
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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Paddy_NIHello I am running Ubuntu Server on a PC with an Nvidia GT 1030 Graphics card. One of the issues I had noted through owning this card (on Ubuntu Desktop) the GPU driver that was auto selected was wrong/bugged. Terrible resolution and at times would fail to fully boot.  I had a little bit of an absent mind whilst installing Ubuntu Server 22.04 on this PC and it auto installed the wrong driver 11:00
Paddy_NIagain. Now the server has a poor resolution. I remember it being fixable by just removing the nvidia driver I think via "sudo apt purge nvidia-*" rebooting and installing an older version of the driver from the repos.11:00
Paddy_NII am just wondering what package I should install via apt that would pull down all the necessary bits11:00
Paddy_NINot specifically which driver version but the correct "meta" package?11:00
oerheks381 should work, also 47011:02
Paddy_NIoerheks: Yes I think it was 470. I am just not quite sure which package I should install. :-)11:03
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall should do the right one?11:03
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers list11:03
oerheksthen the 470 package given..11:03
oerheksyou might want to turn off secureboot...11:04
Paddy_NIoerheks: I have that off as it causes some odd issues11:04
Paddy_NIoerheks: Hmm... It says "all the available drivers are already installed"11:06
Paddy_NIConfused lol11:06
Paddy_NII managed to flamethrower refresh my face last night opening the little door of my bbq lol11:06
Paddy_NII just did "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-470-server"11:12
Paddy_NII think it removed and installed everything it needed to.11:12
Paddy_NII would I check hardware acceleration via the cli?11:12
Paddy_NIThis server will be headless11:12
oerheksinstall mesa-utils; glxgears -info11:13
oerheksor just glxgears11:14
oerheksglxinfo | grep "direct rendering"  # should answer; direct rendering: Yes11:14
Paddy_NIError: unable to open display11:15
Paddy_NIThe cli resolution is bad again since installing the other nvidia 470 driver. When I removed the previously wrong driver the resolution matched my display. I am assuming its the nouveau driver that gets the resolution correct but minus the acceleration11:16
oerheksdid you reboot after installing?11:22
Paddy_NIOh yes of course :-)11:29
oerheksso you are on server, not desktop 11:30
Paddy_NII have said that :-)11:30
oerheksi think you need to start the desktop ..11:31
Paddy_NII am pretty certain I don't. I do appreciate your help oerheks 11:31
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