubuntu08:34
PurpleHaze420IDK if server latest is 22.04.108:34
PurpleHaze420or 22.04.208:34
PurpleHaze420but if theres 22.04.2, use that08:34
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Maybe I'm talking nonsense, I downloaded latest Ubuntu yesterday08:34
PurpleHaze420latest version is 22.04.208:35
PurpleHaze420try latest version maybe ur glitch is fixed in latest version08:36
PurpleHaze420just a starting point08:37
PurpleHaze420as a secondary test, can u use a Linux live USB with WIFI working?08:37
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I appreciated your help, I'm booting my current installer again to check if I have the latest version. I'm also reinstalling this, I messed up yesterday while trying to sort this out.08:38
PurpleHaze420Get that 22.04.2 version08:38
PurpleHaze420I reccomend using "Blania Etcher" to create the LIVE USB to install with08:38
dabblerpreach: before I install the Nvidia driver, did you still want me to do something with optirun?08:38
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Previously this laptop was running fedora, it was the only distro that would have this wifi working after installation. I had tried other flavours of ubuntu and they wouldn't work. I was trying the 20.04 LTS desktop flavours however.08:39
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: It just booted up, I'm running 24.02.208:40
PurpleHaze42024.02.4 is old I think08:41
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: interesting, this time I asked to liveUSB to boot into the HWE kernel, and it doesn't detect the wifi08:41
PurpleHaze420Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS08:42
PurpleHaze420get latest software versions lol08:42
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Sorry, my bad, I meant 22.04.208:42
PurpleHaze420Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS on ur desktop/home install or the server OS?08:42
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: server, since I meant to leave this as an unattended headless machine08:43
PurpleHaze420ok so server is latest version hmmm08:43
PurpleHaze420sounds like you may have an obscure WIFI driver08:44
PurpleHaze420and maybe theres no support for it with some linux Kernels08:45
PurpleHaze420U said Fedora worked, and Fedora uses a newer kernel I THINK08:45
PurpleHaze420so maybe... you either wait a few years until ubuntu updates the kernel to a new LTS version08:45
PurpleHaze420Or use Fedora and just run ur server software on that08:45
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: how come I be able too configure it and use it during the installation then?08:45
PurpleHaze420Idk honestly08:46
PurpleHaze420U did see WIFI during install, confirmed?08:46
PurpleHaze420I've never experienced that though, Its either WIFI works, during installer and post-install, or it doesnt and I have to manually install a wifi driver, then it works08:46
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Yes, confirmed, I have to select my SSID and input my password, it does even show the IP it got from the DHCP08:47
PurpleHaze420I've never experienced that glitch08:47
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: the installation program has a "info" screen for the iface configuration, it shows the driver as being rtl8723bs08:49
PurpleHaze420Says that wifi driver is built-into the kernel, which is why u see wifi networks during install...08:50
PurpleHaze420Yeah its merged years ago...08:50
PurpleHaze420Try the hardware WIFI switch08:51
PurpleHaze420Maybe u just need to enable wifi via firmware hardware switch08:51
PurpleHaze420maybe WIFI is disabled in BIOS/UEFI08:51
Guest30234Okay, I'm reinstalling this and will give this a try08:51
PurpleHaze420are yo manually assigning ur IP or something08:51
PurpleHaze420Or are u using standard DCHP08:51
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: well it could be, but I just booted the installer and it can see the wifi card. If this wasn't enable it shouldn't see it right? No other actions on my side08:52
PurpleHaze420do U see wifi networks too08:52
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: standard DHCP from the router08:52
PurpleHaze420Does the wifi card have a status? enabled/disabled etc08:52
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Yes, my own network and neighbours as well08:52
PurpleHaze420so wahts your next steps08:53
PurpleHaze420Do yu connect to a network, then install normally08:53
PurpleHaze420do U do anything unusual08:53
PurpleHaze420are u experienced with installing Ubuntu server08:54
PurpleHaze420do you know what ur doing basically08:54
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I connect to my network, it detects a new installer version, ask me if I like to use it, and then proceed to installation, no fancy actions on my side08:55
PurpleHaze420do U use the new or old installer08:55
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with the command line, have been using linux since 1995, kernel version 2.0... already had to compile the kernel a few times myself to get things working before kernel modulesd were a thing08:55
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I already tried both approaches08:56
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: but now that you insisted, the installer shows the card as disabled... I do not explicitly enable it, but it looks like the installer does so when I ask it to search for nearby SSIDs08:58
PurpleHaze420insisted as what?08:58
PurpleHaze420ok so08:58
faLUKEhello, how can I upgrade from 21.10 (EOL) to the current release?08:58
PurpleHaze420Maybe u just need to enable the WIFI adapter08:59
PurpleHaze420can U see the wifi adapter after install08:59
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: for me to check for any status it might have during installation08:59
PurpleHaze420yeah ok08:59
PurpleHaze420if its disabled... we can enable it =)08:59
faLUKEI tried apt update, but it says: "Err:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish Release    404  Not Found "08:59
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: You mean before I reboot?08:59
Guest30234Or after?08:59
PurpleHaze420go ahead and reboot I dont think it matters08:59
PurpleHaze420reboot, then we can try to enable wifi card08:59
PurpleHaze420faLUKE maybe your too old a version to do an upgrade08:59
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I need to finish installation first, it's going to take several minutes09:00
faLUKEthis link says to edit apt/sources.list   https://serverfault.com/questions/1106691/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-21-10-to-22-04-after-eol   but I can't find lines to  replace09:00
PurpleHaze420Just a specualtion, sometimes if ur version is too old, with some software, u cant directly upgrade, but have to simple reformat and install newest version09:00
PurpleHaze420Ok sounds good 3023409:00
PurpleHaze420Isnt it very simple like sudo apt full-upgrade?09:00
PurpleHaze420updates the kernel at least.. i think09:01
faLUKEPurpleHaze420: I can't re-install09:02
PurpleHaze420Honestly, I'd just reformat and re-install with newest iso09:02
PurpleHaze420Upgrading from really old versions is harder the older it is, I'd think09:03
PurpleHaze420Read the 2nd reply09:04
PurpleHaze420nvm rs2009 answer looks wrong09:05
PurpleHaze420Well.. why can't you just fresh install newest version?09:06
PurpleHaze420You can probably backup and copy-over your bookmarks, most files like documents and PDFs etc09:06
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
faLUKEPurpleHaze420: I see09:08
PurpleHaze420Upgrades are always complicated IME, I always just fresh install latest kernel anytime a new LTS comes around09:09
PurpleHaze420faLUke so have u tried the official method09:10
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: same09:11
gordonjcpnew LTS?09:11
gordonjcpjust buy a new SSD, and do a clean install09:11
PurpleHaze420U can keep ur old Disk lol09:11
gordonjcpyeah but why would you?09:11
PurpleHaze420But yeah, clean fresh install is always most likely to work09:11
PurpleHaze420because u can just format it and re-install latest OS09:12
gordonjcpif you replace it, you have all your old data09:12
PurpleHaze420oh well yeah09:12
gordonjcpand your new disk will be bigger and faster09:12
PurpleHaze420I don't really have any data to backup, intentionally09:12
gordonjcpI have *shitloads*09:12
PurpleHaze420just a few songs bookmarked09:12
PurpleHaze420yeah I used to as-well09:12
gordonjcpI completely fill a couple of TB every few months09:12
PurpleHaze420but I reformat and change OSs so much I dont bother storing anything09:12
gordonjcpand that's with deleting many many TB over those months09:12
PurpleHaze420other than a few songs as firefox bookmarks lol09:12
elias_aA general remark: IMHO it is both convenient and wise to have a separate partition for /home. This enables user to install a new version without messing with /home partition. It should be backuped in spite of this, of course.09:13
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: short of particle physics experiments, nothing fills up disk like videos09:13
PurpleHaze420Guys, sidenote, checkout Phind, AI search engine for coders09:13
PurpleHaze420yeah of course09:13
gordonjcpI don't do 4k but I shoot a lot09:14
gordonjcpand I mostly shoot 1080p25 at 35Mbps09:14
PurpleHaze420Yeah I'm addicted to the H too...09:14
PurpleHaze420Oh you mean photography shoot09:14
PurpleHaze420nice "same here"09:14
PurpleHaze420jk lol, yeah that makes sense about your disks09:15
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: well, video, but yeah09:15
PurpleHaze420But have you considered just using cloud storage, microsoft has some good deals09:15
PurpleHaze420Lots of free cloud storage these days09:15
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: you can't use cloud storage for video09:15
PurpleHaze420Several TBs for free09:15
PurpleHaze420what why09:15
PurpleHaze420Its just another file-type it should work09:15
gordonjcpthe fastest SSDs in the world are too slow for video09:16
PurpleHaze420to store or what09:16
PurpleHaze420I mean video plays on HDDs so idk what u mean09:16
gordonjcpsticking it on the far end of a slow crappy network connection is just going to make that worse09:16
gordonjcpif you're just playing back "delivery format" stuff in like h.264/h.265 or whatever then sure09:16
gordonjcpyou can't even edit off a SAN though09:17
dabblerOk, this is what happens when I install the tested proprietary Nvidia driver (v. 390) https://www.imgpaste.net/image/KgMa4a09:17
gordonjcplike, even on 1Gbit networking it's too bloody slow09:17
gordonjcpdabbler: to be honest I'd be surprised if nouveau wasn't your best bet for a card that old09:17
dabblerDuring boot, after losing the kernel module there's graphical corruption and... nothing more09:17
gordonjcpdabbler: is there a specific reason you need the proprietary driver?09:17
gordonjcpdabbler: I'm going to come out and say it, if you're looking for CUDA you're going to have a sad and disappointing time with a GT65009:18
PurpleHaze420dude thats too much09:18
PurpleHaze420Like why do U need 1 gbps to do what09:18
PurpleHaze420it shouldnt be that intensive09:19
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: if you're editing video you're using really really large files, more-or-less uncompressed video09:19
dabblergordonjcp: I'm trying to get switchable graphics to work, or at least hardware acceleration09:19
dabblerNo plans for cuda09:19
gordonjcpPurpleHaze420: this is shading off into #ubuntu-offtopic territory though09:19
gordonjcpdabbler: nouveau ought to give you as much hardware acceleration as you're ever going to get from it...09:19
PurpleHaze420dabbler, are u trying to use the powerful GPU09:19
PurpleHaze420is integrated GPU working?09:19
PurpleHaze420Guest30234 , hows it going09:21
PurpleHaze420Ubuntu-mate is slightly obscure with its installation, it asked if I wanted to do KVM, or something else... Ive only ever isntalled with KVM09:21
PurpleHaze420is everyone sleep... :o09:23
dabblerPurpleHaze420: I'd certainly like to be able to use the more powerful discrete GPU. The integrated one works, but hardware acceleration doesn't seem to actually happen using it, looking at intel_gpu_top09:23
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: still installing, had to start over because I wasn't getting any IP from the router, and the installer didn't time up the DHCP client process09:23
PurpleHaze420sounds rough guest09:24
PurpleHaze420maybe just get a Raspberry PI for ur needs09:24
PurpleHaze420dabbler, for what, gaming?09:24
dabblerI'd like the discrete to work for gaming. Hardware acceleration on discrete for everything else09:25
dabblerE.g. video09:25
dabbler*acceleration on integrated09:25
PurpleHaze420what GPU drivers have u tried09:27
dabbler"Recovery mode" still tries to use proprietary drivers? -_-09:27
dabblerPurpleHaze420: nouveau and Nvidia 390 for discrete. Ubuntu built-in for integrated09:29
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I guess it's okay, the wifi signal isnt very strong where I am09:29
PurpleHaze420does it work now?09:51
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: just booted into the new system, no wifi at all09:52
Guest30234I can the system does indeed try to load a few start jobs during system bootup, but DHCP fails09:52
PurpleHaze420did u enable the wifi adapter09:53
Guest30234Listing interface card with ip link doesn't show wlan009:53
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: Yes, it's enabled in the UEFI, there is no soft or hard switch to enable it09:53
PurpleHaze420I'd connect to internet via Ethernet cable, then fully update09:56
PurpleHaze420Another guess, maybe the wifi driver code is just abandoned09:56
PurpleHaze420because its so old09:56
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: I might give this a try, I'm just checking boot messages for any obvious failure reason09:56
Guest30234PurpleHaze420: however it works (for some distros and during installation). I'm betting on some badly written startup script09:57
ograif there is a working driver and the config in /etc/netplan/ is correct you should get working wifi just fine ...09:58
Guest30234ogra: it works fine during system installation, but after I boot up on the newly installed system, there is no wifi at all09:58
ogracan you check "dpkg -l | grep wpasupplicant" ... is that package installed10:00
Guest30234ogra: it is10:01
ograthen at least all reqs. are fulfilled ...10:03
ogrado you have an entry for a wlan card in /etc/netplan/*.yaml ?10:04
Guest30234ogra: and I have a boot message "Sucessfully initialized wpa_supplicant"10:04
Guest30234Sorry gentlemen, I got disconnected10:07
Guest30234ogra: I have a file named "00-installer-config-wifi.yaml", and it does indeed have my wifi config as its contents, is that it?10:08
ograthat should be it, yeah ...10:08
ograso it boils down to a kernel driver then ... all userspace bits are correct10:08
Guest30234Yeah, most probably. Any ideas?10:10
ogra"cat /proc/net/dev" ... does that list any wifi device r anything that looks like it could be wifi ?10:11
PurpleHaze420The network card he is using, was merged into the linux kernel, so it should be well-supported10:11
ogra"was merged" -> into what kernel version ? ?10:12
PurpleHaze420years ago10:12
PurpleHaze420like 5-10 years ago it was merged in I think10:12
PurpleHaze420'Since Linux 4.12, rtl8723bs has been merged.'10:13
ograwell, these kind of drivers usually live from their firmware ... might be that the linux-firmware package is missing a file or symlink10:17
PurpleHaze420But it worked during Installation10:19
ogra.... aaand google agrees ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/1428768/rtl8723bs-wireless-problems-after-upgrade-to-jammy10:19
PurpleHaze420There she blows10:19
PurpleHaze420Did he go offline D:10:20
PurpleHaze420just when you had his answer lol10:21
PurpleHaze420Only 12 minutes ago10:21
PurpleHaze420is he offline or just afk10:21
PurpleHaze420sDo you guys think a BIOS/UEFI password will help secure my laptop against offline physical attacks, such as installing evil maid?10:22
ograthat and enabled secureboot10:23
PurpleHaze420I have secureboot on10:23
PurpleHaze420I now need to set a UEFI/BIOS password10:24
PurpleHaze420Is BIOS completely gone now10:24
PurpleHaze420is all new systems just uefi10:24
ograwell, yes and no ... usually UEFI has a BIOS compatibility mode ... so while you use UEFI you can often enough use it in the old mode10:25
PurpleHaze420Whats the difference10:25
PurpleHaze420Alright I'll set a BIOS/UEFI password10:27
PurpleHaze420So then it will be 3 passwords to access my desktop lol10:27
PurpleHaze420UEFI password, FDE LUKS pass, Linux user account pass10:27
ogracan't you set a UEFI password only for access to the UEFI config ?10:27
ograyou should not need one set for general boot10:28
ograjust to disallow access to changing configs10:28
PurpleHaze420well I kinda like it10:28
PurpleHaze420I mean10:28
PurpleHaze420it kinda prevents somebody from accessing the password entry section10:28
PurpleHaze420But The attacker could just remove the ssd10:28
PurpleHaze420and access the FDE pass10:29
PurpleHaze420so the Bootup UEFI pass doesnt really protect anything does it? Because it doesnt involve any encryption10:29
ograwell, it should protect access to the settings ...10:29
PurpleHaze420like being able to disable secureboot10:29
PurpleHaze420ok good call10:29
ograbut a proper UEFI has differentiation between access to configs and having to give a PW for "just booting"10:30
PurpleHaze420Ill set it and brb10:30
PurpleHazeBlazeIm back10:35
PurpleHazeBlazeMy setup it perfect now10:35
PurpleHazeBlazePassword to edit UEFI settings, such as to disable secure boot!10:36
PurpleHazeBlazeBut, no bootup password, as that wouldnt stop an advanced attacker10:36
dabblerwhen I install the tested proprietary Nvidia driver suggested by Ubuntu for my laptop (v. 390), I get this: https://www.imgpaste.net/image/KgMa4a  During boot, after loading the kernel module there's graphical corruption and... the boot process stops10:44
dabblerAny ideas for tweaking something (kernel options) before I revert to the default driver?10:46
Guest30234ogra, sorry I got to get into a call10:56
ograGuest30234, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1428768/rtl8723bs-wireless-problems-after-upgrade-to-jammy10:57
Guest30234ogra: "cat /proc/net/dev" only shows the loopback device10:57
ogramight be an outdated firmware package10:57
* ogra needs to go to a call now too ...10:57
TownyGamer22opinions of https://xanmod.org/?11:04
oerheksTownyGamer22, this is ubuntu support only, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss11:07
ograalongside ... completely unsupported/unsupportable on ubuntu ...11:07
* ogra notes also that ubuntu has supported realtime as well as lowlatency kernels already ... there is no need for such hackish stuff 11:11
=== vai is now known as Jari--
BluesKajHi all12:22
zteamHello, quick question is there any real downsides to converting the filesystem from ext4 to btrf (does btrfs eats up much more diskspace, and what about performance and stability?12:42
donofriois there a cmdline script to install ubuntu?12:42
tarzeauzteam: if you overfill the fs, it might break12:42
tarzeaudonofrio: debootstrap ? github it12:42
tarzeauzteam: big plus: unlimited inodes, live compression12:42
tarzeauzteam: about performance and stability, i've been using it on workstations for 5 years (about 250 machines, about 1000 users)12:43
tarzeauzteam: from 16 GB to 80 TB12:43
tarzeauxfs is an alternative12:44
donofriotarzeau, did you just recommend a debian script for ubuntu ;)12:45
zteamtarzeau, by break I assume you mean the system will become un-bootable right? not that the actual fs becomes corrupted?12:46
zteamtarzeau, well, I was mostly considered to convert my fs to use Timeshift more efficiently (to be able to rollback updates)12:49
chilverscthere's also some features that might not be available on btrfs such as bmap address_space_operation (I've not checked recently so that might have changed). So you'd need to test it with the software you use.12:51
tarzeaudonofrio: it's just the name of the script. it perfectly well works on ubuntu12:51
tarzeauzteam: i've never used btrfs file system for booting. i really mean it becomes corrupted as all data lost. happened once to one of the machines i listed you12:52
zteamtarzeau, that sounds just insane, why aren't there a mechanism to prevent this?12:55
pahi folks, how to report a bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net/~mozillateam ? cant find the link/button12:56
tarzeauzteam: well there are. a proper system administrator monitors the system and makes sure it doesn't happen12:56
tarzeauzteam: i mean, you'll find the source on the internet, and you can write patches to prevent it ?12:56
tarzeaupa: mozilla bug tracking, directly to upstream12:57
patarzeau: umh..meaning?12:57
paisnt this a ppa?12:57
tarzeauzteam: and, well it can happen, sometimes when you're lucky nothing breaks12:57
tarzeaupa: it is, but it's done by the mozilla developers themselves afaik12:57
paah i see12:58
paso i should report it to mozilla ?12:58
tarzeaui think so, yes. depending what the bug is?12:58
pa114.0 packages break tab session manager. and they already removed 113.0 debs.. currently running on the offy binary from website12:59
ogradonofrio, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/automated-server-installation/1661213:00
zteamtarzeau, of course I agree, that any good sysadmin should do that, but if it's that critical, it seems to me that the FileSystem should do it, but that's just my opinon, the are surerly a good reason, for why there arew no such checks :_)13:00
tarzeauzteam: i agree completely :)13:01
zteamchilversc, thanks for telling me, it seems that usig btrfs might cause me more headache than it saves me then. :-)13:05
chilverscThe features thing tends to only cause an issue if you're using something that really cares about the filesystem features (e.g backup tools, cachefiles). Most standard applications wouldn't notice a difference.13:09
=== eroc19901 is now known as eroc1990
donofrioorga, etal - basically the new full gui installer script doesn't seem to be working on my older notebook so I was hoping for a switch or some way I can run it  in text qt mode or something like that?14:04
ogradonofrio, what gui installer script ?14:17
donofrioogra, ubuntu-desktop-installer14:19
ogradonofrio, the thing i pointed you to is for unattended/scripted installs of ubuntu-server ... you could use the autoinstall scripting to then have it automatically install ubuntu-desktop as the last step and be done ...14:20
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=== realivanjx0 is now known as realivanjx
donofriodoes anyone know if there is a text version of ubuntu-desktop-installer (without other scripts?)14:30
oerheksone could install the desktop on a server.14:31
webchat452I just recently switched from CentOS to Ubuntu 22.04 on the server side. Having a weird issue where some windows clients cannot connect to the server unless a ping request is generated from the server first. It looks like the arp isn't being updated for that client until ping is sent from the server to a client. Using networkd in netplan14:33
webchat452Didn't have that issue with CentOS on the same network, didn't know if it was a misconfiguration or a know bug.14:35
webchat452I saw where some were having an issues if NetworkManager was running along-side networkd, but NetworkManager is not installed.14:38
oerhekscan you post your netplan yaml?14:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:38
webchat452# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'14:40
webchat452    ethernets:14:40
webchat452        eno8303:14:40
webchat452            dhcp4: false14:40
webchat452            addresses: []14:40
oerheksno, not like that;14:40
Guest1any medical  chanel i can join14:40
leftyfb!alis | Guest114:40
ubottuGuest1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see <</msg Alis help list>> or ask in #libera - Example usage: <</msg Alis list http>>14:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:44
billiongreeting all14:45
billionplease can anyone help me with i need to good smtp for spamming buke emails14:46
leftyfbbillion: you're not going to get help with that here.14:47
oerheksnot an ubuntu support issue, spamming support.14:48
billionplease which room can i get the help14:48
leftyfb!alis | billion14:48
ubottubillion: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see <</msg Alis help list>> or ask in #libera - Example usage: <</msg Alis list http>>14:48
oerheksnone, #libera is not your network for such awkward questions, i guess14:49
webchat452does that config look ok?15:02
zaggynlwhat are we looking at?15:03
explodesI upgraded an ubuntu installation from 20 to 22 but forgot about it halfway through and my ssh session terminated15:20
explodesAfter the heartattack I found I was able to resume the upgrade with dpkg --configure -a15:20
leftyfb!yy.mm | explodes15:21
ubottuexplodes: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle15:21
blanknamehi all is there a way to preserve a driver during an update in 18.0415:35
tarzeaublankname: a driver being a dkms package? or installed from source kernel module?15:36
tarzeaublankname: what driver is that exactly?15:36
blanknametarzeau, i always have to do this : build-essential git dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) -y15:38
blankname...every now and then after an update15:38
blanknamedriver : https://github.com/kelebek333/rtl8188fu15:39
tarzeaublankname: for your wireless? why not create a dkms pkg?15:41
blanknametarzeau, im not that techi yet15:41
tarzeaublankname: i've done it with: http://sid.ethz.ch/debian/atlantic-dkms/15:41
tarzeauit's pretty easy15:41
blanknameor maybe ill just re download the driver again after some update,but i need to know w/c update is causing the wifi adapter to disappear15:43
oerheksthat dkms builds the driver every kernel update, comfortably15:43
blanknameoerheks, w/o re downloading again the driver ?15:44
blanknameoerheks, ayt,that sounds a good option,can u pls point me to the right direction sir/mam15:45
oerhekswait, at the end of this page, a PPA with that dkms15:45
oerheksthis guys does a lot of effort for those devices15:47
blanknameok.so hmm is the ppa route better than creating a dkms pkg ?15:47
oerheksif you can create one on your own, that is oke15:47
blanknamenah,cant at the moment15:47
blanknamecan i proceed w/ the ppa,while the wifi adapter is still being recognize or working well ?15:48
oerheksor downlod the dkms manually https://launchpad.net/~kelebek333/+archive/ubuntu/kablosuz/+files/rtl8192fu-dkms_5.8.6.2~bionic10_all.deb15:48
oerheksfrom https://launchpad.net/~kelebek333/+archive/ubuntu/kablosuz/+packages15:49
blanknamei see15:49
oerheksbut then one does not get updates.15:49
oerheksi wonder if there will be any, but oke15:49
blanknamethat the cons :(15:49
oerheksyes, just to make sure you have the whole story15:50
blanknameso hmm.. what about update,then install the wifi.deb15:50
oerhekshave fun!15:51
blanknameayt ayt15:51
blanknametnx everyone15:52
blanknamebtw,do you guys have an alternative to drawer dock,cant seem to open te settings anymore on 18.0415:57
lotuspsychjeblankname: 18.04 is end of life now16:01
blanknamelotuspsychje,  are all ubuntu releases secured enough even w/o hardening ?16:01
oerheksoh indeed, 2 days now16:02
oerheksupgrade to 20.04? 2 more years support to go16:02
blanknameoerheks, i think it just made an update 1 day ago.. so if reaches the end it wont anymore ?16:03
leftyfbblankname: that's a very broad and trick question. security is a spectrum16:03
oerheksyou might not have the latest intel-firmware..16:03
oerheksyes, not without ESM/PRO16:03
blanknamesigh,time to update again,i just dont like the fixing some parts that get broke after the upgrade16:05
leftyfbblankname: I use ansible to automate rebuilding my machines from scratch16:06
blanknameleftyfb, interesting ill check on that.. i just use timeshift.. is ansible good between transitions from 1 release to another ?16:08
leftyfbblankname: ansible is basically a script that runs lots of commands and tasks you would normally do by hand16:12
leftyfbit's a configuration management tool, not a backup for files16:12
leftyfbthough I do use it to also restore my files from my backup at the end16:12
blanknamei see16:13
lotuspsychje!focal | blankname read also the releasenotes before LTS upgrading16:18
ubottublankname read also the releasenotes before LTS upgrading: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and the previous !LTS release. Download at https://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes16:18
blanknamelotuspsychje,  i really dont have any alternative ,cant skip 1 release,got to install fossa first16:21
blanknamegonna use : sudo do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewGtk3 from https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today16:23
oerheks-d is development, that would be ... 23.1016:23
blanknamethe site says: d - this allows us to upgrade to 20.04; normally, this option is used by early testers to try development versions of Ubuntu ahead of their official release. We will use it to start the upgrade. While the labels say "development", don't worry - we will in fact be upgrading to the stable, official release of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.  so ill just remove te -d then ?16:24
oerhekslook at the date?16:27
oerheks20.04 was not released yet, and the only way to upgrade early is the -d option16:27
oerheksnow the -d is 23.1016:27
ubottuUbuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) will be the 39th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2023 (https://ubottu.com/y/mm). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.16:27
blanknameayt. so no -d then16:28
blanknamewhew,almost followed that blog.16:29
Mypcj #ubuntu16:34
webchat35i recently updated 22.04 and now in microsoft virtual machine i have no keyboard or mouse inputs. what can be done to restore usage.16:42
oerheksmicrosoft virtual machine, is that a snap?16:45
oerheksoh wait, i read it wrong, ubuntu as VM on microsoft16:46
webchat35ubuntu 22.04 is loaded into MS virtual machine16:46
webchat35the recent sudo apt update has blocked me now form using the mouse and the keyboard in the VM16:47
oerhekswhen booting, hold shift, to get into grub, and boot the previous kernel16:48
webchat35i can no longer use an older version16:48
oerheksno clue then, time to reinstall?16:49
webchat35i can bring up the login and enter id and pw but after that im blocked16:49
oerheksevery ubuntu install keeps 2 kernels.. but oke16:50
webchat2Hi again guys.16:53
webchat2Last time, I was struggling with my Bluetooth Mouse and jeremy31 assisted along the way. They noticed some issues related to the Bluetooth firmware (Intel Microcode), and I applied a patch, but the issue persists.16:55
webchat35is there any way to access old kernels from the grub root directory16:55
webchat2I unfortunately had to leave because my shift ended.16:55
webchat2With that being said, what can be done?16:57
lotuspsychjewebchat2: wich ubuntu release was that and did you have a bug ID about it?16:59
webchat222.04.02 LTS.17:00
webchat2And no bug ID.17:00
lotuspsychjewebchat2: could you share your dmesg in a !paste please, so volunteers can take a look for you17:01
webchat2Why of course! Much appreciated.17:01
webchat2Just need a min.17:02
oerheksi use bluez, to connect BT devices, scan, pair, trust. especially the trust part is important for autoconnections17:02
lotuspsychjeyeah blueman is handy17:02
oerhekssmart people find the cli manual to do so17:03
webchat2Man, someone showed me a command that would generate a link like pastebin, but I forgot what it was.17:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:04
WaV< command to paste > | nc termbin.com 999917:05
webchat2It's that, thanks WaV!17:05
webchat2There: https://termbin.com/zquh717:06
oerheksno bug id .. and how about that patch? any url that gives us a help?17:09
oerhekswhat usb mouse, what ubuntu kernel etc17:09
webchat2It isn't an USB mouse, it is a Bluetooth mouse. It is a Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse 3600. And uname -r returned: 5.19.0-43-generic17:11
lotuspsychjewebchat2: 4.819430] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: firmware Patch file not found, tried:17:12
lotuspsychjein your dmesg17:12
lotuspsychjewebchat2: then a few of these; 842.068715] Bluetooth: hci0: corrupted ACL packet17:13
webchat2Strange, I remember having installed it. Well, guess it is time to look it up.17:14
lotuspsychjewebchat2: can you try unplug the adapter, then plug back in, see if that fixes or not?17:15
lotuspsychjemaybe leave a journalctl -f open meanwhile17:15
oerheksoh, a problem mouse, since 2016 ...17:15
webchat2What do you mean by adapter?17:15
oerhekspower save issue https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/67981117:16
lotuspsychjeoh its mobo built in17:16
webchat2I'm fairly sure it is a module.17:16
webchat2It does not do that after a few seconds, it's kinda random.17:17
webchat2But yeah, it disconnects.17:17
webchat2Worth following that lead, oerheks.17:17
oerheksi see that this bt mouse is still sold, EUR3017:18
webchat2oerheks Paid like 25EUR back then IIRC.17:19
webchat2I looked up the bluetooth module, it looks like it is a BCM20702A017:20
webchat2Where do I find the drivers, on Broadcom's website?17:20
ubuntuHi. I'm trying to install ubuntu but when I bring up the installer it just closes. I try to launch from terminal and I don't see anything that stands out as useful in debugging17:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest6597
Guest6597I previously had ubuntu installed and just installed windows17:21
Guest6597I want to dual boot17:21
Guest6597I guess all I needed to do was complain. The installer is now starting.17:22
Guest6597Can we put that in a log somewhere? Requirement: must come to IRC and complain before installer runs17:23
lotuspsychjewebchat2: what i would do if this happens by default on your ubuntu install, is create a new bug for it, then start testing around after17:23
Guest6597Okay....so the installer is just hanging on "preparing ubuntu"17:24
Guest6597nothing is really happening17:24
lotuspsychjeGuest6597: wich ubuntu release is that?17:24
Guest6597lotuspsychje: here are some logs that look useufl17:25
Guest6597useful even17:25
Guest6597I thought ubuntu was ditching snap?17:26
Guest6597Should I just use 22.04?17:26
Guest6597I'm going to try 22.0417:27
Guest74Hey, is that Guest 30234 here?17:27
Guest74We found the answer to your question17:27
Guest74He was here like 8 hours ago asking about WIFI adapter working during installation but not after17:28
Guest74We found a fix/explalation, just respond if ur here17:28
oerhekswrong channel?17:29
faLUKEHello. I have this weird but interesting issue on a Neon (KDE) developer distro (https://neon.kde.org/download but possibly on other distros too). After installing one of the following deb packages: { at-spi2-core accerciser gobject-introspection libqt5waylandclient5-dev libkpipewire-dev qtbase5-private-dev libwayland-dev plasma-wayland-protocols libpipewire-0.3-dev } grub is updated, and the next boot hangs. How can I fix this?17:29
Guest74No he was here17:29
Guest74we tried finding an answer to his wifi for like 2 hours and finially found an answer right as he logged off17:29
Guest74just seeing if he's here again17:30
oerheksjust wait for when he comes back17:30
webchat2lotuspsychje: I am trying the conf file the other user posted.17:31
Guest74Im using Ubuntu-Mate 22.04, and I want to set the Desktop Icons to FIXED GRID, currently, I can place them at any Y-axis position and thus I can have some icons close together, others farther apart, I want a fixed grid so all icons are evenly and exactly placed apart, how do I do this17:31
Guest74no they are persistant17:32
oerheksif you find no answer, there is #ubuntu-mate too17:32
Guest74When I right click desktop space I can enable "keep alligned" but that only affects X axis17:32
webchat2Ok, now to see if it conf file does anything.17:34
webchat2In the meanwhile, how can I update the bluetooth drivers?17:34
oerheksif BT works, why would you?17:35
webchat2Well, because sometimes blueman crashes randomly.17:36
oerheksjust make that bt setting, to disable power saving mode with -117:36
webchat2That's exactly what I was doing, just replacing the IDs.17:36
webchat2In other words, that setting never allows the mouse to sleep when Ubuntu is on?17:36
oerheksbasicly yes17:37
oerheksyou force that17:37
webchat2Certainly better than disconnecting all the time, that explains why I can't reconnect afterwards.17:37
Guest74I just learned GNOME thinks desktop icons are a bad idea... while I Love desktop icons. Will ubuntu-mate ever remove desktop icons? I want desktop icons and will swap OS's if desktop icons are removed.17:54
ograGuest74, mate follows the GNOME 2 ideas ... where desktop icons were still loved by them17:55
Guest74but will the upstream code, ever be forced upon us17:56
Guest74thus removing the icons17:56
stoolGuest74, you can also install multiple desktop environnment, one with icons or without, then select it at login screen.17:56
Guest74Can I fully replace the DE?17:56
ograyes, the receont gnome aready comes without any desktop icons17:56
Guest74yeah so will mate ever be forced into using no icons17:57
ograwhich is why canonical created an extension that adds them back and is installed by default17:57
oerhekssettings > appearance gives those icon options17:57
stoolyes, you can try XFCE or gnome or lxde/qt...17:57
Guest74oh nice good17:57
ogramate is using gnome 2 as i said above ... it wont change such stuff17:57
Guest74Alright deep breaths, calm17:57
Guest74How can I change my Lock-Screen wallpaper?18:06
oerheksubuntu tweaks give that option18:12
oerheks!info ubuntu-tweak18:12
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in lunar18:12
oerheks!info ubuntu-tweaks18:12
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweaks does not exist in lunar18:12
oerhekssure it is18:12
oerheks!info gnome-tweaks18:13
ubottugnome-tweaks (42~beta-4, lunar): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 412 kB18:13
twovi!info gnome-tweaks18:14
oerheksKubuntu does not have a tweaks package, that is why i like it so much.18:17
LuizPontesHi all.. First time here, guys i'm running Ubuntu 23.04 and the Gnome Desktop Enviroument has a Bug on the Right side on the Screen. Did someone already fix it?18:17
oerhekshi LuizPontes, do you have a bugreport to show?18:18
ravageor at least a screenshot18:18
LuizPontes@oerheks, @ravage , let me try to capture it.18:19
LuizPontesSome Area in Top right corner of the screen is not clickable.18:21
oerhekssettings > multitasking gives those options18:23
oerhekshot corner, active screen edge18:23
=== shokohsc6 is now known as shokohsc
Guest21Hi guys20:31
BigBytez10Does anybody here Use STEAM on Ubuntu based OS? Specifcally with Proton Compatability mode?22:07
oerheks'ubuntu based OS' worries me22:14
oerhekswe do not support forks22:14
=== Heewa_B is now known as heewa
bray90820Is there any way to update Nautilus beyond what is provided with ubuntu I'm running 23.0422:21
oerheksbuild from source if there is any update22:22
bray90820Is thee a PPA for it?22:23
oerheksmaybe, trust that owner..22:23
oerheks3.16 is next?22:23
bray90820The reason i need to update is because I'm having a strange bug where the screen doesn't update correctly after I delete and or movie files22:24
oerheksno 44 https://download.gnome.org/sources/nautilus/44/22:24
oerheksoh, file a bug? or find simular and add yourself?22:25
bray90820It shows the wrong files until I refresh the screen22:25
oerheksoh that is a bug?22:25
bray90820Is it?22:25
oerheksjust hit f522:26
bray90820Yeah but that shouldn't happen should it?22:27
oerheksI think not, by design22:29
oerhekson external driver*22:29
sarnoldit probably depends upon filesystem type22:30
sarnoldI bet some filesystems can't do inotify watches22:31
sotaover2idewhats the ubuntu equivalent for mac mission control, where you can have multiple workspaces etc?22:49
sotaover2ideand how can we change / modify bits of ubuntu workspaces. What code should i be looking at?22:50
oerheksone can set workspaces in systemsettings > multitasking22:50
=== sotaoverride is now known as Guest3040
=== sotaover2ide is now known as sotaoverride
sotaoverrideoerheks: do you know where the source code for ubuntu virtual desktop/workspaces is it? where can i make changes to plugins like that?22:54
rboxthats not a plugin22:57
rboxtahts jsut part of gnome22:57
sarnoldgnome lets you write javascript that they'll execute within the main shell, you can find extensions on https://extensions.gnome.org/22:58
oerhekswhy change the code as you can set many workspaces?22:58
sarnoldbut because it's javascript and because it's just random jerks on the internet sharing their work, your milage may vary :) I suggest reading them before installing them22:58
sarnoldthey might be malicious, or they might be written for a different version than you've got22:58
emanuelepCiao a tutti, hi all!!23:03
sarnoldhello :)23:03
emanuelephello sarnold! I have to make lfs tonight <323:03
sarnolduhoh, you're running out of "tonight" in which to make it :)23:04
emanuelepbut I have read of ubuntu support channel! nice to meet you!23:04
emanuelepyesterday i have try to rebuild kernel of 20.04 with my vcenter ~20min from 5.4 to 623:05
emanuelepneed to hardenize a university webserver23:05
emanuelepbut i have encountered too many difficulties with .config file23:06
emanuelepan university**23:06
emanuelepHas anyone recently recompiled kernel 5.4 to 6 for ubuntu 20.04lts?23:07
oerheksnot supported, one can try mainline kernels, but just for testing, as in you must have a reason to do so23:07
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:07
oerhekselse 23.04 gives 6.x23:07
sarnoldemanuelep: it's pretty rare to compile your own kernel these days23:08
emanuelepoh thanks @ubottu, because i needed to recompile the security part to avoid key cache and enable TOMOYO sec23:08
sarnoldemanuelep: if you want to, 'make localmodconfig' might help a bit, but it's still not great fun23:09
emanuelepyes sarnold but we make cybersec for professional porpouse23:09
sarnoldtomoyo, fun fun23:09
emanuelepyess i have try with localmodconfig23:09
emanuelepalso sudo find /boot/ \( -iname "*config*" -a -iname "*`uname -r`*" \) -exec cp -i -t ./ {} \;23:10
emanuelep$ scripts/config --disable SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS23:11
emanuelep$ scripts/config --disable SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS23:11
emanuelepbut no chance23:11
emanuelepwith kernel.org source23:11
emanuelepnext time i have try with "apt install linux-source-5.4" same version running23:12
emanuelepLANG=C make -j128 && make -j128 modules_install23:12
sarnoldwow, I've never seen ./scripts/config used that way before23:12
emanuelepbut when start modules_install anyway go wrong23:13
sarnoldpastebin the errors?23:13
emanuelepyes sarnold23:13
emanuelepwrong sorry23:13
oerheksyou will find 6.3 stable and 6.4 testing https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D23:13
oerheksstill, use at your oen risk23:14
=== brett_ is now known as Guest3019
emanuelepi need to make a manual rebuil :-( for install any version i'm using mainline23:14
sotaoverriderbox: I was trying to mess with the gnome to do things like when im trying move between workspaces all the available workspaces show up in dial or other animations for being able to move between workspaces23:14
emanuelepsudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa -y23:15
emanuelepapt update && apt upgrade23:15
emanuelepsudo apt install mainline -y23:15
oerheksthat ppa is not in our wiki23:15
rboxsotaoverride: okay...?23:15
emanuelepoerheks: is untrust?23:16
oerhekswe simply don't support the outcome.23:17
sotaoverrideso yeah you htink I should be looking to do something like that in gnome dorectly :P I just havent done anything gnome before to trying to make sure where to look at rbox:23:17
oerheksfor any ppa or repo; trust the owner23:17
rboxsotaoverride: you shoudnt be trying to modify gnome... no23:17
emanuelepah ok23:17
emanuelepbut i think that mainline is available also with nova repo23:17
oerheksnot sure you refer to with  key cache and enable TOMOYO sec23:18
emanuelepmmh.. TOMOYO and appArmor are necessary for the WAF..23:19
mkayhello, can ya help me out please id like to know where repo gpg keys can be found(the app/git in question;eg wine website/git/orwhat ever its called?)23:20
mkaythis is my problem23:20
sarnoldmy ancient focal system has TOMOYO enabled...23:20
mkaywhat up sarnold23:20
emanuelepjust this?23:20
mkayi also rock a relic23:20
sarnoldmkay: the best approach is to read the winehq documentation, they should tell you how to get the right key installed23:20
mkaycool man ty23:21
mkayhow you been anyways23:21
mkaydif nick same dude23:21
oerheksbad repo key, as that key is in https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/lunar/23:21
oerheksgood lucj23:21
mkayty oerheks23:22
namefulhi all.tried upgrading from 18 to 20.. at last part or completion of the upgrade a message : The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a). appeared is it still rectifiable ?23:22
oerheksmaybe report it in #winehq23:22
emanuelepnameful, make a snapshot!!23:22
sarnoldmkay: if you just want to trust whatever key you were told you don't have, try this: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 76F1A20FF987672F ; gpg --armor --export 76F1A20FF987672F > winehq.asc  ; sudo mv winehq.asc /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d23:22
sotaoverridehow do I change fan config in ubuntu, the fans never seem to go off for me23:22
oerheksi would not touch fancontrol23:23
namefulemanuelep, hmm in timeshift ?23:23
oerhekslet the bios take care of that23:23
mkaysarnold, thanks for being honest23:24
mkaythanks all23:25
oerheksmaybe laptop-mode-tools can do some tweaking, use at your own risk!23:25
oerheks!info laptop-mode-tools23:25
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (1.74-1.2, lunar): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Built by laptop-mode-tools. Size 87 kB / 394 kB23:25

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