[00:25] santa_: looks like I missed neochat and kio-admin being added to gear 23.04, so there are now matic staging branches in git for those to be updated as well [00:26] *mantic [00:26] o/ RikMills [00:27] RikMills: there's a bunch more missing, you can find out by exectuing ka-update-metata, thanks of also adding those [00:27] at the moment the apps are being rebuild in the PPA, I will check the remaining bits to do tomorrow [00:27] clivejo: o/ [00:28] santa_: as far as I know the other missing apps don't have a source is the archive yet [00:28] neochat and kio-admin did, but I missed them [00:28] aha [00:36] RikMills: uploaded to staging PPA, ka-metadata updated [00:37] the binary packages that shoudln't be there seem to be gone from the apt lists [00:37] meaning I could finally test the kdepim dist-upgrade properly tomorrow [00:37] I expect it to be either fine out of the box or fine after a couple of packaging adjustments [13:22] Hi all [15:41] good afternoon everyone [15:42] quick update from my front: [15:42] - kde gear 23.04.1 re-uploaded to the staging PPA, doing some small adjustments to fix the incoming FTFBS'es [15:43] - fw 5.107.0 being uploaded to the staging PPA now [15:44] - pending: finish the repack support for KA + push the local workaround I have for the bug mentioned yesterday [15:48] great. what about ghostwriter? [15:48] & marble symbols [15:56] RikMills[m]: ghostwriter is pending on KA support for repack to be finished, about marble symbols I had the impression there was an ABI break. what is you current practice for non-fw libraries with this? just update the symbols files anyway? [16:01] on marble I think I have given up caring. also if there is a real abi break then we are early enough in the cycle to get bug reports if this is so [16:02] I have also not seen any obvious complains on distros that have just shipped it as is [16:03] though I admit I am not as in touch as I was say 6 months ago [16:03] well, nobody on earth complains about ABI breaks anymore :P [16:04] I will have another look today, in any case for not-very-popular libraries, just updating the symbols files should be acceptable, or, at least, kind of acceptable imho [16:05] yeah [16:19] fw build status: http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/ka-iron-hand_reports/frameworks_staging/5.107.0_mantic_retry_builds.pdf [16:19] apps build status: http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/ka-iron-hand_reports/applications_staging/23.04.1_mantic_retry_builds.pdf [16:19] note: LP is being a bit slow at the moment