
namefulhi all,did some additional updates after upgrading from 18 to 20.. it still gave some update failed the small screen disappeared fast where it says so.. how can 2x check if the error is false or true..tnx00:01
rboxnameful: what?00:04
sarnoldnameful: try running: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -f ;  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:04
namefulrbox coz a youtuber says its just might be a false flag error https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7NSAyEZATM00:05
namefulsarnold, howcome this machine cant do sudo apt update && sudo apt install at same time,i always end up doing the command separately00:06
sarnoldnameful: the && means to execute the second command if the first ran without failure00:07
sarnoldnameful: so my guess is that you have an error in the first command00:07
namefulthe command before && ran smoothly.. now its asking to : apt list --upgradable .. i thought it should install by force coz of -f00:08
sarnold-f means "fix broken" in this context00:09
namefulfocal,focal 1.1.9-3 all [upgradable from: 1.1.3-1] -- this is the app that cant upgrade after doing :  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:11
nojhi all im having trouble with my mouse wheel not working i have a wireless hp mouse and keyboard, tried imwheel install to no avail?00:19
noji would like to be able to use it to scroll browser page (firefox) and it isnt working but my other mouse works fine-perplexed? any ideas00:20
nojam running ubuntu 23.04 Desktop00:20
nojis this just one of those things when you use non LTS?00:21
nojre other mouse works fine the one that works cool is wireless microsoft, the one that don't is HP wireless keyboard mouse combo00:22
Toadisattvais it the usb adapter type? could be an issue with the usb reciever?00:24
nojhave tried switching ports no change00:24
Toadisattvakeyboard works?00:24
nojyes perfectly00:25
nojso does the mouse other than the wheel00:25
nojlol hw issue00:26
Guest16Hi guys, I just got my favorite Steam game working with ProtonDB and Linux (ubuntu 22.04) However, I think only my integrated GPU is working, and I want to enable my Dedicated/Discrete GPU for high power, but IDK how to enable the more powerful GPU.00:26
nojis that something that you could choose from, from within the UEFI/bios00:27
noji would (dont know) assume this is the case00:28
Guest16idk , usually I can choose in the Linux OS00:29
Guest16as a gui program00:29
nojim sorry i dont have move experience with this type of problem but if no bites here ask in a few other channels also #linux #linux-offtopic maybe? and keep an eye on the channels for reply00:30
nojthis channel can be incredibly active at times and dead at others, if nothing now try 6/9 hrs later when lots of action in channel00:31
nojdmesg logs and pastebin will be of help to anyone wanting more details specific to ur issue so do some googling on how to gather troubleshooting info and pasting to pastebin00:33
nojand google dorks will help you sort through the internet to find exactly what you want to contain so have a read or watch youtube00:34
Toadisattvathese days it's also worth just asking chatgpt, it's not always reliable, but often it's pretty effective00:35
quidnuncCan someone explain how security updates are handled for reverse dependencies? python3-sqlparse recently had a security update and it made sqlformat uninstallable. Is repackaging not propagated to reverse dependencies? Or is it not done for packages in universe?00:36
sarnoldquidnunc: can you pastebin the error messages?00:38
quidnuncsarnold: Sure, do you happen to know one of the ways to do it from the CLI?00:39
Guest16So it seems my system ONLY SEE's my Integrated GPU00:39
Guest16How can I get my system to see the dedicated gpu00:39
sarnoldquidnunc: try apt install -s sqlformat | nc termbin.com 999900:40
quidnuncsarnold: Thanks that's the one I was trying to remember, but too late00:41
quidnuncsarnold: https://pastebin.com/0i84yGsC00:41
sarnoldquidnunc: that's pretty weird; sqlparse is built from the same source package ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sqlparse/0.4.2-1ubuntu0.23.04.1 ) so the Depends: really should be perfect; do you get any errors from "apt update"?00:44
quidnuncsarnold: Not apart for some warning for third party sources that don't exist. I'll remove them just to make sure I'm not missing anything.00:46
quidnuncsarnold: But surely you also can't be able to install it?00:46
sarnoldquidnunc: good idea, let me spin up an lxd instance ..00:47
quidnuncsarnold: Also, I'm not sure it's the same package. apt-cache policy show sqlformat to be in universe but sqlparse to be in main00:49
nojwhat is the sources list location in ubuntu? /etc/apt/sources.listd?00:49
Guest16Someone pls00:51
quidnuncnoj: That's the directory /etc/apt/sources.list is the file00:51
Guest16The Software Sources GUI app doesnt show the alternative GPU drivers00:51
Guest16'lspci -vnn | grep VGA' doesnt show my RTX00:51
tomreynGuest16: please don't cross-post. pick one channel to ask your questions in at a time.00:52
Guest16Its two seperate channels00:53
sarnoldquidnunc: it installed no https://termbin.com/5lz600:53
noji will be editing this file; housekeeping, should i just copy the file to use in case probs later on? recommendations00:53
tomreynGuest16: yes, you are asking in two separate channels at the same time, which i am frowning on. please do not do this, as explained previously.00:53
Guest16yeah I'd ask in 100 channels at once if I could00:54
Guest16They are different channels, its not spam00:54
nojsorry i steered him in the wrong direction re that tomreyn00:54
tomreynnoj: no owrries. An earlier incarnation of Guest16 and i had the same conversation before. they know.00:55
quidnuncsarnold: Wow, thanks. Maybe it hasn't propagated to my mirror? But it's us.archive.ubuntu.com00:56
Guest16Can someone explain or help me figure out why my Software Sources GUI program doesnt detect my RTX card?00:57
Guest16I also cant run 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices'00:57
Guest16Nothing happens00:57
Guest16I'm currently using the 'driver=nouveau' and I want to isntall the propreitary reccomended driver00:58
quidnuncsarnold: No the current verison is there. Now I'm really confused00:58
sarnoldquidnunc: how about apt policy sqlformat  and apt policy python3-sqlparse  ?00:59
tomreynGuest16: please post the output of:   lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version; sudo apt update; sudo apt -f install; apt list nviida*01:00
tomreyn...on a pastebin01:00
quidnuncsarnold: sqlparse shows the security-updated version. sqlformat shows the previous version01:04
quidnunc(sqlformat doesn't show the existence of the new version)01:04
sarnoldquidnunc: okay, I've got a new theory. I don't like it much.  I don't even really know how to describe it.01:05
sarnoldquidnunc: my guess is that apt has Done Something Stupid with the lists, and maybe grabbed multiple compression types -- it sees one type is up to date, so skips downloading a new list. however, apt-get install will use the *wrong* list when installing packages.01:06
sarnoldquidnunc: try: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*.*  --- then a new sudo apt update, sudo apt install sqlformat  and see how it goes01:07
quidnuncsarnold: Same error01:12
sarnoldquidnunc: ARGH :(01:12
sarnoldquidnunc: pastebin this run?01:12
quidnuncsarnold: It's the exact same message01:14
quidnuncsarnold: https://termbin.com/9ty301:16
sarnoldquidnunc: and the apt update lines?01:18
sarnoldman I *HATE* how hard it is to find the name of the stupid command that'll dump the hold states01:19
sarnoldquidnunc: try apt-mark showhold   ?01:20
quidnuncsarnold: I have emacs-snapshot on hold01:20
quidnuncthat's all01:20
NickHdpkg --get-selections01:20
sarnoldN: Can't select versions from package 'emacs-snapshot' as it is purely virtual01:21
sarnoldthanks NickH01:21
quidnuncsarnold: It's a ppa01:22
quidnuncsarnold: In any case apt-cache policy shows holds01:22
quidnunc(or at least that it "sees" the newer version)01:22
quidnuncsarnold: https://termbin.com/vp4k101:23
quidnuncthat's the apt update output01:23
sarnoldoh dang that's a lot of third-party repos :/01:23
sarnoldhey, how about apt purge -s sqlformat   .. that'll show whatever package throws a fit when you try to remove this thing :)01:24
quidnuncsarnold: I can't purge since it is not installed01:25
sarnoldquidnunc: apt purge -s python3-sqlparse  ?01:25
quidnuncsarnold: I don't think it's installed either01:26
quidnuncnot installed01:26
sarnoldthis mixture of lunar, stable, jammy, lunary-backports, is going to be a challenge at best :/01:26
sarnold:( man I'm just all failure all over the place tonight01:26
quidnuncsarnold: I'll remove them but again it should show up in apt policy if that was the issue01:27
quidnuncsarnold: Nope makes no difference01:29
quidnuncI tried archive instead of us.archive for lunar-updates as well in sources.list01:29
quidnuncdoesn't make a difference01:29
sarnoldquidnunc: okay, how about sudo apt install sqlformat=0.4.2-1ubuntu0.23.04.1  python3-sqlparse=0.4.2-1ubuntu0.23.04.1    ?01:31
quidnuncsarnold: Here's the "clean" apt update https://termbin.com/mros01:31
quidnuncnothing really of note01:31
sarnoldyeah that's pleasingly boring :)01:31
quidnunc E: Version '0.4.2-1ubuntu0.23.04.1' for 'sqlformat' was not found01:32
quidnuncsarnold: What architecture did you install sqlformat on?01:34
quidnuncnever mind I see amd6401:35
quidnuncsarnold: Ah, I think I've found the problem01:36
quidnuncsarnold: I had "lunar-security main restricted" and "lunar-updates main restricted"01:38
quidnuncsarnold: python3-sqlparse had a security update and it is in main. sqlformat is universe and I guess wasn't in lunar-security (Wasn't a "security" update?)01:39
on3pkI'm having problems with apt.  I get an error: E: The package linux-headers-5.15.0-58 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.  I tried to use apt-cache rdepends to see what depends on that package, but nothing came up.  Is there a way to tell apt to not worry about that package?01:40
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quidnuncsarnold: Thanks for the help01:42
sarnoldquidnunc: all the security updates get mirrored to the -updates pocket of the repositories as part of the update publication process, so that security updates *can* come from closer sources than security.ubuntu.com01:42
sarnoldquidnunc: did you get it sorted out?01:42
marcopolo1AM I safe if i use ubuntu01:42
marcopolo1or is it safer to stick to windows01:43
quidnuncsarnold: Yeah, the real problem was that lunar-security didn't have universe01:43
quidnuncso when the security update in main came down sqlformat was uninstalled and I couldn't reinstall it because the update was in lunar-security universe01:44
quidnuncsarnold: All fixed now01:44
sarnoldquidnunc: sweeeeet! :D good job01:45
sarnoldthis confused the hell out of me, nice work01:45
quidnuncBut boy was that difficult to figure out, and I don't think universe and multiverse and in lunar-security by default01:45
quidnuncsarnold: Thanks again01:46
sarnoldquidnunc: it's funny you mention that, the other day someone said that universe and multiverse are configured by default, and I thought they weren't..01:46
quidnuncsarnold: Well my system is pretty old, maybe things have changed01:46
sarnoldon3pk: my guess is that your kernel packages were removed from the mirrors because they're pretty old https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2023-April/042552.html -- this has caused a fair amount of frustration, eg https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2023-May/042565.html https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2023-June/042589.html01:47
sarnoldquidnunc: heh yeah, moving forward a bunch of releases *usually* works okay, but sometimes it's just weird01:47
quidnuncI think they had a commented out line for universe and multiverse for *main* but not -security01:47
sarnoldmarcopolo1: run whatever you're more comfortable with and know how to operate safely01:48
sarnoldon3pk: you can grab old packages via launchpad, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa2/+build/2545214101:49
* ooberbanana waves01:54
kotgcHello, anyone know how to use the $500 Ubuntu Pro support.  I've received no replies to contact us questions in 1 week.  I've also asked for a code to add this machine, but nothing?02:13
kotgcI've also called the numbers and left messages, but no responses?02:13
explodesYou've paid $500 for support, but haven't been able to reach anybody?02:26
on3pksarnold I had to step out for a bit.  I'll see what that does02:45
sarnoldon3pk: heh, me too .. and now, weekend :)02:45
sarnoldsomeone tell kotgc to use https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard when he returns02:46
on3pk[the system is very slow]02:47
on3pkok, I added that repo, ran sudo apt-get update, and still get an error02:48
on3pkI was hoping there was a way to simply remove the package as something the system requires02:49
al1r4d> You've paid $500 for support, but haven't been able to reach anybody?03:04
al1r4di'm laughing xD03:04
dabblerWhen I install the "tested" proprietary Nvidia driver (v. 390) suggested by Ubuntu for my hybrid-graphics MacBook Pro, I get this: https://www.imgpaste.net/image/KgMa4a  (During boot, after loading the Nvidia kernel module there's graphical corruption across the top of the screen and no further screen updates.) Before I do the work of rolling back the change, can anyone suggest any tweaks (e.g. kernel options?) I might try to see03:10
dabblerif that fixes the problem?03:10
dabblerI'm also curious what exactly is meant by a proprietary driver labeled by Ubuntu as "tested". Does that mean tested specifically with my model of GPU?03:14
Bashing-omdabbler: 390 version driver is real old - maybe verify the correct driver. What shows - lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - and I check.03:15
dabblerBashing-om: yes. My laptop is a 2012 model. Will I get accurate output of I run that command from an Ubuntu 22.04 server ISO?03:19
Bashing-omdabbler: Yeah - the hardware will be the same.03:19
dabblerCool. Wasn't sure whether the software would be03:20
dabblerRemind me a command to pipe it to a pastebin site?03:21
Bashing-omdabbler: lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' | nc termbin.com 999903:23
dabblerThat's right! thanks03:24
dabblerBashing-om: https://termbin.com/fksj03:25
Bashing-omdabbler: looking and checking.03:26
Bashing-omdabbler: Nvidia says to use the 418 version driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/153717/en-us/.03:29
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-41803:30
ubottunvidia-driver-418 (430.50-0ubuntu3, lunar): Transitional package for nvidia-driver-430. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-430. Size 7 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64.)03:30
dabblerBashing-om: ah, interesting. That was an alternative listed by Ubuntu's tool, but it said "server" and didn't say tested03:32
dabblerI'll give it a try. Do you have any influence on what the Ubuntu tool recommends?03:33
Bashing-omdabbler: ' I rely on what the kenel wants to do - purge the present driver and run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' - Let the kernel choose the driver.03:34
dabblerOk. I wonder which it'll choose03:35
Bashing-omdabbler: see the above bots output - where I do ecpect the 430 version driver.03:35
dabblerBashing-om: autoinstall picks 39003:38
dabblerYay, a third contender haha03:39
dabblerI'll try the one Nvidia suggests first, then try 39003:39
Bashing-omdabbler: well ! color me surprised ! Now I do not know what to advise :(03:39
dabblerI'm following there's instructions to chroot into my system from my Ubuntu ISO: https://askubuntu.com/a/166010  When I try to do the mount commands in step 9, though, I'm getting "unable to allocate pty: no such device"04:19
dabblerEven if I try the devpts one first, I still get that error04:20
dabblerShould I bind /dev/pts to the "host" system's before I chroot?04:25
Bashing-omdabbler: Lots have changed since 2012 :( .. Mind ya I have no Mac experience but try after mounting commands: ' for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done ' thjem do the change root ' sudo chroot /mnt '.04:30
dabblerI've already bound /dev to the host's. On second thought, why wouldn't that take care of /dev/pts?04:38
kotgcHello, anyone know how I can connect my bridge br1 to enp2s0?  Starting the vm automatically connects br1 to vnet1?05:24
kotgcip -c a https://dpaste.org/vSk2t05:24
kotgcbridge link https://dpaste.org/fzKbL05:24
kotgccat https://dpaste.org/KG9bS05:24
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Bashing-omkotgc: old: " < sarnold> someone tell kotgc to use https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard when he returns"05:26
kotgcBashing-om, thanks, I tried that with the $500 USD/yr but no response after 1 week via email or phone?05:28
bobbycharleshello, testing my new ubuntu install06:18
bobbycharlesis anyone there06:20
al1r4dhello bobbycharles07:05
jar-elHi, I still have this problem:07:06
jar-elit mentions I have to select "6 channel" in alsamixer but that option is not there07:06
jar-elI also tried already the suggestion with the two config files but that also didn't work out. I saw the extra option in the sound settings, but the sound was still coming through my monitor07:07
dabblerbobbycharles: yes07:09
dabblerBashing-om: apparently when I told it to install Nvidia driver version 319, it actually installed 390, which is the one ubuntu-drivers autoinstall chooses07:11
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dabblerHow can I fix a kernel version mismatch between my Ubuntu ISO and the system I'm chrooted into? I'm trying to install a driver and it's failing to configure the packages because it's looking for /lib/modules content related to the ISO's kernel version rather than the one installed on the mounted system07:50
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namefulhi all.how can i bring the 'alt-tab' function in 20.04.6  ?09:33
jar-elnameful: I had the same, it changed back to super-tab, just change it again in the keyboard shortcuts to alt-tab for Switch applications09:36
namefuljar-el, tnx mate09:36
jar-elnp :)09:37
namefulhi all,im trying to analyze the apt log made during the upgrade from 18 to 20,how can i produce another apt log to see if the errors (ie: breaks on blah blah) are gone ?09:40
EriC^^nameful: if you run 'sudo apt-get -f install' it should show if the system is consistent and apt all good09:41
namefulEriC^^, ok,will try now09:42
namefulEriC^^,  the focal,focal 1.1.9-3 all [upgradable from: 1.1.3-1] seems upgraded now.unlike few hours back.. is it normal for the nautilus-admin to kept back from updating09:45
EriC^^!info nautilus-admin focal09:46
ubottunautilus-admin (1.1.9-3, focal): Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations. In component universe, is optional. Built by nautilus-admin. Size 10 kB / 67 kB09:46
EriC^^nameful: dont have it installed, alot of packages get held back these days, "apt-cache policy nautilus-admin" should show "phased %" or something09:47
namefulayt ill remove it via synaptic.. i only use it when i browse and edit some files that needs admin rights.whats the alt then for nautilus  ?09:48
EriC^^it should still work i guess, just the version is held back09:51
namefulEriC^^,  should i mark it for removal or complete removal,files affected are pretty much same when choosing among the 2 option09:51
EriC^^just keep it, soon it'll be phased completely and not held back09:52
namefulayt.tnx mate. tnx ol  :)09:53
EriC^^np :)09:53
rootfuck you bitch10:17
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al1r4dBtw, where i can find ubuntu kernel for virtual server?11:16
oerheks!info  linux-image-virtual11:21
ubottulinux-image-virtual (, lunar): Virtual Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 8 kB / 14 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)11:21
al1r4dThank you :)11:34
viktorf772hello !11:50
BluesKajHi all13:07
al1r4dAny debloat script for ubuntu server?13:46
oerheks'debloat script' ... what do you mean with that?14:43
oerhekswhat is installed with the server iso, that you don' t like?14:44
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yasirhow is everyone16:20
lotuspsychjeoerheks: maybe al1r4d means a decrapifier like on windows for long time used systems to get rid of junk17:19
lotuspsychjeal1r4d: if thats what you mean, bleachbit could be an idea17:19
oerheksjust a server contains nothing, to delete.17:20
oerheksabnd when i read 'bloated' i do not take it serious17:21
lotuspsychjeprob :p17:21
aokjsWhen I plug my Pixel 5 via USB-C to Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS it repeadly starts charging and disconnects, around two or three times a second. A USB-C external SSD works fine with the same port. The phone connected to another port with a USB-A adaptor works fine too. Why does it fail for USB-C?19:29
aokjsAlso, syslog shows no new lines.19:30
aokjsAlso, the same phone works fine with USB-C on other devices.19:30
jeremy31aokjs: monitor in terminal when plugging in with>  sudo dmesg -w19:31
aokjsI saw nothing monitoring it with something like `tail -f /var/log/dmesg`but I will try this.19:32
oerheksunlock your phone before plugging in19:35
aokjsoerheks: I will try this. Thanksf or the suggestion!19:37
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jonathanHey. Is there a way to assign swap space to a gpu in ubuntu? Apparently that's a thing in windows.22:11
jonathanAlso in alpine linux they seem to be able to do it.22:11
oerheksjonathan, interesting, any URL?22:22
jonathanoerheks: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Swap_on_video_RAM22:23
jonathanI haven't tried it22:23
jonathanoerheks: ohhh. I think this is to use video ram as swap space22:25
jonathanNot to use swap space for video ram itself.22:25
oerheksoh oke, zram in vram22:26
oerhekssneaky, also used to hide keys.22:26
jonathanI'm building a designer PC but it wont be ready until December. I really don't want to rent resources from an online provider.22:26
Guest12Hi guys, Im using Pop_OS! but I want to change the DE to free up ram, its using Gnome with PopOS theme, can I safely change the DE without breaking something important23:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/23:39
Guest12Its running Ubuntu 22.04 under da hood23:45
rboxthe hood is irrelevnet23:46
Guest12So basically its ubuntu 22.04 with Gnome23:46
Guest12Just wondering if changing the DE would break anything23:46
rboxthere is no "basically"23:47
rboxits either ubuntu or its not23:47
rboxand in this case, it's not23:47
Guest12Its literally Ubuntu 22.04 with Gnome23:48
rboxthere is no "literally" either23:48

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